Popping Zits


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Just use clearasil or something- it really helps. I use clearasil, even though I don't really get spots. ^^

Sometimes I pop my zits, when they are really bad or big. Most of the time I just use face cleanser and sooner or later they go away. XP

I do know that they leave scars sometimes, depending on how bad it is. I haven't gotten any scars yet. But I don't think it is dangerous...

I never ever used to get spots and recently with exam stress or something i've started getting a few. I know this may sound superficial but i hate them so much!! When I get one I feel truly gross... I suppose i've got airbrushed perfect images in magazines to thank for that but still...

I have ''popped'' one before and it left a little mark that is still here. I just used make-up to cover it up though so its not that big a deal. Does anyone know if these scars or marks will go away in time?

My advice is not to pop or pick as they do leave marks but i have had a bad experience with ''drying''' spot cream aswell. I used quite a large quantity on a spot that had appeared and it made the spot go but i was left with a very very dry patch of skin in that area. It was very difficult to cover up with make-up but eventually managed- with copious amounts of Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream.

Phew that was quite a shallow and long post. Sincerest apologies :)

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