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Flood control? All it is is when your computer gets all confused...then they make you wait....I think.

I can ether like it or dislike it...wich ever one you want me to!


Flood control? All it is is when your computer gets all confused...then they make you wait....I think.
I can ether like it or dislike it...wich ever one you want me to!

No, the admin can put flood control on and off. It's very annoying to me. Are you going to sign??

Don't you just hate flood control?? Well I do. Please post if you agree with me.
Flood control is there for a reason, you know. Otherwise spammers would spam a million times without waiting in between. When they have to wait, moderators can delete the spam and warn the member quicker. It also stops some people from double posting on accident. So it may be annoying, but it's stopped many spammers.


It's a reason it's there...flood control is when you post in less than 30 seconds, and if there was no flood control, 1 person could make about 100 posts in about 3 minutes if they wanted to..whoch is very bad.and causes a person's computer lag...and eventually..freeze.

In addition to Mimitchilover and Sofie, if you type something in less than 30 seconds, it's most proberly not going to be worth posting. :furawatchi:

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No, I'm actually against this petition.

My post said that if you've made a post in under 30 seconds from your last post, it's proberly not worth posting at all.


No, I'm actually against this petition.My post said that if you've made a post in under 30 seconds from your last post, it's proberly not worth posting at all.

Oh. But I thought that meant that you agree with it. If you don't agree with this don't make a reply!

Lets see.. would you want spam, spam and more spam? More spam then spam lite?
Nu-uh.. I don't think so.
V.V Yeah, do you really want that?

I'm against this petition. Flood Control helps it

so you won't double post. People do it anyways, but it stops

a fair ammount of it.

V.V It's annoying seeing you triple post!

Now, I'm getting a guide to close this.

No matter how much you hate it, it's there for a reason.

If you didn't want our opinions on how we would not like it,

you should have included it in the topic.

V.V It's annoying seeing you triple post!Now, I'm getting a guide to close this.

No matter how much you hate it, it's there for a reason.

If you didn't want our opinions on how we would not like it,

you should have included it in the topic.
I didn't tripple post. Why is everyone being so mean?? And all I'm saying is if you dn't agree don't post because it's annoying. :wacko:

I didn't tripple post. Why is everyone being so mean?? And all I'm saying is if you dn't agree don't post because it's annoying. <_<


This is weird my v pet wont wake up it been sleeping for 1 hr! does it do that i just got my tamagotchi today at Target



PunkGurl64 :wacko: :ph34r: :wacko:

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