Pretty or Ugly?


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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2006
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USA, baby, USA. <3
I just wanted to know if you thought yourself pretty or ugly. I am confident with myself and I like the way I look. What about you? :D

I feel that I am pretty. but you tell me.

Shoulde length cinamin colored hair.

Hazel eyes.

(Meh I hat ethius) Crooked teeth.

and always a cat collar and tamagotchi around my neck.


I feel that I am pretty. but you tell me.
Shoulde length cinamin colored hair.

Hazel eyes.

(Meh I hat ethius) Crooked teeth.

and always a cat collar and tamagotchi around my neck.

Dont feel bad, I have crooked teeth aswell (seriously, it looks like I Have Fangs, XD, thats why in pictures, i never smile that much.)


I dunno, I pretty much consider myself Average. I'm Not pleased with the way i look, But I dont think i'm Super Ugly either.

I don't know, You all can figure out for yourself, XD

This isnt a Recent picture, like i took it in May. But its the Pretttiest picture of me i could find.

My mom and my friends say my face has gorgeous feminine features and my hair is nice, too. I'm on the overweight side though so I'd consider myself average.

If I take the right photo I can look pretty nice though... I'll go dig my wallpaper up.

-EDIT- Tadah. All gussied up and my tummy is not included, lol.

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I just wanted to know if you thought yourself pretty or ugly. I am confident with myself and I like the way I look. What about you? :)

No one tells me that I am pretty.

And, People always ask me whats wrong my tooth, And it makes me feel really ugly.

Only my mom tells me I am pretty.

People just don't like me because of one of my teeth, people make me feel ugly almost all the time. :wub:

I hate people who have to have every single little tinsy detail right in a person. :D

I think I'm ugly and pretty. But I think I'm more ugly. I need to get rid of these freaking zits!

Well...No one tells me that I am pretty.

And, People always ask me whats wrong my tooth, And it makes me feel really ugly.

Only my mom tells me I am pretty.

People just don't like me because of one of my teeth, people make me feel ugly almost all the time. :wub:

I hate people who have to have every single little tinsy detail right in a person. :D
No one should call themselves ugly. I bet your mom is right you should listen to her. :) I used to be like you when I was younger, I'd sit there and call myself ugly but you know what, never let those people get to you. If they want to judge you that fast then they really are just shallow inside and aren't worth your time.

This world today we live in is really messed up. People are to conerned with looks and what defines what is pretty and what isn't. I weigh 230 lbs and never get a guys attention because I'm cosidered a "Fat Chick" I may be big but that doesn't make me ugly:

I know of 4 or 5 guys in my school who fancy me, so... yeah. Everyone says I'm really pretty- I think I'm kinda ugly. ^_^

I'll try and get a recent picture soon, I don't have one yet. I don't know what to say really.

But when a boy asked for my number in college one of my friends said 'They always want Lauren's number' then my other friend said 'It's beccause she's stunning'. I felt happy that day ^_^ .

My boyfriend's Gran always says I dress really nicely and am really pretty. I always used to say 'You have to say that because I'm with ____' and she just said if it wasn't true she wouldn't say it.

And someone I don't even know asked my boyfriend was he going out with me and he said 'Yes why?' and it turned out she'd been telling her boyfriend she thought I was really pretty.

But still I only think I'm adverage looking. Mainly because I have white, straight teeth & nice skin that doesn't really get spots. I'm quite slim to adverage size but I don't think that really matters. I have a friend who is quite big and she is a really beautiful girl.

You all sound really pretty to me. There wasn't one person who i didn't think looked really nice! And Rey Mysterio, if you were ugly those guys wouldn't fancy you. You're probably very pretty! And babygotchi, I don't think zits make a girl look ugly. Everyone gets them as they grow up, but they're really minor compared to the entire look of the person. And to 'Shed a tear now and forever' i think you sounds really pretty. I love red/cinamonny hair! One of my best friends has it and it's lovely, and really bright so it makes you stand out. Plus, here's an interesting fact: your hair is much less likely to go grey when you're older if it's red!!! So when you're older you won't have to worry about grey hairs! ^_^

Everyone's pretty in their own way! :p

I know of 4 or 5 guys in my school who fancy me, so... yeah. Everyone says I'm really pretty- I think I'm kinda ugly. ^_^
I'm sure you're not ugly, Rey.

I would kind of say I'm pretty because all the boys in my grade asked me out and I politely said "sorry, but Im not up to dating at this age" and whenever my friends tell me I'm pretty, it makes me happy to here that. Im not saying that snobbishly to offend anyone but that is my opinion. I mostly look like my mum.

by the way, I dont have any acne, except when I was little I got a pimple but it went away. ^_^



Weeeell, alot of random people stop me and tell me that I'm all pretty and stuff and have a good smile, but I don't quite believe them all the time.

Nobody in my class likes me in a like-like way that I know of.

...I'm pretty average. Other than my eyes which I think are awesome. They're as close to anime as it gets... naturally.

I would kind of say I'm pretty because all the boys in my grade asked me out and I politely said "sorry, but Im not up to dating at this age" and whenever my friends tell me I'm pretty, it makes me happy to here that. Im not saying that snobbishly to offend anyone but that is my opinion. I mostly look like my mum.
by the way, I dont have any acne, except when I was little I got a pimple but it went away. ^_^

I'm glad you're confident with yourself, Surfer Gurl. That's really nice to see. :D

And to 'Shed a tear now and forever' i think you sounds really pretty. I love red/cinamonny hair! One of my best friends has it and it's lovely, and really bright so it makes you stand out. Plus, here's an interesting fact: your hair is much less likely to go grey when you're older if it's red!!! So when you're older you won't have to worry about grey hairs! ^_^
Everyone's pretty in their own way! :D
Awww thankies! I will try to find I picture of me from two years ago only because I dunt have anny on this computer :mellow:

YAY No grey hairs!

It isn\'t really about being ugly or pretty. Everyone is probably pretty, but it is about how confident you are. Nobody should call them selves or other people ugly. This world does judge on looks and maybe people make fun of others THEY think are ugly. But, the truth is your not ugly...the people who are doing are. Not ugly on the outside, but the inside.

Oh gawd, I am way to deep with things... >.< a nutshell. None of you guys are ugly. But, some people base things on being \'pretty\' or being \'ugly\'. Now that probably makes no sense but at least I tried...



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