Pipers Tama log


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2010
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Heya Strangers,

I have four tamagotchis right now two v.4 one v 4.5 and one v 5

This log is only for my v 4 and v 4.5

Andre The v.4 is my baby boy he is an adult he is 29 pounds and 5 years old he has a son whom i will name Damin. He should leave today. sadness. He is a gozarutchi one of my favorites. His wife name is Dj she also has a son and his and she is the V 4.5. Andre is one of my very favorite tamagotchis i will always member him and will be sad when he leaves to tamatown but me and damin will visit you every day Andre love ya kisses and hugs :(

Dj The v 4.5 is my little girl. She is an adult of 32 pounds and 5 years old. she has a son as well and he will be named Neco! after one of my other favorite tama s who was stolen RIP neco She isnt one of my favorites but i love her and will miss her when she leaves. she is a Puramatchi. The one who looks like a iceskater. shes cute and another one of my favorite characters.

I Cant wait to Raise Damin and Neco! there gonna be well taken care of.

Dj- my baby and his brother i no will be in good hands with my mother Piper but ill miss her visit me often Piper


Andre- I love my mommy to death she never pauses me because her school allows her to be with me. Im gonna miss her so much i might cry. By piper visit me in tama town and take care of Damin and neco for me.


Well im going to a superbowl party Addios


Piper <3 :nyatchi:

Me and Andre just played Jumping rope

he got two hundred gotchi points for it and got to 23 i forgot to jump hehe

Then i fed him

Me and dj havent played a game yet she has 4 happy and 4 hungry hearts so shes all good


Andre is still with child. He should of left already. wonder why he hasnt. Neither has dj tho. Hmmmmm? i forgot how long it took 24 hours right well its been 24 hours. oh well they leave when there ready that means more time with my babys anyway haha

i love them


oops i forgot one last thing

Andre got 1600 points in all from king today

and Dj got 900

also andre got two hearts and one snake one poop

Dj got three poop no snakes one heart huh?

Dj is still working as a singer

Andre is also still an anouncer at the tv place byee

Andre and Dj havent left yet but ill give ya a time line

V.4 - the yellow one i have two yellow and pink - : andre>Damin

V 4.5 : Dj > Neco

okay soooo

Andre left *cries* and so did dj were gonna visit them later today

I decided to name the v4 felix instead and the v4.5 neco!

Neco is now a star he evolved today

felix is mohitiachi i think hes the toddler with the mohak

kk thats all byee

nothing been happenen really....

the tamas just ate bread and then the king gave neco cake and felix chocolate

had to pause felix and neco today during three hours of school and last night for two hours but there awake now

Neco- hola everyone

felix- heya strangers

NECO CHANGED like just right now hes a hashitamatchi

hes in the other family felix didnt change yet

YAY felix is a young kutchipatchi he wants to be a kutchipatchi when hes older

Felix- thats true its my dream and then ill marry a beatuiful violetchi

Neco and Felix are bathing so i decided to tel you some exciting news

Im getting a new v4 or V3 or V4.5. IM SO HAPPY neco and felix will be upset they have to share there attention. but they need a sister or there children will. depends if my mom will by me one.so hmm ima look around see what options i have then i wil report if i find one BYEE

ive picked out my new tama

its the v4.5 chocalote argyle super cute cant wait

Neco on the other hand decided that he wants to be a Mametchi lets give him a round of applause.

Neco- Ya mametchi is mommas favorite so i decided that i could give it a shot.

Felix- on another note im still planning for kutchipatchi. Wouldnt it be cool if he was like made of feathers. lol i cant wait to Grow from youngkutchipatchi to kutchipatchi. Mom finished our bedrooms she forgot to tell you that btw shes making us bedrooms. N e way i plan to have a kid around 6 or 7 i want a baby girl.

Okay so that my lil chillens we have to go now we love ya guys

<3 piper, Neco , Felix and , new tama

oooohhhhh i forgot Family tree time


v4 >Andre>Felix

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but mostly to any of my friends

Felix just got a snake in the mail

I feel so bad for him thats not nice at all


Neco dont have mail il post in a min when something exciting happens

Okay...... hello again.


i decided to dedicate this log to caillie she influenced me to make my log and to get a new tama and to name my tamas after tv shows

My v4 the yellow one that im using is starting now going to be named after ................................ Make it or break it

and the v4.5 my lepard print one is after Secret life

and when i get my newest v4.5 it will be after............. Band names/singers Well like the ppl in the bands names.

So for V4 felix at the time the next name will be Damin or Emily

the v4.5 will be amy or ricky

and the new v4.5 will be Haley from paramore or Tay from paramore *taylor york*

Alice and blake just changed into

Alice- ima tororotchi

blake - im a ahirukutchi

maybe i can put an effort into trying to upload a picture

Hello again

So Felix is brushing his teeth. And neco just got make up from the king

Hello Neco is a boy tamaking!

on a brighter note my mom said i could by my v4.5 ima have her do it tonight. Im excited because its like only two states away and hpefully shoud be here only 4 days after we order it. My babys are ready for a new friend and then ill have two v4 and two v4.5 then they can marry each other!!!!

i cant wait for a new baby to come. its so exciting. im wishing it will be a girl. i want a lil sister. - felix

oh ya me to im happy i want a lil brother tho

u guys r talkking like im pregant - me

well tata for now

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[color=purple] HIYA STRANGERS
Felix fell asleep 15 minutes ago. Pretty soon so will neco

[color=blue] *yawns * mom im not even tired.... *eyes start to close* i wanna stay up longer.

i just got a msg from nightcawler

thank you so much i really appreciate that. You are deffinetly awesome.

I paused neco and felix for a while because i was helping with valentines stuff and watched a game at school i was there for 13 hours im TIRED anyway

They are still teens and 2 years old. i should get my new tamagotchi next friday not tomoro. awwww but im excited. well ill post later if anything exciting happens

oh &&

when i get my new tama which should be soon i thought i was gonna get chocalote argyle... but.................. there were nine available and all different the person said he would send a random tamagotchi to me. :) i wont no til i get it. oh wells
