please help me


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Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Is there a way of making your fortune cookie better on v4? :huh:

help is appreciated :huh: :huh: :huh:

Is there a way of making your fortune cookie better on v4? :huh:
help is appreciated :huh: :D ;)
I don't think so. :huh:

I think it's pretty random, because one day my fortune is 3 stars on points, and the next only 1. o_O

Randomess is awsome! :huh:


Everyone here is wrong, you can change your fortune cookie. The first part, the point bag, can be changed by playing the games alot. If you play alot and earn points, your will recieve 3 stars.

The 2nd part, the heart can go up by keeping a close eye on your hunger/happiness hearts and filling them as soon as possible when they go down. If you do this, you will recieve 3 star.

The last part, the thing that looks like a muscle man, can go up by keeping your tamagotchi at a healthy weight and exercising it and also not feeding it snacks all the time

Trust me, it works, I have tried it before and it always worked for me. :furawatchi: B)

hope this helps!

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