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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
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I was going to ask my grandpa for something, so i walked into his room,and on his computer screen were nasty porn pictures.. :mimitchi: ..*shiver*Altough ive never seen him do anythig thats disgusting in anyways, im afraid to tell anyone...I dont know what in the world is going on!

Plase help me!

If he's your mom's father, you should tell your mom (or if he's your dad's father, you should tell your dad) that you went into his room and there were pictures of naked women on his computer screen. You don't have to go into more detail about what you saw. Then your parent can discuss it with your grandpa. You should not be afraid to tell your parent this. It's not your fault.

Don't let this change your relationship with your grandpa. I know it may be difficult, but he is the same man today as he was last week.

He still going to be your grandpa no matter what now you remember that.

You should probably try to hint your grandpa that you saw it.

Tell your grandpa because this incident might cause trouble in the family too.

Or be like _______(date)_______ I was looking for you in your room and you weren't in there.

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If he's your mom's father, you should tell your mom (or if he's your dad's father, you should tell your dad) that you went into his room and there were pictures of naked women on his computer screen. You don't have to go into more detail about what you saw. Then your parent can discuss it with your grandpa. You should not be afraid to tell your parent this. It's not your fault.
Don't let this change your relationship with your grandpa. I know it may be difficult, but he is the same man today as he was last week.

Tell which ever parent needed and then leave it. Your parents will deal with it.

Wow... That's akward. I would tell any parent really, but if you can, tell the parent who's father it is. They might be able to talk to him better than your grandfather's daughter/son-in-law can.


i wouldn't really tell any1,for what? he's a grownd man, he could do what he wants as long as he's happy i dont really care what he does(as long as it doesn't hurt any1)i could careless.i mean like c'mon,ur gonna snitch on ur grandpa cuz he saw a few woman naked. it's only a problem is he has a wife and if he does...then it's a whole different story,but me, i wouldn't snitch

i wouldn't really tell any1,for what? he's a grownd man, he could do what he wants as long as he's happy i dont really care what he does(as long as it doesn't hurt any1)i could careless.i mean like c'mon,ur gonna snitch on ur grandpa cuz he saw a few woman naked. it's only a problem is he has a wife and if he does...then it's a whole different story,but me, i wouldn't snitch
same here. okay so it would be really awkward but maybe there was an advertisment or something that took him to the wesite by accident. it's happened to my neighbor before.

same here. okay so it would be really awkward but maybe there was an advertisment or something that took him to the wesite by accident. it's happened to my neighbor before.
but i think she would feel weird if she saw her grampa again dont tell ur mom to talk to him just tell her u found it by accedent and its disturbing u and ur grampa's relationship :D

hope i helped

i wouldn't really tell any1,for what? he's a grownd man, he could do what he wants as long as he's happy i dont really care what he does(as long as it doesn't hurt any1)i could careless.i mean like c'mon,ur gonna snitch on ur grandpa cuz he saw a few woman naked. it's only a problem is he has a wife and if he does...then it's a whole different story,but me, i wouldn't snitch
She's not 'snithching' on her Grandad. To be honest even though I'm 17 I'd still be shocked if I walked in on my Grandad watch or looking at naked women. If she chooses to tell someone it's to help her make sense of what happened, she's probably only young and is trying to figure out why he was on the website.

It is natural for some men to want to watch things like that, but not all men do. And I agree with hkmymlg just tell him you saw him and it's made you feel a little wierd around him.

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