Potato Chips


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Half of those aren't even potato chips. o_o""

I truthfully am not a fan. They're fattening and oily. ;)

I do like using Wasa crackers and I like pita, if those can relate to chips. But cheetos are good, too. ;3 Did you know that they're practically flavored packing peanuts? xD

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I like Cheeto's, Tostitos, Doritos, Fritos and another one, called Vickies. It has my favorite flavor; Buttermilk Ranch.

Im a chip wh*re X^D Cheeto's and Vickies are my favorite, though.

Im a chip wh*re X^D Cheeto's and Vickies are my favorite, though.
xD. Same here

(except for the Vickies though)

Cheetos= ♥

When i eat cheetos while on the computer, or Playing my ps2 I eat them with a fork. (o__o. Yes. I eat cheetos with a fork. So I wont get the mouse/ps2 controller all Cheeto-ey)

Baked Lays. Not Lays but Baked Lays. There's a difference. :] I am obsessed with those potato chips. Whenever somebody serves them at a party, I'll keep wandering up to the snack table and taking handfuls of chips, hoping that nobody notices and tells me to leave chips for the rest of them. I think salt and vinegar Lays are pretty good too, but nothing compares to baked lays. Darn, I'm hungry now. D:

Cheetos, but all the cheetos they sell at our school are the nasty spicy kind. I do not like those one bit. I'll settle with most chips, but if you give me a choice I'll choose those for sure :]

I really love funyons, but I don't even know if those are potato-y D: My friend was at my house and she got this super extreme craving for funyons (at the time I had never eaten them) so we went to the store, not hugely far away but kinda far if you're walking without company just to get them. On the way, I gave her the idea (it was a joke about how when she was pregnant she would scream "I WANT FUNYONS! AND PICKLES! AND BARBEQUE SAUCE!) and suddenly she wanted funyons AND barbeque sauce. We couldn't find any barbeque sauce so we went back to my house and ate the whole bag, regretting that we didn't buy two. After that we sat for a long time and just smelled the bag.. xD

I like doritoes, cheese its [not cheese nips! EWW! D:<], fritos, hot cheetoes, crackers [saltines, soda crackers, etc.], and pita chips. <333

Lays (Walkers in U.K).

When I moved from S. Africa to U.K, I was shocked! The Walkers lable is exactly the same as the Lays lable! Except the name, of course. =[

And the colour for cheese and onion here is blue, while salt and vinegar is green. Soo confuzzling -.-

Wow, Its like a Life or Death situation LOLZ!

Anyways, I like Doritoes,Lays,Cheetos,Vickies, AND PRETTY MUCH ALL OF THEM!

Thanks for making this poll :puroperatchi:

~TP~ ♥ ♪ :puroperatchi:

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