Please read to support beautiful Chloe


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Oct 17, 2009
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At Krystal's house (duh! I'm her famil
Hey everyone. I know I haven't been around for a VERY long time. But I am trying to share this story in as many places as possible, and knowing I used to love this forum so much, I decided to share this story here as well.

This is Chloe, a family friend of mine. She's fourteen years old. This photo was taken at her dance concert in January 2013.


This photo of Chloe was taken on December 24, 2013.


Now, it's obviously very clear that somewhere throughout the year, Chloe was diagnosed with cancer.

Around June, she started to experience severe headaches. These headaches started at the back of her head, just above her neck, and radiated down through her neck and up to the top of her head. She also experienced a little nausea, but nothing too serious.

As you would normally do for a headache, she and her mum never thought anything of it. She took painkillers and went about her life.

After struggling through Semester 1 of school, the pain had turned from severe headaches to chronic head pain. Yet every doctor they went to said it was just puberty, stress, hormones adjusting, etc. One doctor diagnosed her with an inflamed C2 neck joint and gave her some medications. But Chloe got worse.

It started to get stressful for Lee, Chloe's mum, when Chloe's personality began to change. She went from a lovely, placid young girl to an awful child that would put most hormonal teenagers to shame.

It was August 4, 2013, when Lee took Chloe to PMH (the children's hospital here in Perth) to get further tests done on her head. Chloe had previously had an MRI, but it was inconclusive, as they only took it from one angle.

After a second MRI, Chloe was diagnosed with a 5 cm brain tumor that was lodged just above her neck, exactly where the pain had been radiating from. On August 6, she had it removed in a very successful surgery.

On August 9, Chloe was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer that is always diagnosed in children and adolescents. Despite that, Chloe has an extremely good prognosis. Because over 99% of the tumor was removed in surgery, the radiation would easily kill it off. Chemo is just maintenance. Chloe should be cancer free by the end of April.

She has had radiation, which has left scarring from radiation burns down the right side of her neck. She's had two chemo rounds, the second of which was supposed to start on December 23, but by a Christmas miracle, had to be delayed until the 27th because her counts were too low (meaning she got to stay home for Christmas).

While her prognosis is excellent, it is a hard road. She is in and out of hospital every time she spikes a fever. She's not on good terms with the chemo; it makes her horribly sick and gives her awful headaches.

I'm posting this here so that even more people can pray and send love and positive thoughts to Chloe.

As of today, she is feeling very well. I will try to keep this thread updated as often as possible with her condition.

that's so terribly sad. my prayers to her and her family.

Oh, no! I am so sorry! I hope she achieves remission, and I am praying for her. I am so very sorry for your friend.

Best Wishes for Chloe,


Also, I dedicate this song to her, as I hope she gets better, as always: Sarah McLachlan – Angel

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Chloe was admitted to hospital two days ago (January 8) after spiking a temp. She was re-hydrated, given two bags of blood, and started on IV antibiotics.

Today, Chloe is still in hospital. She's there for a couple more days. But she is feeling brilliant. She's not vomiting, which is really good considering she only finished chemo round 2 on January 5. This time during round 1, she was sleeping around the clock when she wasn't vomiting.

But as I said, today she is feeling great. Even has an appetite for her mum's cooking, which is something that hasn't happened since she finished radiotherapy in September.

She's coming forward in leaps and bounds!

Best wishes sent to your friend and her family I hope she recovers from the episode fully !

Being a cancer survivor myself, I know your friend can make it through this. I seriously hope she gets better.

Best Wishes to Chloe, I will be sure to pray for her,I hope shes one of the lucky survivors!


Chloe remains in Ward 3B (the oncology ward) today, as she is still neutropenic. For those who don't know, neutropenia is when the neutrophils in her body are so low that her susceptibility to infection greatly increases. Therefore, she is staying another night.

Despite this, she is in high spirits and is feeling awesome, so her mum is hoping that with a bag of platelets, she'll feel even better, and she can go home tomorrow.

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