Please Help me


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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
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In Your Computer
Guys please help me, I can't get off the computer. What should I DO instead of the computer? How can I CUT my time off the computer??

This is a problem many people suffer from. You could try reading, or playing with your Tama (at least you won't be on the computer), or if you get a lot of homework, do that. Playing with friends is also a good idea ! :lol:

OR write a really nice and long book that can bring you fame and fortune like "Harrp Potter". Go outside and draw landscapes, UNPLUG YOUR COMPUTER, get into playing an instrument, or read (comics, magazines , books (nothing on the comouter)).

OR scare yourself from using the computer. Did you know your eyesight gets poor?

OR write a really nice and long book that can bring you fame and fortune like "Harrp Potter". Go outside and draw landscapes, UNPLUG YOUR COMPUTER, get into playing an instrument, or read (comics, magazines , books (nothing on the comouter)).OR scare yourself from using the computer. Did you know your eyesight gets poor?
Wow, you make me want to not go on the computer anymore... Please your scaring me.....

Heh... Cleaning makes your parents (or atleast your mom) happy! You may get extra allowence to spend or something. :eek:

I suggest reading a nice, long, but interesting book. Right now I'm really into Harry Potter! B) Or, if you have any pets that you can play with or something, do that! You could also draw, write about something that interests you (other than the computer), play with some friends or talk to friends on the phone, go outside and take a walk for fresh air or something, sit down and think about school/homework or what you're going to do tomorrow! :)

Wow, did I really come up with that many... I need to go do some of those myself!! :wacko: XD

he i don't get allowance but then again i don't do chores!!!!!! but even when i do clean my room i don't get paid. anyways...

u r like me!!!! i love the computer and i love being on it. (but i don't think thats why i got glasses 'cause i got glasses when i was like 5 or 3 or something)

u know u could cartoon or paint something thats always fun. buy a cartoon book or somethig and start drawing!!!!! or u could read. (but not a boring book) a book i really enjoy is Redwall or any of the Redwall series.they r so awesome and the characters r all animals. or u could listen to music or radio or ur i-pod. or u could watch tv (theres not really a diffrence but.....) or if u have a dog u could play with it or give it a walk or something.

i'll probably come up with more later. hey maybe i should do more of the stuff on my list cause i'm also addicted to the computer..........

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