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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2007
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In Candyland. =D
There is this girl. Lets all her C. C follows me everywhere! I told her to stop following me 10 times! She thinks I am her bestfriend. She gave me one of those best friend necklaces. But I did not accept it. She pulled my pants down on the bus and laughed at me when I tripped on the bus before she gave me the necklace. My friend told me that she pushed this kid and then got all angry and said "I TOLD SOHA TO BE MY BESTFRIEND!? HOW CAN I MAKE HER UNDERSTAND THAT SHE IS MY BESTFRIEND?" I asked why she did that but then she starting talking smart with me. She is a nerd too!

Main Questions:

1 .How can I make C understand that she is not my bestfriend?

2. How can I do what ever you say without hurting her feelings?

3. How can I make her to stop following me?


Thanks to all TTers who help. :]

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Ignore her. If it were me in that situation, I'd yell at her. ^^

Ignore her. If it were me in that situation, I'd yell at her. ^^
Shes a tattletale. :/ So I can't yell at her. But I won't get in trouble if I have a reason, and I do. She never understands! :ichigotchi:

Well you can be her best friend. She doesn't have to be yours.

I see my best friend as Katina, but I am seen as a best friend from Soyeon. Yet I am friends with both of them.

See what I'm talking about? :ichigotchi:

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Well you can be her best friend. She doesn't have to be yours.I see my best friend as Katina, but I am seen as a best friend from Soyeon. Yet I am friends with both of them.

See what I'm talking about? :ichigotchi:
I dont wanna be her bestfriend. She pantsed me on the bus because I was talking to other people and not her. She also laughed at me when I tripped. She said sorry at the end of the day when she tripped at lunch. Isn't that rude?

Ugh, I hate Tattletales.

Maybe you could tell her politely? Sorry, but I don't have any REAL experience with these sorta situations.

PS: Ooo...your name is so pretty. Can I have it? xDD

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Oh I probably would have yelled at her too but since that's bad advice. So I'm with crystal tell her nicely to get off your case or tell a teacher if it turns into harassment which from your story I can tell it has so I'd tell a teacher.

Sometimes you just have to cope with annoying people. Although if she panted you or pulls anymore of that, enough's enough. You need to ask her to back off and ask her exactly how she is your best friend when she is doing this mean acts on you.

I'd say try to be corgial, don't do anything really rude or mean but don't put up with her picking on you like that. Just try to be nice to her- I've known some many REALLY annoying people but once you give them a second of your day and actually talk to them and be nice to them they can be pretty cool. Sometimes they just want your attention and they don't know how else than to be annoying.

Just overall be nice. If you give her some attention maybe she won't be so clingy.

Hey, I knew a girl like that! She completely tortured me, and followed me around and all she was talking about was boys! (at the time I was like ten, so all I cared about was spongebob and nail polish) And she dressed... very trashy... because she said she wanted this boy to like her. I told her that guys dont like cheap trash, they like the good stuff, and okay, Im rambling.

Anyways, I hid from her for a year until she moved away, so I dont have much advice...

I don't know why anyone would pants their "best friend"

Know what I mean?

Just ditch her. Ignore her, and if she ever follows you again, say this: "Could you please stop following me everywhere? It's getting annoying. And also, if I'm your best friend, why did you pants me? You are definitely the kind of person I don't want to associate with."

And walk away, and ignore her

Ignore her and tell her to buzz off. That was really rude of her to pull your pants down in front of everyone. Tell your other friends about it, they could help. They would also stick up for you. If it gets really tough, then tell a teacher or ur parents. She might be hurt that you don't think of her as a best friend but tell her that even though you don't think of her as a best friend, you still think of her as a friend and that's what's important. Tell her that in the future, there could be a possibility that you two could become best friends someday :lol: . Hope I helped and Im really sorry if Im no help.

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