Pimples. Blackheads


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omg i had it really bad l;ike 9 months ago and i started getting them when i was in grade 2 but 9 monthts i went to the doctor and he gave me this stuff: benzoyl peroxide and erythromycin topical and i have 2 put it on 2 times a day for like meany years or somethin but anyway it is almost all gone and it isnt rely expensive or anythin but the bad part is that u have 2 use it for a long time so it wont come bac and it is rely hard on ur skin but it works :p i kno what it is like, anagine how it was 4me...i had it 4 six years doin everything possible 4 it 2 go away and everyone pickin on u is bad 2... ^_^

xox britt xox x

Sometimes blood does come out, well with mine anyways. When you pop a pimple, get hydrogen peroxide and dab it on. It may sting, but that means it's working.

Anyways, I had bad acne problems, but my mom just got me Pro-Active, and it's working great. I highly recomend it.

What I did/do (This mostly helped rid me of my skin problems, but I still do it) was used a face scrub (I used to use proactiv, but I think St. Ives apricot scrub works just as well) and got some benzol peroxide (prescribed by a doctor, I think the prescription costs fifteen dollars everytime, and I get a new thing of it about once every six weeks) called Benza Clin (I don't think the type really matters). And if my face felt too dry I used a moisturizing lotion along with it. For blackheads, use a pore strip, and that should help.

I just use cream everyday to take away those evil pimples and zits. It always work and that avoids future acne. I've also known that stress can give you more acne. I'm always calm and my mom isn't that's why she always have acne, she is always stressing out. Boo to the acne!

I also have one question: What is blackhead, and how does it look like?

I've used everything that you could imagine.

'The Body Shop's Tea Tree and Witch Hazel' cleanser and toner keeps your face soft and clean. But it did'nt heal my pimples at all.

And I've used Proactiv before, and it worked for me. It took a while, though. ;)

I wash my face 2 times a day, use toner, do a Proactiv mask 3 times a week, use medication every night, and wear foundation and concealer every day.

It's been a crazy thing to do, but I'll do whatever it takes to be pimple-free.

My period (Mind that:p) seems to trigger it.

I reccomend Pore strips- they clean out your pores, which is the key to great skin.

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I've used everything that you could imagine.'The Body Shop's Tea Tree and Witch Hazel' cleanser and toner keeps your face soft and clean. But it did'nt heal my pimples at all.

And I've used Proactiv before, and it worked for me. It took a while, though. ;)

I wash my face 2 times a day, use toner, do a Proactiv mask 3 times a week, use medication every night, and wear foundation and concealer every day.

It's been a crazy thing to do, but I'll do whatever it takes to be pimple-free.

My period (Mind that:p) seems to trigger it.

I reccomend Pore strips- they clean out your pores, which is the key to great skin.
I'm like that. If I do get a spot, it'll be when I'm on a period. But it goes pretty quick like in 2-3 days and it's only one so I'll be fine :p . I don't wear foundation or concealer though because that would most likely give me spots.

My boyfriend gets more spots then me it's if he doesn't shave or if he drinks fizzy pop. He said I don't get spots because my skin isn't oily, and he's is a little oilyer.

i use proactive face mask it works really really really good i mean really really really good

The proactiv Face mask is awesome! :huh: I works really great, and feels good on your skin, too.

Boys always tend to be more oily.

I wear oil- free, Proactiv concealer, so it tends tro be okay for my face. :wacko:

I use Clean and Clear. My sister uses ProActiv becuase she has a lot of pimples. I use C&C for my Baby Acne.

I use AcneFree, which is basically the Walmart brand of Pro-Active. It works about the same (I've used both), although they are both pretty pricy. I usually scrutinize the weekly coupons in my newspaper, and almost ALWAYS there's a 5$ or 10$ off coupon on AcneFree. It works, although I am lazy and I usually forget to do it!

I have acne in all these places (some are gross but I need advice on how to cleanse! And if I use Acnefree on all the places, I'm gonna be using one set every day!):


Scalp Line

General Head





Back (ALLLLLL OVER and they pop themselves at night >_<)



ANYONE have a cure for acne ALL over the body?

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