Please. I need help before it gets too rough.


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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2009
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On the toilet.
I'm scared of my 9-year old cousin. This might seem stupid to say, but It's true. We can't go a day without fighting, and I'm always scared that I'll get hurt. I just have to stop, because he's gone from slight indian-burns, to pinching, to biting, to elbowing me, to knee-ing me 'down there', and the most recent one, sucker-punching me in the jaw making a perminant tooth loose.

Not more than 10 minutes ago, I accidentally dropped his lego ship, and he got all angry at me, and said "4 year olds can build better lego than you" which I know is not true. So I got up to go back on the computer, because I didn't want it to get rough, but then he sucker-punched me in the jaw, and it's still bleeding like heck, he made a perminant tooth loose, and I can't move my jaw without it hurting like heck.

How can I make this stop before he ends up breaking one of my bones. And it's not like I can ignore it, because we see eachother for hours every day. Please, I want this to end.

Uhm... Tell on him? Tell his parents or your parents. Young kids are hard to keep control over by yourself. :)

If he's injuring you, you really need to tell someone before something serious happens.

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^I always tell on him, but they don't do anything about it. Anything at all! Like when he punched me, all Grammy did was give him a timeout, and I'm like "WHAT THE HECK! YOU AND I BOTH KNOW THOSE DON'T WORK!"

^I always tell on him, but they don't do anything about it. Anything at all! Like when he punched me, all Grammy did was give him a timeout, and I'm like "WHAT THE HECK! YOU AND I BOTH KNOW THOSE DON'T WORK!"
Splendid. x__x

Hmm... Try talking to him. Tell him that he's hurting you and that's really childish. Make him feel dumb because he's acting dumb. And if he goes to punch you again, put a pillow in front of your face. xD

Maybe you should try to avoid him.
Like I already said, It's impossible to avoid him, because he's constintly near me. And whenever I tell him POLITELY to go away, then he gets rough with me.

And Krystal, I've tried that. Either:

he gets the pillow away from my face

I don't have fast enough reflexes

he takes advantage of it and kicks me in a vunerable spot.

^I already did. My gran didn't care. She's like "Oh, it's just a little blood." but it's not. It happened over an hour ago, and it's STILL bleeding like heck.

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Anyway, he's semi-spoiled. Gran kind of lets him get away with it. Like screw saying sorry, a 2 minute time-out is good enough.

But then he's aggressive because well, he physically hurts me.

You really need to defend yourself. Like self defense. I'm slightly ticked you would let him treat you like that, honestly. Of course his grandma isn't going to "punish" because in her eyes she believes he's some harmless 9 year old. When he's not. And FireCraker is right, gram gram is helping at all..

^Actually, I DO use self defence. But then he gets even rougher with me, so I'm not going there again.

And my mum, my dad, my aunts, my uncle, my gran, and my gramps all don't do anything about it. And the teachers/councelors at my school can't do anything because my cousin doesn't go to my school.

And gran knows that he's not a harmless 9-year old. EVERYONE knows that. There form of punishment is just crap, is all.


I will sound horrible when I say this, and I know. If that's not working for you, then you're going to have to "go there again".

Things don't don't always work the first time. It seems like that's only last resort, and option for you. I suppose. o.o

[SIZE=8pt]I've been reading all of the comments and I feel that if it has escalated to this level then try to contact police. Or punch him back. Punching back would make [/SIZE]you seem like the bad guy though so only use that as self defense. Surely there is some juvenile detention in your area? I wouldn't know if 9 year-olds could go there though. Sorry I can't be of much help B)

Choco, I ALWAYS use self defence. I always have, I just don't want to use it again, because I got punched because I use self defence. I'm NOT kidding.


An'no. No Juvie in my area. And the SUCKIEST thing, You actually can't get a criminal record here until your 12. Like if you're 10, and you murder someone, it's like you never did, becuase you're not old enough to get a criminal record.

And NO WAY I'm hurting him, as he hurts me because he "claims" he hurts me because "It's pay-back for what I've done to him over the past years" while he says that I'm all o__0 WTF!?

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