Pictures of you and your Tama


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my tama


I hope this works I've never done it before.

Okay. Please excuse the totally stupid expression on my face - I just took this at work with my camera phone. So, a masterpiece it ain't!

Me and Chloe

And here is my little Chloe by herself She's the fuzzy little dot down in the bottom right corner. Actually, I think she's rolled over on her head then.


Okay, here's a better picture of Chloe: :D

Real Chloe ;) )

Lookin' to see more of you guys!

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RoboJoe I couldn't see your pic of you, only the one of your Tama! I have the same one!

Everyone else, great pics! :)

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Oh! lol! :) hey you have your mouth covered in that pic too! are you hiding something? Lol!
lol i didn't notice that!! wow... um... i dunno why.

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