Pixie tamas (different from the introduction) part 1


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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2013
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The story is changed from the introduction. It will be different, OK?

It was one day Mametchi, Memetchi, Kuchipatchi and Lovelitchi was on a trip to a mysterious Island... nobody knew what that island was called. Lovelitchi just won a trip to an island with her tama-friends. Nope. They didn't know what this island had, for this was no other than an island... with a little magic in the air.

"I can see the island in the distance!" Called Memetchi to her friends. The 4 tama-friends were traveling on ship. The island sort of looked like the Amazon jungle. It was covered with surprisingly big trees and steep hills. It was a large island indeed. "That's what you're excited about. I'm excited about the food there-tchi!" said Kuchipatchi, with his stomach growling. "Guys, please calm down. This is going to be a peaceful trip." Said Mametchi."A PEACEFUL TRIP?!" yelled Memetchi in Mametchi's face. "THIS IS NOT A PEACEFUL TRIP!!!!!"​
Lovelitchi sighed and looked out in the distance. Something wasn't right. "Guys," But before Lovelitchi could speak, a HUGE gust of wind blew out, blowing Lovelitchi further away from the ship. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Lovelitchi. But none of the tama friends heard her. They already went in the ship and they couldn't see her. "help... me... please..." Said Lovelitchi quietly as she fainted and was hurled into the trees and bushes of this mysterious island.
"Ugh... ow... my head.... huh?"
Lovelitchi lifted her head up. she found herself wearing a dress made of leaves of all colours, a fairy wand with a heart instead of star and a pair of glorious wings that shone like sunshine.
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