Practice Story ~ Faery Sight


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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2006
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Okay. I got bored earlier today so I just wrote this up.It's sloppy(ish) and there isn't much explanation in it but please give it a read and comment XD

~Faery Sight~

"I said stop!" Her voice was different now. All pleading from Susain had stopped as her shoulder's tensed and she flared.

It wasn't until now that they paid attention to her seriously. They felt threatened but afraid now. Susain's temper would go up in flames soon and they didn't mean the go that far. They just wanted to play around a bit.

The sprites turned away from Kendric's limp yet somehow alive body. They hadn't hurt him, he was already like that, always was. Shadows unclung from him, taking off there lovingly frightening grip and pixies climbed down from his head where they had been pecking his lips, touching his cheeks, and nibbling his ears. Last the shriveled goblins turned from their seated position on Kendric's chest.

Susain's face was red in rage and she breathed hard, containing the wish to burn them all the crisp. The hardest thing of holding back that emotion is that she could do that to them all if she wanted, but Kendric was with them.

Heat radiated from her body and breath and she walked towards them. The goblins ran away,in pain from the purifying heat that blistered them. Sprites and pixies swooned, becoming dizzy, and collapsed. The shadows had already left and Susain reached down to help Kendric up.

His lazy eyes didn't flinch when she came to close to them, he didn't twitch or react when she touched him. He was alive though.

"Kendric?" Susain asked, nervous now.

Kendric's eyes whidened, his dry lips parted slightly. "Someone......someone said my name..." He didn't have the energy and spoke in short whispers. "Who's here?"

Susain frowned but was sad. 'I am...I am here' She thought. She moved her arms away from his beaten and bruised body, sliding over to sit next to him.

Kendric closed his eyes and mumbled something. There were sirens in the distance, closer now, louder now. Color's blasted at the windows as a fresh wind blew and Susain stood up. She backed up to the building's wall as men with a stretcher ran to them. To Kendric.

They took his pulse, braced him, and tossed him on the stretcher which was supposedly strong enough to bear his wait. He opened his eyes again, staring right at Susain.

His eyes whidened. The white coated men started to carry him away. He mouth opened and closed until it finally shouted her name. "Susain! SUSAIN!" he stopped as one of the men gave him a strange look.

"Wait," He pleaded with them. "Let Susain come with!" More strange looks, some exchanged words.

They stopped and looked around them. They looked straight at Susain but saw nothing but the brick wall behind her. "No one else is here" the brown haired one looked at Kendric who was still stairing in shock at Susain. They looked in that direction and back at him.

"She's right there....." his voice was mearily a whisper as he struggled for the words. The became confused as he watched her.

Susain rubbed her eyes, getting her hands wet with tears that now covered her cheeks. She coughed once and cried, pushing back her hair that kept falling foreward. She shook her head in sorrow.

"I haven't seen you in months...." Kendric said and the men begain carrying him away again, taking him as insane.

"You still don't see me" She choked out as he was put in the ambulence. Before the doors closed Kendirc heard her say one last thing, as if right in his ear. "It's....a Faery thing"

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Interesting story. I like how you portray Susain. It's a bit hazy, though... I don't know much about it, and it was set at a bit of too-quick a pace.

I'd like to read on, though.

Btw: It's Faerie or Fairy. XD

Actually it's spelled a lot of ways. XD The most current I've seen was faery so I thought I'de use it here.

I agree, it is quick paced and hazy but thats why i called it my practice story ;) I'm editing and rewriting it now into a longer story. This was mainly to get my ideas written down.

Thanks for replying to my story <3

Yah, I'll be writing more (and rewriting this) I just need to get around to it....>.<
