Poll : PMS symptons


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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2008
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O.K so I just want to let you know that PMS are the symptoms right before your period. Like when you are moody/bloated/crampy/etc...

for me mine aren't that bad (although I do snap at people and I have bad cramps)

I was just wondering how bad everyone elses 'PMS' are!! Thanks for the in-put!!!

Edit: PMS = Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

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I don't actually get cramps before my period. And I don't get bloated either - I usually become skinnier. Because I'm cool weird like that.

The one thing I do get is mood swings. I get really moody, and usually my brother is on the receiving end of it. I don't know why, and I feel really bad after I snap at anyone, and then go back to my usual self. But it just happens around that special time of month. Pfft.. special. More like HORRIBLE.

I sort of hate the world around then. I get mad at everything and anything, and starts fights with anyone.

I feel fat and sad, and start complaining about my clothes being small and how fat I feel.

My cramps kill me.

I eat like a monster.

So ya. It's something I don't exactly look forward to.

All you people, are very lucky. Please know that.

I don't get periods anymore because of my depo(woot), but when I did they were horrible.

I had huge cramps before, during, and about three days after my period that kept me from going out, going to school, basically leaving bed in general. I was never a huge mood swing person. Not in the sense of being plain mean anyway, which saved me from a LOT of period stereotyping from others xP You know the ones.

I also always felt huge and extremely tired. Basically, when I had periods, they made me sick and unable to operate normally.

I don't get cramps, or mood swings, or anything. I'm not even the slightest hormonal. <3

BUT, when I go to the bathroom and I see... it, I just wanna go out and knock down a tree with my bare hands. D:<

Then I just wait and wait and wait... and wait until it's over...

Mine's not too bad.

The day before my period I usually cry though. For no apparent reason.

Like once, my friend was coming up from North Carolina to see me. We were going to go rollerblading, but the rink was closed. D: So it was decided she would come hang out at my place instead. And for some reason, I just started bawling. The next day, lo and behold, my period showed up. Sometimes it's worse than others. I'm already a crying/emotional person, but when even I can't figure out why I am upset, I know it's coming.

I don't get cramps before my period, but I do get some during the first few days of it. They're not unbearable, but I can feel them and they aren't exactly something I look forward to. I take lots of Advil. :3

I just generally feel run down during my period. Tired, sore, and just generally uncomfortable. Kind of like you just got over the flu or you have a mild cold. (Minus the runny nose and the coughing. :'D)

I'm a complete monster.

During my time of the month. I'll tell anyone and everyone to F off

Don't worry. I won't hate you guys online. I only get grouchy at people I know In Real life. My mom mostly

Guess what. I'm on my special lady time right now.

Its great.


^ Hey, me too. Whoah.

I don't really get any. I don't get cramps, I don't get mood swings, but during my period I feel uncomfortable and tired. And I always get my period earlier than four weeks. It's more like three and a bit.

Not really interesting.

I don't get cramps, or mood swings, or anything. I'm not even the slightest hormonal. <3
BUT, when I go to the bathroom and I see... it, I just wanna go out and knock down a tree with my bare hands. D:<

Then I just wait and wait and wait... and wait until it's over...
Sometimes I wish I wasn't a female. [i also wish that for many other reasons which I don't feel like explaining.]

I normally get really pissy. I usually get cramps on my period. -.-

I get horrible PMS. Once I got so many painful cramps I started crying. And I'm grumpy towards everyone. Oh yeah.

I just bleed.


I think I bleed the equivilent of my body mass x5.

And then some. Obviously, this leads me to be really tired a lot.

My back hurts a few days before, but other then that, im absolutly fine.

I get HUGE cramps the day I get my period O.e and a few weeks before it I get really moody and pissy, and cry and yell alot for nothing.

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