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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2006
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Title says it all. It could be a fear,discomfort, ect. This topic died down a while back and I want it to be popular again.

I have a HORRIBLE fear of vomiting. HORRIBLE. I got that fear when I was in 3rd GRADE. Long time ago, lolz.

I also have a fear of peanut butter. I'm allergic, so there's no suprise. It's not life threatning, but my allergist gave me... *shutters* and EPI-PEN. Scary o_O. He said I had it all my life, but I've eaten peanut products before, and nothing happened.

I have the same fear of vomiting, which I developed in second grade after I got the flu. D: Emetiphobia, I think it was called..?

I also have a terrible fear of spiders above the size of a quarter. Or really any bug over the size of a quarter.

I have the same fear of vomiting, which I developed in second grade after I got the flu. D: Emetiphobia, I think it was called..?
I also have a terrible fear of spiders above the size of a quarter. Or really any bug over the size of a quarter.

I had that to. But I got rid of it a couple of months ago.

I sort of have a fear of vomiting

I have a fear of worst case scenarios. I always think of them, and then i get scared because I think Oh my gosh! That could happen in like, 2 minutes!!! and I get seriously freaked out

I have a fear of tall buildings and stuff like that. I'm always afraid they are just going to fall down on me (especially when I go to San Fransisco)

Vomiting, dogs, and the worst............ INJECTIONS. *shutters*

Edit: Also Pnigerophobia- Fear of choking of being smothered.

and i also have a fear of not being able to see when there is great depth beneath me, like if I'm in the middle of a deep lake and I can't see underwater, but I know it's 100's of feet down, like when I go to Lake Travis. Or the Flambuea river that my family owns in Wisconsin.

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I Have...

Belonephobia - Fear of Needles *shudder*(biggest fear)

Can't find it! I saw it before... - Fear of scary men (I know. Your probably thinking either: o_O, O___O, XDDD, or ?_?)

Can't find it - Fear of falling. (I'm Ok with heights, though)


hights (big hightss)

and deep water

clastraphobia - fear of being cramped

my freind has this book called encylopedia horifica

and it has all these weird phobias

like fear of fear

fear of money OMG

and fear of *gasp* standing up

I fear:

The dark



any bug




being alone

pharanormal activity

Ok- what you're about to hear is really pathetic and really embarrassing and i can't believe i'm actually sharing it. please no laughing or rudeness. what i have is an actual phobia - extreme fear. i don't even know why this scares me and thinking about them while not looking at or near one is not scary. Just when i'm around them i shudder and even run and do more than that but won't share my reactions further... I have a phobia of mannequinns. the fake bodies that display clothes in clothing stores. But only the ones that are realistic. the ones with no heads are fine - i have no problem with those. which is weird. it seems that those would be the ones to creep people out. but not me. the mannequinns with hair and eyes and clothes and everything are what i have a phobia of.

spiders, heights, needles( not anymore), vomiting and swallowing pills. and i'm also afraid of every insect species such as crockroaches and beetles and butterflies. and i'm also afraid of playing any sports.

I don't think so...

I'm just always worried (especially when I'm out alone) that I'll be kinapped or shot or something silly... I know you wouldn't call it a phobia.

And... y'know... It could always happen! It happens a lot to people who don't think anything will happen. xD

Umm...should I make a list?

1. Spiders

2. Bananas

3. Heights

4. Needles

5. Lots of blood

6. Throwing up

7. Being in a tight space I can't get out of.

8. Hospitals

9. Any sort of bug that is big and crawls.

10. CLAWS. I hate sharp needlish claws. Especially cat claws.

And don't you lot DARE laugh!

11. Chairs...Yes that's not a typo, chairs.

And I have loads more I won't put down. xD

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i only have two, clowns *SHIVER* and bugs that crawl! but they scare me so bad! i saw this creepy lookin bug and it was crawling on the floor in my room and i ran 3 blocks screaming :| it was so embarrsing no one laugh!

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Arachnephobia. Good grief. I absolutley cannot stand spiders. >_<

I don't mind vomiting or blood or anything - I could be a nurse when I'm older xD

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