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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2006
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Your pants
My style is quite morbid and I guess it kind of reflects my personality, but whatever.

Shake, Shake, Rattle, Cry.


Blood shot and teary eyes,

Puffy cheeks and pounding ears.

Caffeine levels run dry,

Shake, shake, rattle, cry.

Each noise too loud,

Each sound too much,

Each person a blur,

Shake, shake, rattle, cry.



Eye lids like lead;

Shake, shake, rattle, cry.



Watch Yourself


You sit,

You watch,

You observe.


You dissect,

You judge,

You dictate.


Be careful not to lose yourself,

Don't be pulled in too far.

When searching for someone else,

You might lose sense of who you are.


You sit,

You watch,

You observe.


You dissect,

You judge,

You dictate.


Don't lose yourself,

Don't forget who you really are.

Don't get so wrapped up in this,

You won't remember who you are.


You sit,

You watch,

You observe.


You dissect,

You judge,

You dictate.


Watch yourself, Bindy,

You might get lost.

Always remember who you are,

Don't get pulled in too far.


Afraid To Fall


You won't fly,

Because you're afraid to fall.


You won't love,

Because you're afraid to hurt.


You won't take a chance,

Because you're afraid to loose.


You won't try,

Because you're afraid to fail.


Well tell me this angel,

If you're too afraid to fly,

What are your wings for?

What is your heart for?


Angel, do tell me,

What kind of a life do you lead,

If its been lived in fear?


Answer me this, angel,

If you ever do fly -

Will you be afraid that you'll forget to stop?


What If Life...


What if life is naught but a dream,

A reality that isn't real?

What if life is naught but a dream,

And when death approaches we wake up?

What if life is naught but a dream,

And when we awaken we're given a new life?

What if life is naught but a dream,

Could we change the mistakes of our past?

What if life is naught but a dream,

But what if we don't wake up?


Hidden Beauty


Just like the flowers hidden by snow,

Like a puddle in a desert.

The subtle hints of beauty,

Shine inbetween the cracks.


Criticise yourself all you want,

In the end it's all in vain.

You're beauty, though hidden,

Is surely there.


I don't get why you can't see it,

Your eyes, your hair.

It's not just physical features either,

You're beautiful everywhere.


You're beauty isn't boastful,

It's bashful and quite shy.

But honestly, it's there,

Just hidden.

Yay! -glomp-

Thanks. That one and Hidden Beauty are about the same person, so they both are kind of special.

Might as well post a few more, they aren't as good as the other ones.



Broken wings,

You've lost your way.

Beautifully hurt,

That's that you are.


Banished from heaven,

Sent down to hell.

My Fallen Angel;

We should rebel.


Black tears,

A Broken heart.

Fallen angel,

Don't fall apart.


Beautiful in suffering,

My Fallen Angel.

That's what you are.

Dry your eyes,

And come with me.

Heaven made a mistake,

My Fallen Angel.

That is what they'll see.


Rise to your feet,

Fallen Angel.

Don't be ashamed.

Ignore your broken wings,

My Angel,

You are still beautiful.




Like roses and thorns,

Like golden chains and rust,

Like summer and winter,

With one, the other is a must.


Moments Like These


If you want to take a picture,

You better take it fast,

Because moments like these

Well, they never last.


My Beautiful Disaster


Salty water droplets

Appear at her cheeks

Blood red rubies

Splash at her feet

Her heart beats faster

Then comes to a stop

She's so perfect

My beautiful disaster.



A Thousand Red Roses


A thousand red roses sit waiting

Waiting just for you

A thousand red roses sit withering

Withering without you

A thousand red roses aren't red anymore

They've turned bland from your neglect

A thousand colourless roses

Have grown extra thorns

A thousand colourless roses

Were red and innocent

But you're bitter neglect has turned them

Black and forlorn.
