Please dont talk bout tamas :'(


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Active member
Jun 8, 2006
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my tama fell out of my bag and my frend is trying to find i lost it today and now im balling my eyes out if only i left it at home this wouldnt of happen thinking bout it makes me cry ahh well it had to happend one day :'( :p :p :p

oh no when i had my v1 a person i called a mate stole my tamagotchi but in the end i got it back from him he also stole my phone

very sorry for your lost hope u find it

that is awwwwwwwwwwwwwwfffffulllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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mine to i wuz shoping and i drooped it and lost it i got a new thogh if its at your friends house theyll find it trust me they just have to do a little cleaning thats all trust me when 1 1st got my mimi i left it at my friends lost it 2 months later They found it :D :)

oh yes i almost forgot when or if you get a new 1 by a lanyard thats what i did when i lost mine :D :)

last yearsomeone put my tama benith a pile of stuffed animals. a couple days ago I found it. any ways, i now how you feel

please put periods when you write


Z.Z My first V1 fell in the swimming pool, during the holidays U.U'''''

I cried for days, until i came back to Milan and i bought a second one...that now rest in peace somewhere in my old house-

U.u''' now i got a first one ...and i hope i'll last U.U''''

So i can understand Tama_Lover's sadness...u.u''''

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It's O.K. to cry, don't worry it'll be o.k. Try to find comfort in your other tamas (I saw you had others in your signature.).

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