Pro Choice or Pro Life?


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You're contradicting yourself a bit. You say you're pro-choice, but if you were ever a woman, you would never have an abortion?
He's not contradicting himself. He's saying that he wouldn't get one, but it should be an option.

I believe in abortion, but only to a certain extent. There is a big difference between a feeling, hurting, human being, and a growing fetus. But there's also a difference between a three week old fetus and a five month old fetus. The difference isn't size-- It's development.

I looked up a twenty-one week old aborted fetus, and I was sickened. I could see the rib cage, the translucent bones, all mutilated. It was terrible. I would never do that. And no one else should be able to do that. It is murder. If you want to see the pic, PM me. It's kind of inappropriate for all ages. Only for those with a strong stomach.

It made me think a bit. I'm still pro-choice.. For the very early stages in pregnancy. But I saw things in a different light.

Edit, typo.

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i agree totally with `Krystal,
if a woman is gonna have sex with "whomever the acquaintance" they better double up on condoms or don't have sex, because everyone deserves to live.
Either I took this the wrong way, or I sincerely hope you're joking.

Using a condom on top of a condom basically cancels each other out. They have more chance of breaking, and a much higher chance of pregnancy.

There's no 100% birth control other than abstinence. Doubling up on condoms is just begging for trouble.

When abortions occur, the baby has legs, arms, a brain, a heartbeat, scenes, which includes pain, fingernails, and toes. How is that not a baby? So when is it considered a baby then?
Like I said, I think we're talking about earlier in the pregnancy. When it looks like a salamander. Tahdahh. Three weeks old.

Not something like this: Three months.

Edit, I'm looking for a real picture of a three week old fetus, be patient xD

Edit again. Kay, this is four weeks. Deal with it.

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Like I said, I think we're talking about earlier in the pregnancy. When it looks like a salamander. Tahdahh. Three weeks old.
Not something like this: Three months.

Edit, I'm looking for a real picture of a three week old fetus, be patient xD

Edit again. Kay, this is four weeks. Deal with it.
Basically RipCurl, this is what I mean xD

But the question is, "Is that a human being?" And the answer to that is yes. It doesn't matter how old the baby, or the fetus is, whichever you'd like to call it. It's no less human when it's a fetus than when it's born. It is what it is: a human being. And killing it would be murder no matter how old it is. :(

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But the question is, "Is that a human being?" And the answer to that is yes. It doesn't matter how old the baby, or the fetus is, whichever you'd like to call it. It's no less human when it's a fetus than when it's born. It is what it is: a human being. And killing it would be murder no matter how old it is. :(
Define human being.


1. A member of the genus Homo and especially of the species Homo sapiens. (Basically, a member of the human species.)

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–noun1. A member of the genus Homo and especially of the species Homo sapiens.
So it is a human. Fetus is just a name for a human before they're fully developed. I've done a bit of thinking about this.

You know, vegetarians? How they don't eat chicken, or it's egg? Because they see it as the same. Murder, both ways.

I'm still prochoice. But I've got some insight. I don't know, I'm gonna think about this more.

There is one instance I'd like to share with y'all: There was this girl, at my school. She got pregnant, the condom broke. She was fourteen. About two months into the pregnancy, she got an abortion. It was because, and I don't know the details, but there was like, a one in three chance she would die if she had the baby. She didn't want to take that risk, so she aborted. I'm pretty sure it had something to do with how young she was, I don't really know.

Do you think you'd do the same?

I'm still prochoice. But I've got some insight. I don't know, I'm gonna think about this more.
There is one instance I'd like to share with y'all: There was this girl, at my school. She got pregnant, the condom broke. She was fourteen. About two months into the pregnancy, she got an abortion. It was because, and I don't know the details, but there was like, a one in three chance she would die if she had the baby. She didn't want to take that risk, so she aborted. I'm pretty sure it had something to do with how young she was, I don't really know.

Do you think you'd do the same?
I would abort in those cases. Only because I would not want to die because a condom broke. If I did what was right (used a condom) Why should I suffer consequences for an accident? Plus, if I had a baby at 14, that would basically ruin school for me, I would be a considered a loser, and not only that but I would have to support the 14. So, in those circumstances, yes. I'd abort.

Pro choice. It's not our decision. If a woman has a baby, it's her choice what she wants to do with it. Like, you wouldn't force someone else's kid to do something, unless, that's your job.

He's not contradicting himself. He's saying that he wouldn't get one, but it should be an option.
I believe in abortion, but only to a certain extent. There is a big difference between a feeling, hurting, human being, and a growing fetus. But there's also a difference between a three week old fetus and a five month old fetus. The difference isn't size-- It's development.

I looked up a twenty-one week old aborted fetus, and I was sickened. I could see the rib cage, the translucent bones, all mutilated. It was terrible. I would never do that. And no one else should be able to do that. It is murder. If you want to see the pic, PM me. It's kind of inappropriate for all ages. Only for those with a strong stomach.

It made me think a bit. I'm still pro-choice.. For the very early stages in pregnancy. But I saw things in a different light.

Edit, typo.
I completely agree with you Feebee.

I gave it deep thought, and I am still prochoice. There are many reasons it should be illegal, but there are also many reasons it should be legal.

Something I noticed is that everyone is only thinking about the fetus. But that isn't the only person we need to consider. The mother, the father, the grandparents-- Whoever has to support that child.

Of course, there's adoption.

This is too complicated. I'm not voting. I'm not having sex. I think I'll just shut up, since this doesn't apply to me.

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I believe in abortion, but only to a certain extent. There is a big difference between a feeling, hurting, human being, and a growing fetus. But there's also a difference between a three week old fetus and a five month old fetus. The difference isn't size-- It's development.
I looked up a twenty-one week old aborted fetus, and I was sickened. I could see the rib cage, the translucent bones, all mutilated. It was terrible. I would never do that. And no one else should be able to do that. It is murder. If you want to see the pic, PM me. It's kind of inappropriate for all ages. Only for those with a strong stomach.

It made me think a bit. I'm still pro-choice.. For the very early stages in pregnancy. But I saw things in a different light.

This is too complicated. I'm not voting. I'm not having sex. I think I'll just STFU, since this doesn't apply to me.
You don't have to vote but personally, I think you've made the best points right now.

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