Plush Charecter Holders!


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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2004
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New York City
This is Mimitchi reporting with more japenese Tamagotchi news and pics.

I have recently come across some brand new accessories, first here is some belt clip Tamagotchi holders, which have been released before.

Mini BackBack Belt-Clip Holders

But the reason this segmeant is here is because, while searching some japenese site for Tamagotchi Products, i came across these on the Bandai Products page, they are a Itchigotchi, and Mametchi charecter shaped holders, they are very realistic, and have a keychain on them, so all you do is slip a tamagotchi in the back, which appears to have a thin seem of velckro(sp?) to hold it down, not only that it also ha a square pre-fit cut out, where the screen comes through so you can check on your Tama, and unlike the hold hard cases you don't need to take it out since the holders appear soft and plushy, but if you drop it don't expect much protectin, i am not sure if they made it have a thick pouch where you slip it in so if it dose fall it has some protection, if these accessories do come to america, i wouldn't expect finding them at a little shop that sell's Tama's, they would probly be at a big store like Toy'sR'Us which is going to have a whole display on Tama's, so if anyone see's it on e-bay please tell us.

Sorry about the long description but the text was in japenese so i had to give my own idea of how it works.

So without further audo...Click, here.

~This is Mimitch reporting...(So you know i only do that when i post news. :) :p )

Jason has had those in stock for months. He ahs really good deals on them too. I bought 3 of the white cases. The plush ones are too bulky....especially if you have more than 1 Tamagotchi.

the small pouches look kinda cool to me, .. but the plushies are abit, like what tamagod said .. bulky. and abit childish to me. heh~ :p

I've seen the mini-backpacks at Jasons Store also, but i have never seen the plush ones, i think it's good for display purpose i think, not to carry around. :p

Those are wild!

They'd be fun just to collect, though.

When my Tamagotchi Connexion gets in (if these things even EXIST, that is, I ordered it so long ago that I doubt they're even real!) I'm going to try and make my own soft case. Especially if she sends me an uchy black one.

:( *Gasp* i really want the blue or white holder! ive never seen them anywhere but i do know one thing.. new type magazine is giving those out if you send sumthin in..idk bout it my sister is in love with anime and manga so its her mag. also they had a whole article about tamagotchi and the special kioskes that you could download special edition tamagotchis.....OOO SO COOL! ^__^
:( ahh the plushies are so cute...! remember back in 1997 when the original tamagotchis came out and there were the plushies that had like... the velcro opening in the back. lol i had a nyrotchi (the spermy looking one with the duck head) and there was that certain mad scientist pleasure i got from giving nyrotchi plushie a lobotomy and implanting my tamagotchi inside for safekeeping.

sigh. just reminiscing. :huh:

I have all three colors of the soft holders.

They are soft enough to press the buttons so you can keep the tama in there.

They are nice to have since the screens are kind of large and get scratched somewhat easily.

Interesting... I remember when I had my Tamagotchi Angel plush. Looked exactly like those, except there was no window for the Tama to show through. And it was smaller. I most definitely want those little belt poushes, however. The pink one is nice...

cute holders! the ones that look like the characters are a little.. much.. i guess you could say (but still cute!) but i really like teh smaller ones! im going to try and make one for my conx! :p

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