Piggy Banks.


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Painted Windows

Well-known member
Oct 3, 2009
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Do you have piggy banks? How much do you feed him everyday? xD Where do you get the money that you're putting in it?

Yes. I have a piggy bank but its not a pig. It's a bear. xD Its a red bear bank. I'm feeding him 2-5 Pesos (Philippine Money). Sometimes, I don't feed him at all. I get the money from my left lunch money. Sometimes from house chores and dad. xD

What about you? : )

i have a small piggy bank! his name is Piggy JR I feed him about 1-5 dollars once in a while and i pet him alot :rolleyes:

I used to collect piggy banks :D

I still use them sometimes. I have one from Tennesse, it's pink, one from Florida, which is blue and red, and one from New York, which is white and red, one that I made, it's pink with scribbles of paint and stuff, one from Kentucky, which is black and green, and another one from Florida which is blue and has bubbles on it. ;p

Whenever I find some random change somewhere, I put it in my pocket, then if I remember, I'll drop it in one of my piggy banks.

I have one that my grandma painted. She's really a quite adorable pig. xD

On one side it says: "Krystal"

And on the other it says: "Vacation money"

I hardly use her, but I treasure her now that my grandma is gone.

I dont have a piggy bank ): Honestly, I just stuff my money in my drawers... xD

I have a few. One is a giant crayon and I put a dollar a week in it. When it comes to Christmas time mum matches us dollar for dollar that we save.

I have a small blue one that is a mini locker type thing and I put all my spare change in there and to avoid spending too much money if I ever have $30+ in my wallet I put the extra in it. I have about $150 in there at the moment and I only got it 6 weeks ago.

I have several others I use occasionally if I'm saving for something specific.

Do you have piggy banks? How much do you feed him everyday? xD Where do you get the money that you're putting in it?
Yes. I have a piggy bank but its not a pig. It's a bear. xD Its a red bear bank. I'm feeding him 2-5 Pesos (Philippine Money). Sometimes, I don't feed him at all. I get the money from my left lunch money. Sometimes from house chores and dad. xD

What about you? : )
I don't have a piggy bank. I have a magic changebox.

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My very first one was a big purple bear.

Because I was very young when I got it I kept feeding it all sorts of stuff like rocks and old buttons.

About five years ago I got a really nice one from the Brick.

Err, it's like a big turquoise car with a fairy behind the wheel.

It had a license plate that said "M<3M" (MOM) on it.

I also had one from the dollar store and it was really small and white.

Kind of like the souvenirs you get in gift shops.

I don't have a piggy bank. I have a monkey bank :D

I never used to put money in him. I never used him at all.

I have no idea where he is, now....

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I have one that's like a dog house lol and it has a little mirror on it and a doggy staring into the mirror. It's really cute. You put the money in the top of the house.

I try to put in money everyday, from five cents to however much I have lying around LOL. :) It's my money that I'm not allowed to spend haha. I have like heaps by Christmas :)

I have none.

I have no pocket money.

I only have bus money.

B-B-B-BUT! I have a bank account with about $30 or so :)

No piggy banks for me though haha!

Putting pigs in a bank is animal cruelty

I don't have one. Because I see no point in saving any money, when I have no will-power to stop myself from spending money on random useless things.

I got one from my grandmother and ir is a plain, pig, green one. I found more but different colored ones at the store so now I have a whole farm. Since I don't get a whole bunch of money each day. I have a HUGE jar of pennies I keep, they each get three, three times a day, lunch breakfast,amd dinner. I have a green one, a orange one, a blue one, a pink one, and a red one. They all look the same except fro their tails and the blue one has pointed ear, unlike the rest of them.

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