Pie Poll


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Paisley 520

Well-known member
Jun 5, 2006
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:) Do you like pie? I do! I'm the #1 PIE lover in the world! Pie is good! My favorite flavor is Banana Cream Pie. When I'm sick it's the only thing I'll eat.

~Leah~ :blink:

I do not like pie. The crust is usually good, but the stuff in the middle is soft and water and smushy and it makes me gag.

I LOOOVE PIE! I like lots of kinds of pie.

Pumpkin Pie

Chocolate Pie

Cherry Pie

Blueberry Pie

Ok maybe that's not a lot of kinds of pie but they're all yummy yummy!


I do not like pie. The crust is usually good, but the stuff in the middle is soft and water and smushy and it makes me gag.
Exactly what my opinion is. Except for Keylime Pie, now thats good stuff!

Haha. I had chocolate pie earlier.. Yum... ^^

Oh. Yeah. Well, I think pie is OK every once in a while.

I do not like pie. The crust is usually good, but the stuff in the middle is soft and water and smushy and it makes me gag.
Me neither. But chocolate pie is good, I guess.

Some people say they like pie just because it's a funny word [i'm not saying that anyone who likes pie is like that.] I wonder why it's funny somehow.

PIE!PIE! I love it!!! *waves on a mountain of pie*

My favourites are:

Chocolate pie

Apple pie

Blueberry pie


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I love Pie! Pie is cool! Pie beats drool! (and dirt) My favirottes are apple, cherry, blueberry, pecan, pumpkin, key lime, and I think thats it (except for peach cobler if thats a pie)

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