Presenting...the New...Tamagotchi Connection V5-!


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I don't have it, but you asked for my thoughts so here they are:

When I raise multiple virtual pets, I like to be able to care for the individual needs of each one. With the v5, it looks more like you're caring for the collective needs of the entire family.

What's stange is that although your Tamagotchi live with their parents, their parents don't look after them. I know, it's because you need to look after them, but what about looking after the parents and then the parents look after the children? Alright, alright. I suppose you need to be able to influence growth.

But you know how they say that if your parents are mean to you as a child you'll probably be a mean parent, stuff like that? Maybe if you care for the Tamagotchi parents well, they'll care for their children well and same goes for if you treat them badly- they'll treat their children badly too.

In any case, I really don't get how it works.

Also, what I don't get are the channels on TV- TV shopping, Dating Channel and Travelling Channel? Okay, I know what they do, but it's a bit odd having a Travelling Channel replacing Pause mode.

I just got mine yesterday, and I'm really satisfied with all the new features.

I wanted your opinion on the latest Tamagotchi Connection. Whether you have it or not, please shatre your thoughts!Thanks!
it is very fun to raise a family of tamas and one of the best things is that when your adult has a baby on other versions then it just breeds and goes away but here they get married and live together as husband and wife!!!

my sister got one yesterday!!! from walmart!!!

mine still isnt here but it is in "mid shipping"

somewhere across the atlantic ocean.

so i technically have it...

I love the v5! I got one from Amazon, and It is coming around tuesday or so. I love the new features they have now! I personally like the Tama house design. I ordered that one. If the boys want one, I suggest that they get the tama house design.

Looks like the v5 is the hottest tamagotchi around, now. does anyone know if minis are still around?(exclude the ones on the internet sites)

Who's with me? (that think that the Tamahouse design is awesome!!!!!)

-Darre :angry: :huh: :nyatchi: :nazotchi: :kusatchi:

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I totally agree with DancinKayley about caring for each individual instead of the family.

Other than that, I think it is really fun. I find myself always entertained with my version 5, because if my tamagotchi doesn't

need caring, I can travel or do some TV surfing!

Ura Mamechi, if you get have two v5s, and they get married to each other and stay togather, what happends to the other empty tamagotchi?

Also, what I don't get are the channels on TV- TV shopping, Dating Channel and Travelling Channel? Okay, I know what they do, but it's a bit odd having a Travelling Channel replacing Pause mode.
I s'pose it's nicer to send your tama on holiday rather than just say that "I don't have time to play with you, I'll just put your whole life on pause until I have time again."

which would you prefer? nearly stop existing, in something between a coma and death, or go on holiday?

i dont like it as much as the last 1s but its still OK :eek: . i dont like the games and the got rid of all the features i liked(shop, and shop codes, the better version of tamatown, jobs, 1 tamagotchi, naming your tamagotchi). i dont like the designs either. hopefully the dont come out with the 5.5(well as long as their are better games) and the v6 isn't a family tamagotchi.

I dont have one but they sound awesome. I want one! There is 2 things I dont like about it though... you can't name them. and you can only connect to other famitama/v5

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I think they're great but they can't get jobs! thats really annoying

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