Petition to get the Keitai Tamagotchi now online


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We have seen many requests from people who would like the new Keitai Tamagotchi (see Natasja's review here) to be released outside of Japan... We thought it would be a good idea to start a petition in hopes of getting Bandai's attention (since they don't often respond to individual emails) so that the Keitai is released everywhere else.

So stop on over to and enter your name then tell your friends and other Tamagotchi fans to do the same. Hopefully we can make our voices heard!

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Oh crap!

When I signed the petition, I didn't change the age, so it says I'm 14 when I'm really 20 ><. Is there someone "on the inside" who can correct that for me? Thanks ^^


When I signed the petition, I didn't change the age, so it says I'm 14 when I'm really 20 >
Uh-oh... Don't know if I can change that easily... I'll see what I can do but cant promise anything... You might have to relive the past 6 years of your life.

Nooooooooooo!! ><

Things are just starting to get good! ^^ It isn't really that horrid if you can't. I just don't like the idea of signing a petition with "falsified info" even if it WAS by accident. I figure that Bandai needs to see a good sample of the demographics of the tama-devotees so they know that not ALL people who like them are "just kids". But don't go to a whole lot of trouble if you have no way around it. I look 14 anyway :angry:

I think it will work, i mean how many people asked for tamagotchi to be brought back and it was. I also read somewhere that the reason Bandai brought back tamagotchi was because they needed to make more money since they didnt seem to be making much in the last couple of years, and decided to bring back tamagotchi. Lol well wateva the reason its all good :wub:

Oh you KNOW I signed...I had to pay 198.95 for my keitai pair on ebay but I guess it is worth it for two rare tama's since I am collector extrodinaire, lol

I just signed the petition. I ordered a Red Keitai from ebay and I am absolutely loving it. There are more games, the vendor comes and you can buy toys and food for your pet. And you get gotchi money for winning at the games. It's really neat. So cool in fact that I had to get another so I could connect them and get more cool presents!

Having it only in Japanese has its drawbacks. I have no clue what I named my little girl. It's all in japanese charaters(writing) I went with some thing that looked pretty! LOL...englush versions would be really great!

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