Phones and water...?


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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
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I went swimming for about an hour and a half (9-10:30).

I was on a flpoaty boat with my phone in my backpocket. My sister did flash me so I ended up soaked from the chest down. My phone was in my backpocket....

It's a touch screen, has a stylus and it wasn't working when I got out. I freaked out. I'm home now and I've removed the battery, chip, stylus, and back covering. I've dried them with a towel and let all parts of my phone dry separately.

Do you know if phones can actually still work after being wet that long?

Do you have any similar stories? What happened to your phone/iPod/whatever?

-Ohh. And this happened to my camera. My friend spilt water on it but it was working 24 hours later. It wasn't submerged though. Do phones and cameras work similary? Does anyone know?

I was running with my dad's Motorola Razr in my pocket then it fell out of my pocket and into a giant puddle. But that wasnt a problem, it was already suffering water damage.

I've done this a million times. Don't worry. I take the phone apart, dry it off, leave it for a day, then put it back together, plug it into the charger, and turn it on.

I did that when I had my RAZR, no accidents with my iPhone, yet. I guard it with my life. Quite literally.

I did this with a Criket Phone... that thing was horrible, but there were never any overages so that was good. But over than that, it wasn't working right away, it took for the entire thing to dry out

and this has also happened to me with several house phones... my mom does it though, same deal, take them apart to dry out, and maybe put a small fan next tot em as they rest on a dry towel, to absorb excess.

My phone has survived falling down the toilet, going swimming with me, being dropped in puddles, even being left out in the snow over night + more.

It's a trooper but I can tell it's dying slightly. It'll be sad to see it go.

My phone has not yet been dropped.

But my camera --- no. It broke from being flung and dropped in a puddle. It was very upsetting, really. So if phones and cameras are alike, than it's possible it'll die. If it's high-tech, like an iPhone or iPod Touch, than it's quite likely it'll survive.

Well, my aunt did the same thing, only she was in an inner tube for about an hour...

She had to get a new phone. Hers wasn't a touch though. It was...I'm not sure.

I had an LG chocolate that would always get finger prints on it. So I would spray windex on it xDD

Eventually it started glitching, erasing all of my pictures, videos, sounds, ect. The ones that were left were corrupted and onlyt had half of the picture. I had to get a new phone.

i dropped my ds in a puddle once, and dropped it down stairs, and i worked just fine after that (the top screen was broken, though)

not sure how this relates to phones, but i think its a little similar.

My phone has not yet been dropped.
But my camera --- no. It broke from being flung and dropped in a puddle. It was very upsetting, really. So if phones and cameras are alike, than it's possible it'll die. If it's high-tech, like an iPhone or iPod Touch, than it's quite likely it'll survive.
Mmm. iPhones don't make it.

My parent's friend dropped his iPhone in coffee and it was gone. ):

My phone's like the VU. Except my dad got in Hong Kong. So it's like the Asian VU. I love it so if it dies I'll be sad.

Feebee--I'll try that. And keep your iPhone safe. This is the first time I forgot to keep my phone safe. Stupid new pool.

My brother had our cell phone in his pocket when he run to the neighbor's house then it fell out off his pocket (and he didn't notice it) into the snow (it was winter). A couple days later my mom's like "Where is your phone?" and we had no clue where it was. About a couple weeks later we were playing outside and then my sister found it. It survived though!

We still have that same phone to this very moment! I'm not sure what is going to happen to your phone, though. Hope it works later!!!!!

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