Pro Choice or Pro Life?


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That's what pro-choice means. If something was growing inside of you and you had no say in what happened to it wouldn't you feel like you had no right? Exactly.
would you feel you had no right for what? please expound

Expound? Exactly what I said....You would feel you have no right...if you mean to explain there really is no explaining...
there is some truth in that; the woman, if raped, had her choices taken from her quite brutally. but just because the woman got "shaken" doesnt mean the woman should shake up the kid's life by killing it.

Er... aren't we starting to bicker a little too much?

Er... aren't we starting to bicker a little too much?
your right... eh i feel like a child quarreling back and forth. but when you think about it, isnt death something to cause havoc over? you cant really just leave it alone. and i dont mean to sound rude in any of my posts, so i am sorry if anyone has felt bitter with me.

there is some truth in that; the woman, if raped, had her choices taken from her quite brutally. but just because the woman got "shaken" doesnt mean the woman should shake up the kid's life by killing it.
You honestly have no right to say that about a rape victim. Unless you've been raped before you have no right to say it merely "shakes someone up"


Raped: Well... That's the only reason I'd be pro-choice.

Other: You were stupid enough to not use protection :/

Er... aren't we starting to bicker a little too much?
No, I'd say we're having a mature, clam discussion over an issue. :)

Pro-Choice actually MEANS that a woman should have a choice. I don't necessarily support abortion. I support the fact that the woman should have a choice on what is done to her body.
Yes but what I said was that 650,000 thousand females (i.e. females that are killed by abortion) DON'T have control over THEIR bodies. The child is NOT the woman's body. It's not an issue of just her body. It an issue of both hers AND the child's body. Even prochoicers must acknowledge that the "right to control one's body" argument has no validity if the unborn is a human being.

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Half and half

I think a Women should make a choice to get pregnant.

But I am against abortion.

If someone got pregnant by mistake, then have it, and then put the poor thing up for adoption if you really don't want a baby.


I am 110% Pro-Life.

I disagree with Feebee. Again. xD

But yet I'm for stem cell research, which sounds contradictory. I say while abortion is legal, might as well make SOME good come of it.

And I don't really consider it murder since it's not a fully developed baby yet.
I believe that life begins at the moment of conception.

I consider abortion legalized murder, which is completely immoral.

You honestly have no right to say that about a rape victim. Unless you've been raped before you have no right to say it merely "shakes someone up"
excuse me, but i have been raped. and i have been through all of this!


And don't tell me that I'm a baby murderer. I never said I'd kill EVERY single baby, in fact, if I were a girl, I wouldn't ever have an abortion (unless a medical necessity).

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