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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2005
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This topic is about if anyone has a pool. In ground, above ground, if you have a pool, post it and say if it is above in ground. Is your pool opend or inflated yet? post it here! Have any pool stories? post them here!

Yes. I have an in ground pool. I moved into my new house last year and my family and friends LOVE it. Ours is not opend yet, but we are opening it up next weekend. Last year, we had trouble opening it. Last year, my sister and I, would get in the pool at about 11 am, and we would be out at about at like 4 pm. It was so fun! We are getting our diving borad back this year becuase our neigbors took it from us last year They are not opening there pool this year, becuase his mom and him (The kid is in my class) are going to Italy for 12 weeks.

So post!

I wish I had a pool, but my parents say it's too much work, we don't know where to put it, etc. We might get a hot tub though!

My cousin has a pool in Hawaii. It's fun, but I fell off the balcony above it by accent and it hurts. =/

My grandma has an in-ground pool. I'm over at her house a lot during the summer so it's great<3 It opens June 3rd this year.

Pools.. awesome topic!! I love pools, especially the floating part.

I don't have a pool, we could have one in my backyard, it's big enough, but there is a huge hill.. and it makes the perfect sledding hill and stuff. So we have a hottub instead. But my friend has a pool, it's an in ground pool, and I basically live at her house in the summer. So yup.

It's pretty big, she has a slide, and lots of toys. Not sure when it opens.

But it brings some bad memories. I scraped my leg on the side of it, and my friend tripped on the stairs and had to get crutches. Then, it was another friend's last day in our city, before she moved, and she spent it in the pool. She tripped as well and ended up in a wheelchair.

So it's kind of an evil pool, but yeah.. :)

Not in this house.

We have an inflatable pool that we don't use---but those in my opinion suck because they're like 4 feet deep and like 6 feet wide. ):

My doggy has a little plastic pool. xD

The house we -probably- are gunna move into has a beautiful pool. :)

No, I don't have a pool, though I wish I did. I do belong to a swim club and swim team, though. So I can go swimming pretty much whenever I want. It's only a twenty minute walk from home. I've actually never seen an above ground pool, just in ground ones.

I have a blow up one. It's like 3 feet deep xD I am not sure If I am using it this year though xP

Since I am an only child my family thinks there is no point in buying a big pool If I am the only one using it

No, I don't have a pool. Where I live, it's not needed. I mean, honestly, with the climate around here, it would have 5-6 months of being absolutely frozen, and only about a week of use. It's only hot enough for a pool for about a week each year. Then the temperature is very mild in the summer, and freezing in the winter.

Not to mention that I can't swim...

No. It costs way too much, because under the soil here is solid rock. My grandparents have an in-ground pool though, and a hot tub. They actually got it as a joke, when my dad was leaving for college, they got it built as a graduation gift that he couldn't use because he was at college. My grandparents are kind of really messed up.

I know of six local pools that I can walk to for seven or eight months of the year, however, so I am most certainly not deprived. Us Texans like our pools.

Wish we had one...

We'll probably never get one though because we'd probably live in it for the rest of our lives.

No. But this park near my house is getting a pool, but my parents said I can't swim in it cause they are afraid of strangers.

Where I go to in the summer has an indoor pool and an outdoor pool only 5 minutes from my house there. Since everyone knows each other there, including the lifeguards and the people who run the ENTIRE place, it's safe. ;3

We used to have one of those super-sized outdoor ones, but we got rid of it. It was more of a pain than anything, and no one really used it.

I really, really don't like swimming anyway. I hate getting cold and wet. :I

No. I want one though. We had one until I was about 6 months old then they sold it.

If I want a summer pool experience I gate crash the shin-high paddling pool around the corner.

If I want a swim in my backyard I fill up the 40cmx90cm rectangular bucket and sit in that looking cool.

If I want a spa pool experience I go bum around Maddy's house.

And It only costs 95c to catch the bus to QEII and $2.50 entry fee and it's go spa pools, diving boards, waves pools, length pools etc.

No, but i used to! But i almost drowned in it, so we don't have a pool,

1. because we moved.

2. because its not needed in __________ because of climate!

Nope. Don't have one. At first, I had like a metre long paddle pool. Then I realised I was already 8, and needed a big pool. So mummy got me a 2 metre long blow-up pool. That one then popped. Our backyard is really small anyway, so we can't really fit one.

Here, where I live, we have the ocean like a 10mins drive away from our house. So it's quite easy to get there, yet I'm slightly scared of sharks and other dangereous thinggos. So I don't usually swim at the beach when I go there.

We also have about 4 pools that I know about and that are reasonably easy to get to. Yet we don't seem to go swimming much, even in summer D:

Noooo. I wish I had one, I love pools.

My grandma has one, and I go to her house in New Jersey in the summer for a few weeks even though it's far away.

And I'm a member at a recreation place that has a waterpark, so that's cool. :D

I wish. I might be getting one this year. The closest I have to one is a giant round thingo that can be filled with water. It's half a metre high. It's a baby make-shift pool.

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