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K Time

Well-known member
Oct 4, 2009
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Okay, well there was this one topic on phobias a while back. The last post was in August.

I'm sure this isn't quite the same as the fears topic in Seriously NonTT, but I may be wrong.

Anyway, I have four phobias. Hemophobia, Globophobia, Entomophobia, and Acrophobia.

Globophobia is the VERY RARE fear of balloons. I cannot stand to be near them. Even if I see them just there, not being held by anything, I'm still pretty convinced it's gonna hit something and pop. I swear, if you ever come near me with a balloon, I will punch you.

Hemophobia is the fear of blood. I'm okay seeing myself bleed, and if someone else is bleeding a little I'm fine. But if I see someone bleeding huge amounts, I feel like I'm going to be sick.

Entomophobia is the fear of bugs and insects. I'm okay with seeing bugs outside (with the exception of worms, caterpillars, moths, and spiders) but any bug I see in the house, I beg for someone to kill it. This really sucks for me because we always have a swarm of ladybugs in my house every spring.

Acrophobia is the fear of heights. It's not really like I'm afraid of them, it's just every time I'm up high, or even standing on the ground looking straight up at something tall, my knees start to shake, and I feel dizzy and it's like I'm about to puke.

But enough about my many phobias. What phobia's do you have?

EDIT: Forgot to comment that Globophobia is a very rare phobia ._.

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Hemophobic - Blood. I'm terrified. For some reason it's okay on me but if I see blood anywhere else I feel so sick. One time my rabbit cut his foot somehow and there was blood in his hutch thing. My mom told me to wipe it up quick so she could see why he was bleeding. I felt like crying and I couldn't do it. I started to topple over. I never have passed out though. x____x

Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders. My gosh. I can't even explain how deep that fear is to me. kthxbai.

Tornado phobia - o_o Terrified.

And then my other big fears are snakes and sharks. But I wouldn't call them phobias. Just big big fears.

I hate my phobias with a passion. Considering they're common things.

Arachnophobia - The most common of all phobias. THis was bough on because when I was 6 I was in my Grandparent's backyard, and I was climbing their giant tree. I climbed up another branch, turned around to see the view, and right in my face was a giant spider and spiderweb. D;

Emetophobia - The fear of vomiting. I don't mind if I vomit, but if I am in the same room as someone who throws up, I will too. Or have a panic attack if I stay near them.

Okay, well there was this one topic on phobias a while back. The last post was in August.I'm sure this isn't quite the same as the fears topic in Seriously NonTT, but I may be wrong.

Anyway, I have four phobias. Hemophobia, Globophobia, Entomophobia, and Acrophobia.

Globophobia is the fear of balloons. I cannot stand to be near them. Even if I see them just there, not being held by anything, I'm still pretty convinced it's gonna hit something and pop. I swear, if you ever come near me with a balloon, I will punch you.

Hemophobia is the fear of blood. I'm okay seeing myself bleed, and if someone else is bleeding a little I'm fine. But if I see someone bleeding huge amounts, I feel like I'm going to be sick.

Entomophobia is the fear of bugs and insects. I'm okay with seeing bugs outside (with the exception of worms, caterpillars, moths, and spiders) but any bug I see in the house, I beg for someone to kill it. This really sucks for me because we always have a swarm of ladybugs in my house every spring.

Acrophobia is the fear of heights. It's not really like I'm afraid of them, it's just every time I'm up high, or even standing on the ground looking straight up at something tall, my knees start to shake, and I feel dizzy and it's like I'm about to puke.

But enough about my many phobias. What phobia's do you have?
I have a friend my age who scared of bugs and clowns. As for me I'd have to say escalators and Miley Cyrus o.o.

Arachnophobia - The most common of all phobias. This was brought on because when I was 6 I was in my Grandparent's backyard, and I was climbing their giant tree. I climbed up another branch, turned around to see the view, and right in my face was a giant spider and spiderweb. D;
Emetophobia - The fear of vomiting. I don't mind if I vomit, but if I am in the same room as someone who throws up, I will too. Or have a panic attack if I stay near them.
Exactly the same phobias - although I didn't develop mine in the same way. My Arachnophobia is getting better now but when I used to see large spiders I would go into hysterics and start crying.

I have a phobia of airplanes.

I'm not afraid of flying in them, but seeing one from the outside makes me panic, feel like screaming and hiding somewhere. It doesn't matter how far away it is either.

Helicopters don't bother me, however.

Emetophobia - Fear of vomitting. To me it's thhe worst feeling in the world.

Hydrophobia - Fear of water. I used to have an extreme fear of it but now it's not as extreme but if you touch me while I'm swimming I will freak out. I hate people who think it's funny to push me under, they don't find it funny after I claw them to get back to the surface.

Aichmophobia- Fear of needles or pointed objects Those things make me run for the hills.

Equinophobia - Fear of horses. Those things are scary.

Eremophobia - Fear of being alone. I can only be alone for a short time before I freak.

I'm sure I have heaps more.

1. Fear of insects - Ask any of my friends and family members. I freak out and scream my head off at the sight of a fly.

2. Fear of vomiting - I start screaming and crying when I puke. I feel like puking if someone else pukes. Ew.

3. Fear of failure - I'm a perfectionist and an overachiever. 'Nuff said.

4. Fear of being alone - I'm okay if my parents leave me home alone for the day, but for long periods of time... no.


- Fear of long words xDD


I have major fear of insects... I saw a lady bug outside and screamed...

Also spiders.

And crossing birdges.

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Arachnophobia- fear of spiders

Coulrophobia-Fear of clowns

claustrophobia- fear of small spaces, its fine if im alone, but if im with someonelse in a small space, i just freak out

I also have an extreme subconcious fear of deep and dark water, bad experiences as a toddler

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Pyrophobia - Fear of fire.

Pteromerhanophobia- Fear of flying.

Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of going to school. xD Just joking. xDD

Screamerphobia-Fear of those pop-up screamers D':

MileyCyrusphobia-YOU ALL KNOW O:<

NickCambellPhobia-PM me and I shall explain

Melissaphobia-A fear of Bees.Yes.I will freak if one comes near O:<


Homeworkphobia: GUESS D:<

I'm actually scared of Michael Jackson. As you can tell, in recent months I've been having a lot of stress from it. ;)

I'm also afraid of falling out with members of my family. They are more important to me than you could possibly imagine. When I do fall out with them or they get mad at me, I feel as if I've let them down...

Tama :unsure: Phantom

^ That reminded me of my person phobia.

I am extremely terrified of Kevin Bacon. I can't watch any movie he's in because he scares me really bad.

I also can't watch the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory because it gives me nightmares. The original Oompa Loompas terrify me beyond words.

And this comes from a girl who loves nothing more than a gruesome horror movie.

Emetophobia - Fear of Vomiting. One of my biggest fears.

Arachnephobia - Fear of spiders. I never used to be afraid. Now they scare me. xD

Altophobia - Fear of Heights. I'm not exactly sure if I have this phobia. I'm not up to high places often, but when I am, I feel like I'm going to fall down and die.

Fear of birds: I'm not sure why, it just started one day.

Fear of blood; Makes me pass out. Simple as that. So whenever my friends or I get paper cuts, I can't look at them.

Fear of Needles; I have a major fear of anything sharp that could puncture my skin. The thought of it makes me go into an anxiety attack.

My fears send me into panic/anxiety attacks a lot. I pass out, then vomit. It's not very amusing.

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