PLEASE HELP ME! I can't connect to make friends!


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Aug 15, 2005
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;) If someone can please help me. I bought 2 tamagotchi version 2's recently and had a tamagotchi version 1 given to me. I can not "make friends" or connect the two. Here are the things I've tried.

- Waiting until they are at least 2

- Making sure I correctly identify if it was a version 1 or 2

- Pressed the B button twice

- Put the IR parts close to one another (still failure)

- I cleaned the top portions off with a cloth to make sure they were clean

- All my Tama's are happy and healthy

Please, someone post to tell me what I'm either doing wrong or not doing at all.

ok... uh try having some one else hold the other tama. make sure u connect in vs 2 or one depending on the one your connecting with and make sure u connect at the same time. When u try and connect it will say stand bye the first time but the you have to click the middle button again so it can connect

I have put them flat on a table surface close together and farther apart. Does that count? Should it be aimed a certain way besdies the IR facing each other?

hmm it should have worked like that but make sure if your a v2 and your connecting with a v1 that you choose the v1 option so u can connect

I did that. I am very sad. I hope they are not broken. I bought 2 new! The version one that was given to me already had someone in their friends list so I know that it has worked in the past. Have you ever experienced difficulty connecting? Should I wait until they are older than 2?

;) I have to go to work now, but I'm going to check my post later. Please, if you read this and you've heard of what I'm talking about... experienced it yourself, or have an answer as to why this is happening PLEASE post a reply. I really do appreciate it (and I'm sure my tamas will too!)

Thanks so much!

Check ya later!

hmmm r u pressing the middle button on both of them when it says stand by?

mabye what you can do, is put them side to side.

or make sure your finger is not in the place were you connect. :furawatchi:

FONT=Times]Check your number of total items-- with connexion 2, at least, you can't connect with another Tamagotchi if you have more than 50 items. (You'll notice that there are other maximum limits, e.g., you can't buy more treats once you have 25 stored.) Getting rid of treats is easy, of course, just send your tamas on a happy binge fest. If you have too many "items", you can delete those by selecting the "friend list" icon and then selecting "present." Next select "item," and then choose an item that you're willing to give up. Instead of answering the prompt "wrap," press button "A." You'll see a "trash" icon on the screen. Press B and select "yes" to finally verify that you want to throw the item away.

Friends on your "friend list" seem to also count towards the 50 item total. Select "friend" from the "friend list" menu and press B and then A to get the option to delete the record of a particular friend. Unless there's some sort of mechanical problem going on, your tamas should connect if your item list is under 50 and you've done every thing you listed to encourage connection. If you can't fix the problem, you should check to see whether Bandai will exchange one or both of your tamas for a working one.

I just noticed one member's comment concerning hitting the "B" button twice on both--- in addition to checking your item totals on both, try connecting your tamas, but press the B button only once after getting the "stand by" screen.

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Just got back from work. I did NOT try hitting the middle button on both when it said connecting. I will try it in the morning. I'll let you know if I'm successful!

THANK EVERYONE! (crossing fingers) I hope it works!


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