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soz i will continue as soon as i can. I've been busy with school, b-days, homework, jujitsu and soon, fencing
Fencing???!!! I'm soooooo jealous of you! I WANNA DO FENCING!!! BTW if you find it hard to write I suggest having a set time in the day for, say, thirty minutes, to write. Time usually spent, say, watching TV or POSTING ON TAMTALK! Seriously, if you have time to read this you should have time to write.

Where, oh [SIZE=14pt]WHERE[/SIZE] could Wine Dizzle be???[SIZE=14pt]WHERE OH WHERE COULD SHE[/SIZE] [SIZE=21pt]BEEEE?[/SIZE]

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[SIZE=7pt]Nice song, LilDewd ;) [/SIZE]

Aaaahh!!! We need more, Wind_Deer! No one posts stories they wrote on here anymore :( It's just 'Do you like this book' or 'Which should I read' and I really need some more stories!!! Although I am reading other books, yours is the one I crave!!! Lol :p

Best Wishes


Lol, Thanks. But I sorta CAN understand what is taking so long, shes REALLY busy.

[SIZE=7pt] Hm, yeah. She hasn't replied for ages! She must be jam-packed.[/SIZE]
i have risen from the dead.....

lol jk.

Ok I'm continuing the story rite now!!! (and i'll have more time during the week considering i wont have any math homework or any history homework and I'm pretty sure no science homework)

[SIZE=21pt]Chapter 6[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Olive and Nadia’s mouths dropped open.[/SIZE]

“T-two?” Olive stuttered. She couldn’t get over this shadow of disbelief. It just wouldn’t go away. Two people, who had powers very similar to hers, were coming, or already here. Her mind was reeling, just as it was, when she found out she was an elementalist. Her mouth and throat were dry and her knees felt weak. She sat down and controlled the water from the sink to come out and come in her mouth. Olive wiped her mouth when it went back into the sink. Nadia looked at Chef X. She was obviously deep in thought, and mildly surprised.

“I…I don’t believe this. This has never happened. There used to be…and…” Chef X didn’t even finish. She sighed. They sat in silence and the feeling of shock was creeping in the room and beginning to crawl inside their gut. Time passed, and Nadia was about to open her mouth when the “You only have 20 minutes left of break” bell rang. Sighing, Olive left the room. Chef X nodded at Nadia and she followed Olive. Both girls ran off to the hallways.

“See you in PE.” Olive said to Nadia, walking towards the Science room. She was nearly there when she stopped at the door. The very door that held the large golden door.


Dustin got off the bus with Jenna, the ONLY person who knew FOR SURE that he was an odd one out. She looked at him as if he were an alien.

"What!?" asked Dustin rather angrily, but his hair turned white.

"A-" Jenna muffled her scream.

"Let me guess. What color?"


"Great..." his hair turned to brown.

"Why is that happening to you?"

"I don't know. Probably the right circumstances when I was born. I was born on a lunar eclipse. Maybe that has something to do with it."

"Maybe." They silently walked down the hall.

"Well, I got to go to Science, see ya." stated Jenna as she walked to Coach Perdue's classroom.

"See ya." Dustin walked down the hall toward Mr. Miller's classroom.

In class, Dustin had a hard time focusing. In class, Dustin had a hard time focusing. Mr. Miller noticed and at the end of class asked him to his desk.

"Erm, am I in trouble?" Dustin asked.

"No, but you seem to be having a hard time focusing. Are you ok?" replied Mr. Miller.

"Well, no. To tell you truth, my hair has been changing colors." said Dustin, a little embarrassed.

" I...can....see that." said Mr. Miller. “Your hair is white, right now."

"Not in school!" cried Dustin desperately.

"It is normal now. Don't worry, try and get through the day, all right?"


As Dustin got on the bus, he noticed Donna wasn't in the same seat as Luke. Dustin walked over and sat down.

"Hey." he said.

"Hey." replied Luke.

"Luke, dude, I'm NOT lying."

"How the HECK am I supposed to believe your hair changes color?" asked Luke angrily. Jenna was sitting behind them.

"I've seen it." she said.

"I can't trust YOU!" stated Luke, still angry.

"Luke, please just list-" started Dustin.

"NO!" said Luke.

"Quiet! I don't want other people knowing!"


“SHUT UP!" yelled Dustin. The bus driver turned around. His name was Mr. Tim.

"Calm down both of you! And Dustin, did you dye your hair? Its red." asked Mr. Tim, interested.

"It CAN'T be red it was brown a second ago." Luke stated and looked at Dustin, who was letting off steam. Literally. He was steaming. And his hair was red.

That's impossible! Was Luke's last thought before he passed out.

Back at St. Xaviers…

Olive couldn’t help herself. The door was too tempting to give up. She had always wanted to know what lay beneath that golden door. She supposed that if she ran, she’d be able to get to the golden door and maybe see what secrets were hidden behind that mysterious wonder. She began walking towards the door. No! I can’t go in! Angie is standing just a yard away. She’ll catch me for sure! Unless…there was a distraction… She thought.

Olive peered outside from one of the large windows. There were some kids hanging around the lake. She smiled, and while nobody was looking, made a large wave come out and over the kids.

“Holy…!” Angie ran outside. While she was busy, Olive quickly slipped inside the door. She took out her miniature flashlight and turned it on.

“Because I know that it’s just a tunnel, I can go faster without a worry.” She murmured to herself. She began sprinting down the tunnel. The brown walls were blurs next to her, but she kept her eye on the railway. She continued sprinting, though slowing down a bit. Finally she reached the golden door, out of breath and red faced. “Well, I’ll be ready for PE today. At least, if it’s anything like my old school’s.” she gasped. She began catching her breath.

Olive looked up at the golden door. It was still as shiny and clean as ever. Now what? She wondered. Then she saw a small, brown box next to the door. It was well camouflaged against the dirt walls. She took off the lid. There was another small box next to it with a green button on it. Olive shrugged and pushed the button. What have I got to lose? Oh right; my life. She thought as she pushed the button. A square about the size of a CD case of the wall suddenly was lifted up, revealing a screen and small keypad. Olive walked over to it. The screen said Password? And there was a blank line under it. Olive gave it a shot.


Access Denied. Password?


Access Denied. Password?


Access Denied. Password?


Access Denied. Password?


Opening Door…

Olive had tried the words golden, door, secret, tunnel and password. The first four didn’t work, but she was half shocked and half unimpressed when password was the password. She watched as the large golden door opened slowly. Her smile looked like a crescent moon, although her eyes were as wide with excitement as a full moon in a pitch black sky. A light as bright as the moon and stars put together was shining in the room. At first, Olive was speechless and couldn’t move from her spot.

Finally she managed to move her legs. She walked toward the door, the light shone brightly, making the golden door gleam as bright as the stars. Olive was so dazzled she could not tear her eyes away. Still staring at the light and the door, she was slowly making her way to the door. This seems like what people supposed death is like. She thought. Am I dead? No, no what a silly thought. She shook her head. She was getting so close to seeing what mysteries were inside that wonderful room, but something inside her made her look at her watch. She had only 2 minutes to get to History. Her schedule had changed because PE. After History she had a 2:30 PM lunch. Then she had PE and more homework time.

Olive began sprinting down the tunnel. Her feet seemed like they were touching the ground. No matter how tired and out of breath she got, no matter how much her legs ached, she kept the same sprint up. Finally she made it to the door. She peered out in the hall cautiously. Nobody was around. She walked out, closed the door behind her, and managed to make it to History just as the bell rang.

“Today,” Mrs. Lednah said, “I hope we have no,”—she paused—“incidents like yesterday.” She looked at Skye who seemed to shrink in her seat. “We will continue on our exciting Sumer lesson. After Sumer had its battle they…” and she carried on in her droning voice.


As the ambulance arrived at the bus station on Dustin's street, he tried to remain angry, so others wouldn't faint. He slowly got off, and sneaked to his house. He didn't know, but Jenna was following him home because he forgot his backpack. As he walked into the house, he relaxed, and his hair turned brown again. His mom was on the couch, watching her soap operas.

"Hey, anything interesting happen today?" she asked, keeping her eyes on the TV.

"Oh, the usual. Social Studies was boring, Science was ok... Oh! And Luke passed out on the bus." he replied. His mom's eyes snapped away from the television.

"Why?" she asked, worried.

"Well, he saw my hair chan-"


"Mom," started Dustin, trying to remain calm, "My hair really changes color."

"Dustin! Go to your room! I am TIRED of you lying to me!" There are only two tings that really blow Dustin's fuse. One is being ripped off. The second is being FALSELY accused of lying.

"MOM!!! I AM NOT LYING!" 3 things happen at that moment, one was his hair changed to red. Second, him mom passed out, third, his mom fell on top of Jenna, who was carrying some scissors that fell out of Dustin's backpack.

"JENNA!" was the last thing she heard, for a long time.

"St. Xaviers, please." Dustin handed a bus pass to the bus driver.

"You one o' 'dem weirdos?" the bus driver asked with a grunt.

"Erm, I guess." the bus driver looked at him warily.

"Get a move on, then."

The drive wasn't too long, about 20 minutes. During that time, he met an old lady who thought that World War 2 was still going on, a professional basketball player, and one of the nurses who operated on Jenna to get the scissors out.

When she got on, she noticed Dustin. "You’re that black-haired kid who was Jenna's most common visitor! Where are you going?"

"Erm, St. Xaviers."

She looked at him funny. "Oh." she seemed awkward. "I'm sorry, then."

"Why?" he asked.

"Well, I bet you don't like talking about it."

"It's fine." There was an awkward silence.

The bus driver looked back to Dustin. "We're here."

"Thanks." as he got off, his hair turned periwinkle. The bus driver gasped. Dustin walked off toward the walls of the strange castle before him.

As Dustin walked toward the office, he bumped into a girl that seemed familiar. "Sorry." he said quickly as rushed into the office doors. A familiar face looked up at him. She had icy blue eyes. "Mrs. Petty?" he asked in astonishment.

"Dustin! I heard you were coming today! Surprised?" she asked with a gleam in her eye.

"Uh, yeah! Why are you here?" he asked.

"I got transferred." she replied. "And I have ice powers, so I feel right at home."

"You!? Have powers?!" he stepped back amazed.

"Yes. Why do you think my nickname 'Mrs. Ice' started? Anyway, I have your dorm number here."

It was the room labeled as Sario. As he walked up a spiral staircase, all he could think was Wow. What kind of name is Sario? Sounds like Mario’s cousin or something... The first person he saw when he got to his dorm was a kind of burly kid. He looked up and saw the periwinkle hair.

"Erm, may I help you?" He asked, kind of awkwardly.

"Umm, I think I'm your new roommate."

"Hmm, well my name is Rock." he replied.

"Josh." replied Dustin suddenly. He didn't know why he made up a name. But it was kind of an impulse; this kid looked a bit shady.

No one knew what his name really was. Not even Davy Jones. As the tentacle-faced man rose at the front of the class, he started saying names. Susie Evens was called first. She could break glass by looking at it. Next was Danny Roberts. He could transport objects to wherever he wanted. Person by person, Davy Jones called them out. Finally he looked hard at his sheet.

"Whoops! The sheet got cut off! Kid, what's your name?” He asked Dustin.

"J-Josh Intelli." Dustin replied. His hair flashed white, nervous.

Davy Jones laughed. "No need to tell me your power now!” Then the bell rang and Dustin nervously skitted out of class.

Once he got back to his room, he saw 7 other kids. They were all bigger than him by a little bit. Except for one kid who he saw in Davy Jones's class. His name was John. And Dustin recognized Rock.

Rock looked up and pointed at each kid, saying their name. "John, Joe, Sam, Rock, Sean, Luke, and David."

"I'm Josh. Josh..." he tried to remember his fake last name. "Intelli."

"Nice to meet you." They all replied. They seemed nice enough.

As the bell for lunch rang, he headed out toward the smallest table. He thought that he would eat alone, until John sat down.

"You seem depressed." he stated.

"How so?" Dustin asked.

"Well, for one, your hair is black." he said matter-of-factly. "And, you are giving off a gray aura." John’s power was that he could see people's moods by aura that only he, and some Chef in the school, could see.


Olive, bored, took notes in History, but she felt almost as peppy as Nadia. She sighed and kept writing notes.

“Your homework tonight is to finish this worksheet on Sumer. Please give me your homework from yesterday when I give you the worksheet.” Mrs. Lednah said when she finished the lesson.

“Sir, yes, sir.” Olive said sarcastically under her breath.

The boy next to her named Gregg snickered. He had over developed senses. Not just able to smell all the spices in the homemade soup for lunch, or able to hear a cook say, “We need some more cumin!” but able to hear a cook say, “We need some more cumin!” when the cook is in China. Or he can taste a loaf of bread and know the exact amount of time it was baked. But he could turn them on or off. When everybody had handed in their homework and gotten their worksheets the bell finally rang.

“That class takes too long.” Skye said as she and Olive walked to lunch.

“Tell me about it.” They walked while talking about why they shouldn’t have that History teacher. They walked into the cafeteria. The first thing Olive spotted was a familiar face.

“D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-” she stuttered.

Skye, with a “What are you doing?” look on her face patted Olive on the back hard.

“Dustin!” she finally managed to spit out.

“Who?” Skye asked.

“Remember Dustin? We saw him when you took my flying!”

“Oh yeah! What’s he doing here?”

“Like I know!” Olive replied sarcastically.

“Let’s go say hi.”


“Come on! You know you want to!” Skye grabbed her hand and started pulling.

“No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!” Olive kept saying as she got closer. When Dustin heard her and looked over she stopped. He looked confused.

“Olive? Skye? What are you doing here?” he wondered.

“We’re the plumbers.” Skye said sarcastically. “We’re here to go to school!”

“But isn’t this for…?”

“Yeah.” Skye began floating. “Remember when we met? I was flying?”

“Oh yeah. But Olive…”

“Say hello Olive. And tell the kind sir your special gift.” Skye said with a funny fake English accent, putting emphasis on the “hello”.

“Hiya Dustin. Um…wow this is weird.”

Dustin’s hair turned red-pink. “I guess, yeah.”

“Well at least you don’t need to tell me your power.”

“What?” He saw his hair. “Oh. Right. What’s yours?”

“Controlling water.”

“I’d swap any day.” Dustin said. Olive giggled. Chef X came out of the kitchen to inspect how the kids were behaving. Olive and Skye sat down, Olive next to Dustin and Skye next to Olive. They began eating some apples and grilled cheese sandwiches. When Chef X swept by Olive she kept going for a moment then stopped. She began going backwards. She looked at Dustin’s hair. Dustin noticed Chef X and his hair turned an uncomfortable purple, making Chef X’s eyes fill with excitement. She poked Olive in the back. Olive turned around.

“Oh hey Chef X. What’s goin’ on?”

“He is.”


“That boy.” Chef X pointed at Dustin.

“Dustin? What about him?”

“Mood. His mood is showing in his hair.”

Olive’s eyes widened. She couldn’t believe it. All the time she had spent with Dustin and he had been an elementalist just like her. Could that have been why she was attracted to him? She took a bit of time to digest this information while Chef X explained heartily about elementalists to a confused Dustin. At first, the emotion in Dustin’s eyes turned from interest, to confusion, to surprise and back to interest.

“Wow.” Was all Dustin could utter at the moment. He got a grip and managed to ask, “Well, I realize we are the elementalists, but how come there are only five of us? Where did we descend from?”

Chef X, as always, had the answer. “There are five of you because there are five element fairies; Air, Fire, Water, Mood and Earth. Olive’s case is different, because her dad got touched from the Water fairie when he was an adult. The elementalists are kids. She just got it from her dad, and fate made her an only child. You however, sometime before when your hair began changing, the Mood fairie had decided to bless you.”

“Well, the day after Olive left to come here, that was the first time my hair changed.” Dustin said.

“Then the fairie must’ve blessed you overnight then.” Chef X replied.

Skye sighed. “Everybody I hang out with is special.” She said in a fake sad voice. Olive silently laughed to herself. Chef X smiled.

“Well I best be going back to the kitchen.” She winked at them and walked away.

“Don’t worry Skye. You are very special.” Olive said in a joking voice.

“Got that right.” Said a rude voice from behind them. They all turned around to see a red haired girl wearing a pink shirt, black skirt and many accessories.

“Whaddya want Ruby?” Skye asked in such an annoyed and angry voice that Olive didn’t know was accessible.

“To see how big of freaks your new friends are,” Ruby, the school’s, and world’s, biggest bully glanced at Dustin and Olive, “huge.” But when Ruby said “huge” it sounded like she said “ha-yuje!” “So guess where I’m going?”

“To go see you’re reptile family?” Skye retorted.

Ruby scoffed, “No. I’m going to the cool table. A place you’ll never get within five feet of.” And she walked off to a table that was three feet away from where they were sitting.

“Her math teacher must be very proud.” Dustin remarked.

“Who is that little ball of sunshine?” Olive asked.

“Ruby, the most popular girl here. That’s not the award she’s won. She’s won the award for the biggest bully on the face of this forsaken world! And I don’t even know what forsaken means!”

Jael, who just happened to be skipping by, recited, “Forsaken; deserted, abandoned, forlorn.”

“Thank you, Jael.” Skye said. Jael smiled, and skipped away.

“Wooooow.” Dustin said.

Olive sighed. Then she suddenly remembered the door. She checked her watch. She had 20 minutes left of lunch. “Um Dustin, we gotta go. See ya later.” She began pulling Skye away.

“We do?” Skye asked, being dragged by Olive.


“Oh. See you guys later.” Dustin called.

When Olive finally managed to get Skye out of the hall she said. “Skye! I figured out how to get into the big golden door!”

“You did?” Skye exclaimed. “What are we doing here?”

“Talking about why were here when we should be over there.” Olive joked. “Think you could…?”

“’Course!” Skye took Olive’s hand and before she knew it, they were squeezing into the room with the golden door. When they finally managed to squeeze in, they began flying towards the golden door. The tunnel must’ve been longer then they thought because even at the fastest speed Skye could reach, 99 MPH, it still took them five minutes of flying to get to the large golden door. Finally they got to the door.

“Now what?” Skye asked.

“Now this.” Olive took off the camouflaged lid, pressed the green button, then typed in the password. As the dazzling door began to open, Skye was giggling madly.

“What kind of idiot made that password?” she said between giggles. She immediately ceased her giggles when she saw the gleam from the door. Finally when the door opened, even quick moving Skye was slowly walking towards it. It felt like it took forever but when they saw what was in the room, their mouths dropped open.

“It’s…” Olive could barely stutter. Right in front of them, on an enormous table, was a giant, black bomb, the size of an orca whale.

“B-b-b-but I thought it would be nice and shiny… But…it’s a bomb.” Skye said. She suddenly realized something. “Wait…this is the center of the school.” She looked at Olive. “Somebody’s gonna blow up the school.”


Dustin finished lunch alone. Well, not alone. He sat with Rock.

“So, you’re an elementalist.” Rock said.

“How do you know?” Dustin asked.

“I heard you and Chef X. Kinda hard not to when you sit across from that.”


“You seem distracted.”


“Exactly.” Rock put a grape in his mouth. “What’s goin’ on?”

“I…just can’t believe I’m here, I’m an elementalist and Olive goes here.” Dustin explained.

“What’s Olive got to do with this?”

“Well we knew each other before I saw her here. She left without any warning and I thought I’d never see her again.” Dustin explained. Rock raised an eyebrow. “Dude, no. Don’t even think that.”

“Ok.” Rock smiled. He got up. “Well I’m gonna go take a stroll outside by the lake.” And with that he walked away.

“Later dude.” Dustin said as Rock walked away. He stared at his lunch as if it would do some fruit salad tricks. He stabbed some cantaloupe and watermelon and a grape. “Fruit kebob.” He muttered to himself. He stuffed it in his mouth. He continued slowly eating, and while he was occupied eating; he didn’t notice a boy sit down in front of him. He had a tan and blue eyes. His blonde hair was shaggy.

“’Ello.” The blonde had an Australian accent.

“Huh? Oh hi.” Dustin looked up.

“My name’s Drake.”


“I’m from Australia.”

“I can tell. I’m just from here. Good old California.”

“I see. What’s that you’re eating?”

“According to Chef X’s label”--Dustin picked up the label and read it—“It’s…Amazon Fruit Salad.” He read.

“Hmm.” Drake shrugged as he helped himself to the assorted fruit.

“If you are looking for something that is really full of taste, I recommend the Medium Rare Steak.” Dustin looked over at a plate with ten juicy steaks piled on top of each other.

“I’m a vegetarian…” Drake informed.

“Oh.” Dustin really had nothing else to say. They finished their lunch in silence.

“Well, maybe I’ll see you around, dude.” Drake said, standing up.

“Cool. See ya.” Dustin also stood up and walked away. Just as he left the cafeteria, he saw two figures sprinting toward him. Two familiar voices were calling his name.

“Olive? Skye?” He muttered aloud. Olive and Skye ran into him. “Hey guys…well girls. What are you-?” he began.

“Come with us!” Skye exclaimed. Both of them grabbed one of his hands and ran him to the big wooden door.

“What is this place?” Dustin asked. Neither of them answered. Instead, Olive looked around. Angie was not anywhere to be seen. Olive pulled on the door, but because she was out of breath, she couldn’t open it. A sly smile spread across Skye’s face.

“What are you thinking…?” Olive asked.

“Just pull on the door.” Skye said. Olive shrugged and pulled. Skye flew up in the air and leaned against the wall. She pushed the door out with her feet. It was suddenly a lot easier to open. Skye flew down and the two of dragged Dustin in. Olive closed the door. She took out her flashlight and shone it down the tunnel.

“What’s goin’ on?” Dustin asked.

“We’ll explain in a sec. First let’s get there.” Skye said. Skye flew them down the tunnel until they got to the big golden door. Olive typed in the password and they walked into the room. Dustin’s mouth dropped open and he was speechless at the sight of the large, pitch black bomb, sitting on a table. Unexpectedly, he squeaked. Normally, Olive and Skye could have come up with a thousand ways to use that against, but they were too shocked.

“What happened?” Dustin managed to force out.

“We just came in and…it was here. Right after we figured out we could still move, we ran to go get you.” Olive explained. At the mention of moving, they all shook their legs and walked around, examining the bomb.

Skye shook her head. “Who would want to do this?”

“Someone evil. Someone conniving. Someone horrible. Someone-” Olive started listing.

“Someone with bad memory.” Dustin cut in.

“What?” Skye and Olive said simultaneously.

“Next to the bomb is a little note. Come look.” Dustin waved them over. Olive and Skye walked over and peered at the note. It said:

Start bomb with 20 sparklers duct taped together. Start on Tuesday the 23rd at 4:00 A.M. Remember, takes 24 hours to blow up.

“Who forgets something like that?” Skye wondered with disgust.

“Probably somebody with short term memory loss.” Dustin pointed out.

“It must be somebody in the school.” Olive stated. “Tuesday the 23rd…that’s in 6 days! This is horrible!”

“Well it shouldn’t be too hard to find out who is gonna set off this bomb. We just have to find somebody who has really bad memory.” Dustin suggested.

“Yeah. Do you know how many people are at this school? So many of them could have short term memory loss or something!” Skye exclaimed.

“Should we tell somebody?” Olive wondered.

“No. Let’s just keep it between us. Anybody could spread this, and if the school finds out. It’ll be chaotic.”

“Ok, it’s a secret. We gotta swear. Say what I say. I swear not to tell anybody about the bomb.” Olive said.

“I swear not to tell anybody about the bomb.” Skye and Dustin swore.

“Great. Let’s keep exploring.” Olive suggested. Skye and Dustin nodded and they wandered around the large room, trying to find more clues, to the mysterious villain behind the bomb.

[SIZE=21pt]NEW CHAPTER!!!!! Tell me what you think![/SIZE]
