PLEASE HELP!! Punish/Praise??


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Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Hello all. I know this has been addressed before, but I am still confused and wanted to know once and for all when I'm supposed to "praise" and/or "punish" my tama.

I take very good care of my tamagotchis as far as play, feeding, potty, and light off are concerned, but I have not been able to get the "better" tamagotchis, and I'm sure it's because I never know when I'm supposed to punish or praise my tama. How do I properly train him? Thank you all so much in advance!!! :]

You punish him when he bleeps and the little "happy face/sad face" at the bottom-right hand is showing but there's nothing wrong with him.

You praise him when he goes dark and has like a little cross beside him.

Hope this helps.

You punish him when he bleeps and the little "happy face/sad face" at the bottom-right hand is showing but there's nothing wrong with him.
I never quite understood what "nothing wrong with him" meant --- till I got my tama plus... It basically means your tama still rolls around from side to side like it normally does, but its attention light is still lit.

you phraise you tama when hes crying or if his backs facing you. You punish your tama if he beeps and dosent need anything :D

When the happy/sad face on the bottom right corner is highlighted,

Check his heart meter if it is full give him a time out.

If it isn't full play games or feed him (depending on whathearts are gone)

Also you should time out when he gives a friend: messes,snakes,nothing

And praise him when he gives a friend: hearts, and nice things that your tama is happy about.

hope I helped,


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