Pro Choice or Pro Life?


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[SIZE=14pt]I think that them having a baby could teach them responsibility and being able to care for someone other than themself.[/SIZE]
What if you couldn't provide for the baby, or you were about to die?

Would you learn responsibility from that?

You have to realize some people don't randomly abort like you are claiming. Sure, some people did. They just didn't want the baby. Some people took precautions and still got pregnant. So you are saying they are immature?


This world is already overpopulated with humans and we are killing off the environment and other species because the overpopulation is taking up much more of our planet's resources than we can offer. Personally I believe that an already-living animal's life is more important than a senseless embryo. I can understand pro-life's beliefs, but I do not think abortion should be illegal because everyone has different beliefs and values. If abortion is immoral by your values, don't get one. You can try to persuade others, but ultimately you have no control over their decisions.

That's right. You don't. But you can affect how someone makes their decision by expressing your view on the subject.

The whole "your truth works for you and mine works for me" is garbage. That's just like saying "Oh, we shouldn't make rape illegal because everyone has different beliefs and values". So? Someone might believe rape isn't wrong, but that doesn't make it okay and definitely doesn't make it alright to legalize it. Same concept with abortion. It's the murdering of innocent human lives. And the fact that someone might believe that murdering innocent human beings is okay doesn't make it right.

And I really cannot believe you just said that an animal's life is more valuable than a human being's life. *shakes head shamefully* An embryo is not senseless. An embryo is a living human being. It's the beginning of a human life. We all were embryos. We all are human. We all have value. At every stage of life.

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Pro Choice. Besides, what if it were you that was pregnant, or about to become a father? Wouldn't you love to see your own daughter or son, cradled into your arms? Every noise a brand new mom or dad would like to hear is their new child giving their fisrt little cry.

I love babies. I would love to have a son or daughter.

^ Doesn't your explination support the idea of Pro Life? (not Choice)

The whole "your truth works for you and mine works for me" is garbage. That's just like saying "Oh, we shouldn't make rape illegal because everyone has different beliefs and values". So? Someone might believe rape isn't wrong, but that doesn't make it okay and definitely doesn't make it alright to legalize it. Same concept with abortion. It's the murdering of innocent human lives. And the fact that someone might believe that murdering innocent human beings is okay doesn't make it right.
Exactly. I totally agree (I sound like I haven't read a word of that, but I have, I promise xD)

Pro choice.

It's cruel to force a woman to have a baby when she doesn't want to, and it's also cruel on the baby, because its own mother would neglect it, for want of never having it in the first place.

Also in teen pregnancies, abortion is really the best thing to do, because there's a high risk of death in childbirth, and the teen wouldn't know how to properly care for the child. There's also the risk that the child can be teased in school for having a young mother, and that the mother herself will be teased or thrown out of home.

Personally I believe that an already-living animal's life is more important than a senseless embryo.
I'm sorry, but I nearly gagged over this statement. It's ignorance like this that makes me sick to my stomach. Every being starts out as an embryo. As Ripcurl said, an embryo is the beginning of human life. We all started out as embryos. How would you feel if your mother said "Oh, look at that rat over there. If I murder this senseless embryo maybe I can save the entire rodent population. After all, they're already living, so that means so much more than my soon to be baby."?

I'm not trying to disrespect your opinion, but you have to realize what you just said. Just because you're pro choice doesn't mean it's okay to think that an animal's life is more important than a baby's life. After all, even if it is just an embryo, it is going to be a baby soon enough. So getting an abortion is taking away someone's life, even if you don't believe life begins from the moment of conception.

I am pro-choice. I think that if both the mother and child have a high risk of death by continuing with the pregnancy, then the right choice is abortion. I also think that if there is a hundred percent chance of the baby dying later in the pregnancy, then the most humane choice would be abortion, in most situations.

The reason behind that, is because, I personally know someone through my mom's church that had some condition, where there was no way the baby would make it past the fifth month in the pregnancy or around that time, and instead of letting the kid suffer a slow death while her own body attacked the child [i never got the full explanation because nobody wants to talk about it/explain it to me, but her body rejected the baby, as put by my mom], she chose abortion. I respected that, because I know that if I was the kid, I would have wanted to go through about a minute of pain rather than five months of it.

I really don't agree with abortion because of rape or a broken condom. It doesn't make the kid any less of a human. And abortion is a traumatic experience, I think knowing I had taken a life would be much worse than just enduring nine months of pregnancy and giving the child up for adoption. Even the ridicule and judgement I may receive isn't worth killing someone, regardless of how young or small they may be.

To the people who say that abortion is the most humane thing to do if the baby could die: Give it a chance. That baby could defy odds. There have been many cases where the parents have been told that the baby would almost certainly die sometime during the pregnancy, and that they should abort, but they have kept the baby, and the baby is still alive today.

I guess, according to Tamamum, I'm pro-choice, because in the case of the mother and baby dying in during the birth then I think abortion is okay. Any other reason: No.

I guess, according to Tamamum, I'm pro-choice, because in the case of the mother and baby dying in during the birth then I think abortion is okay. Any other reason: No.
I just pointed out that there are medical circumstances such as where the developing foetus will definitely die (no defying the odds, no doubts at all) because it is not attached to the uterus but to the fallopian tube.

You can't move it without killing it and when it gets too big the tube will burst, it will die and then the mother's life will also be endangered.

Under those circumstances I think any woman should have the right to choose an abortion if she wants one. In my opinion - even if there is just one circumstance where an abortion is acceptable - that makes me Pro-Choice.

I do not believe that abortion should be used as birth control (but frankly I also don't think making it illegal would stop it happening).

I think it is perfectly fair and acceptable to be Pro-Life - with your own life and your own pregnancies.

Personally, I just can't accept that there are people who are trying to make abortion illegal for everyone, under all circumstances and hiding it behind the Pro-Life banner B)

I've already made my point, it was a while ago, but it was a long one, so, I'll just say I'm Pro-Choice (though that means I support it, I do not think it's a good thing, just the lesser of two evils in most cases).

Anyway, I wanted to extend on TamaMum's point that making abortions illegal wouldn't stop them happening. Which is absolutly true, and furthermore, would lead to people going back to resorting to back alley abortions, which often caused serious problems such as infection infertility and even death in women.

Im'ma come again.

What I meant by abortion shouldn't be used as birth control is, if people don't want to have a baby, they should use actual birth control(pills, condoms etc.), not abortion whenever they feel like. Then again, if someone was raped, I think they should be able to get an abortion, especially if they are a young teen or tween, because birth could endanger both them and the baby. Also, if your baby has something like spineabifia(sp?), and will only live for a week, tops, after birth, you should be able to get an abortion.

What maybe should happen, is a limit on abortions per person, say three, and if someone needs another, they can appeal their case to a court.

I'm usually Pro Life, but I'm for abortion if it's a young teenager being raped and winding up pregnant then I can understand them getting an abortion, because obviously a thirteen year old isn't really able to take care of a kid when they're still one themselves. Kids from young parents sometimes end up with these sorta antisocial issues as well, so I've heard anyway. I'm also for it if the baby's almost definately going to die anyway. If it's an adult rape victim then I'm still Pro Life because just because they're a rape child doesn't mean they deserve to die. Or if it's some one who forgot to use a condom/the condom didn't work then all I can say is, if you don't want kids don't kill them, just learn to keep your legs shut.

I'm usually Pro Life, but I'm for abortion if it's a young teenager being raped and winding up pregnant then I can understand them getting an abortion, because obviously a thirteen year old isn't really able to take care of a kid when they're still one themselves.
That wouldn't make you prolife then. If you are for abortion in some cases, then you would be prochoice.

Pro-choice to those who are raped.

Pro-Life for people who are not. If you are a teenager who is not yet ready for the baby, have you learned your lesson?


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