Pro Choice or Pro Life?


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First off: I honestly detest the terms "pro life" and "pro choice," because in reality everyone likes choice and everyone likes life. I've seen so many people thinking that because you are "pro-choice" you hate babies or you hate life and that if you're "pro life" then you hate letting people have control over their lives. That is simply untrue.

The question is about abortion. Call it what it is.

I believe it is the woman's choice to abort for her own reasons. Here are some things:

>> Planned parenthoods work out better than unplanned ones. A child can grow up to be the president OR a serial killer. I am neutral on this point, I simply do not think it is a good one for debating either way.

>> No contraception is 100% effective. STDs and pregnancies don't just happen to irresponsible people who are labeled as "deserving it anyway" and I think that's how a lot of people justify that nobody should ever get an abortion ever, because they all deserved it for doing something bad or it's their fault. I find it horrendous that anyone would use a person's life as a punishment for someone else.

>> I believe that parents have a right to choose if they want to have a child with disabilities (mental or otherwise) because it will change their lives dramatically. Again, did they have to do anything wrong? They could have been planning for a child. That is not my choice to make for them. I refuse to tell them that they must keep this child, because I know how difficult it is. Thing is, I can talk all I want about my moral code and try to force it on them, but is that really fixing anything?

>>There are tests to show if parents have the recessive alleles for tay-sachs disease. a painful disease that destroys neurons in the brain and spinal cord, causes seizures, and usually kills the child. If a mother ends up with a baby that has it, should she abort her baby? She could have been aware of the dangers beforehand or not, but is it right to put her through the pain of labor and then have the child die later? Look at what you've written here. The baby most certaintly is a life, and the disease appears at around 3-6 months, so unlike the eggtopic pregnancy, there is a chance that the child may live. The likelihood of her being a teenager is pretty small, seeing as the disease in itself is rare, and again, the likelihood of her being raped is small as well. She isn't in danger of dying anymore than any other pregnancy.

i don't believe you should tell that woman what to do with her baby. It's her life and her choice.

I don't stand by teenagers getting a "get out of parenthood free" card. Educating them is the answer, and keeping them from getting pregnat in the FIRST place is what people should be worried about, not abortion after the fact.

I stand by the parent's right to do what they want with their lives in these events, and I believe that this is why we have abortion.

I've already made my point, it was a while ago, but it was a long one, so, I'll just say I'm Pro-Choice (though that means I support it, I do not think it's a good thing, just the lesser of two evils in most cases).
Anyway, I wanted to extend on TamaMum's point that making abortions illegal wouldn't stop them happening. Which is absolutly true, and furthermore, would lead to people going back to resorting to back alley abortions, which often caused serious problems such as infection infertility and even death in women.
Okay. . .

People are raped everyday. People are murdered everyday. People are stolen from everyday. There are laws against every one of these. Just because it happens doesn't mean that we should make them legal. Laws are here to protect people and discourage bad things from happening. Every law is going to be broken. We shouldn't do away with laws just because they're going to be violated.

And "sterile" abortions are just as dangerous. Women have a high chance of developing serious problems like infertility, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, internal bleeding, infections, and breast cancer, and sometimes even death if they get abortions. Back alley or not.

.... And "sterile" abortions are just as dangerous. Women have a high chance of developing serious problems like infertility, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, internal bleeding, infections, and breast cancer, and sometimes even death if they get abortions. Back alley or not.
I'm sorry to disagree again. But an abortion carried out under sterile conditions in a hospital with medical staff in attendance is not as dangerous as "back street/alley" illegal abortions.

Of course women have a chance to develop an infection, inflammation, etc. in a hospital - that is true of any kind of mainstream surgery in a hospital actually - including cesarian births. But any problems can be dealt with more quickly, efficiently and safely under those conditions and there is follow up / after care.

If abortion was made illegal then "back alley" abortions would be the only choice - and I agree - that could make them dangerous.

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I'm sorry to disagree again. But an abortion carried out under sterile conditions in a hospital with medical staff in attendance is not as dangerous as "back street/alley" illegal abortions.
Of course women have a chance to develop an infection, inflammation, etc. in a hospital - that is true of any kind of mainstream surgery in a hospital actually - including cesarian births. But any problems can be dealt with more quickly, efficiently and safely under those conditions and there is follow up / after care.

If abortion was made illegal then "back alley" abortions would be the only choice - and I agree - that could make them dangerous.
My point was that it's wrong to kill an innocent human being. That's exactly what abortion does. Nothing can justify that. That's what it all comes down to. The child is human. It's innocent and it is wrong to take it's life under any circumstances regardless of whether the crime puts others in a dangerous situation or not. If it's wrong then it needs to be illegal. And if it is illegal, it shouldn't matter what the consequences are for those who choose to break the law. It should still be illegal, especially when we're dealing with the lives of innocent people.

My point was that it's wrong to kill an innocent human being. That's exactly what abortion does. Nothing can justify that. That's what it all comes down to. The child is human. It's innocent and it is wrong to take it's life under any circumstances regardless of whether the crime puts others in a dangerous situation or not. If it's wrong then it needs to be illegal. And if it is illegal, it shouldn't matter what the consequences are for those who choose to break the law. It should still be illegal, especially when we're dealing with the lives of innocent people.
I love you. :)

I can't say it enough. It's a child. It's not meant to be murdered. I have.. er.. a bad temper and abortion makes me want to go rip a brick in half with my hands.

But that's not a good way to handle things.

It's evil. The end.

Pro-choice to those who are raped.
I don't understand why so many people say this. Exactly where is your logic in this situation?

I mean, if someone was raped, then they're scarred for life. No question. Now let's say they get pregnant, and they don't want their baby for whatever reason. Maybe because they're too young or they don't want to be reminded of the father, etc. How much more traumatic is the experience going to be knowing that they just murdered their child? First they get raped, then they kill their baby. Doesn't sound like a win-win, now does it?

I believe in Pro-Life. A baby or just the embryo is a living thing that can grow and be somebody one day. I can see when if you where raped or having the baby would kill you (not the baby has a disfunction). But, then again even if you where raped, would you want to hurt something that has done no wrong, ; but then again it would probaly keep the thought of the rape in your head. If you are a slutty teen whore or just had sex with your boyfriend and got pregunto...tough luck. If you had all the fun at the party you might as well go ahead and host your own party. Saying, it's your fault you got pregnant, so don't kill the baby. If you are unable to care for it, put it up fro adoption. There are tons of families who would love to have a baby. Making abortions illegal is wrong, but people should not take advantage of the service. In church, we got a story on a lady who survived an aborion and has downs syndrom but writes books, leads people to God, is a missionary, and does many other things. A life is a precious thing to loose. :lol:

My point was that it's wrong to kill an innocent human being. That's exactly what abortion does.
I respect your opinion.

But if you want to make a point about abortion being wrong my suggestion would be that you don't post mis-information such as :

And "sterile" abortions are just as dangerous.
If you post untrue or misleading information, it undermines the validity of your other arguments against abortion.

I don't understand why so many people say this. Exactly where is your logic in this situation?
I mean, if someone was raped, then they're scarred for life. No question. Now let's say they get pregnant, and they don't want their baby for whatever reason. Maybe because they're too young or they don't want to be reminded of the father, etc. How much more traumatic is the experience going to be knowing that they just murdered their child? First they get raped, then they kill their baby. Doesn't sound like a win-win, now does it?
Perhaps it doesn't sound like a win win to you because you believe abortion is murder.

If - as you describe - a young girl has been raped and "scarred for life" - perhaps she views an elective abortion as a means (legally) available to her to put the terrible events behind her - especially if she has no wish to be reminded of the event. Any event such as you describe is never going to be a win win situation - abortion or not.

What it all comes down to is that there are some people who believe that a foetus is a living human being that should not be killed under any circumstances.

Others believe that a foetus will become a sensory, sentient human after a certain number of weeks - but that in it's early stages it is a group of developing cells.

Perhaps it doesn't sound like a win win to you because you believe abortion is murder.
If - as you describe - a young girl has been raped and "scarred for life" - perhaps she views an elective abortion as a means (legally) available to her to put the terrible events behind her - especially if she has no wish to be reminded of the event. Any event such as you describe is never going to be a win win situation - abortion or not.

What it all comes down to is that there are some people who believe that a foetus is a living human being that should not be killed under any circumstances.

Others believe that a foetus will become a sensory, sentient human after a certain number of weeks - but that in it's early stages it is a group of developing cells.
Even if someone believes that at the stage of pregnancy where abortion is permitted, their child is just a "mass of cells," it would have still developed into an actual baby had its life not been terminated at the very beginning.

No matter how you view it, abortion is always denying an innocent child a chance at life.

No matter how you view it, abortion is always denying an innocent child a chance at life.
No matter how you view it?

OK, I'm sorry. I'm not pro-abortion, but here's the thing... if you believe an early stage foetus is a mass of cells, then that is a different view and you don't consider it an innocent child.

Everyone has different views and beliefs and I believe that sometimes there is no single "right" or "wrong" - sometimes there are several truths or "rights".

I think differences in opinion are good for everyone. That's why so many of us value the importance of free speech. I'm not so comfortable with a single idea or opinion being imposed on everyone - I suppose that is also why I am pro-choice.

I respect your opinion.
But if you want to make a point about abortion being wrong my suggestion would be that you don't post mis-information such as :

If you post untrue or misleading information, it undermines the validity of your other arguments against abortion.
Okay, maybe I should have worded my statement differently. I was trying to say that a legal abortion has dangerous risks as well with regards to things like sterilization and things of that matter. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

No matter how you view it?
OK, I'm sorry. I'm not pro-abortion, but here's the thing... if you believe an early stage foetus is a mass of cells, then that is a different view and you don't consider it an innocent child.

Everyone has different views and beliefs and I believe that sometimes there is no single "right" or "wrong" - sometimes there are several truths or "rights".

I think differences in opinion are good for everyone. That's why so many of us value the importance of free speech. I'm not so comfortable with a single idea or opinion being imposed on everyone - I suppose that is also why I am pro-choice.
So you think murdering innocent human beings should be legal just because some others believe that it's not wrong? I don't understand this. That's just like saying that we should make rape legal because some people think that it's okay.

There's always going to be opposing view points on every subject. What matters is what is right and what is wrong. For example, there was once a time when many people believed that enslaving and mistreating people based on the color of their skin was okay. Some people also stood up and said that this was wrong. According to you, both sides can be right because there is no one right and wrong. I don't agree. There can be no two rights or two wrongs. Only one.

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No matter how you view it?
OK, I'm sorry. I'm not pro-abortion, but here's the thing... if you believe an early stage foetus is a mass of cells, then that is a different view and you don't consider it an innocent child.

Everyone has different views and beliefs and I believe that sometimes there is no single "right" or "wrong" - sometimes there are several truths or "rights".

I think differences in opinion are good for everyone. That's why so many of us value the importance of free speech. I'm not so comfortable with a single idea or opinion being imposed on everyone - I suppose that is also why I am pro-choice.
It doesn't matter which stage of development you consider it a child. If you hadn't aborted the growth of that mass of cells, it would have had the chance to develop into a child. Either way, a child is being denied a chance at life, as I said.

(((Also, sorry I offended anyone in any of these arguments. No hard feelings, really. xD)))

And when it comes down to it, aren't we all just a big mass of cells anyway? What does it matter how small we are. A child just doesn't magically turn into a human. It's human from day one.


I would go pro choice, technically inside the body, a fetus is just a mass of cells, it cant have feelings, i know im being harsh, but condoms only work 97% of the time. Plus The girl might have a chance to live better sorry but, not having kids certainly has it's pro's. PLUS the worlds over populated as it is, we dont need teenagers have kids, and the birthrate everywhere is higher and kids have lower mortality rates and longer life spans due to Doctors and scientists playing god. I know im being harsh, please dont be offended or have any adverse opinions against me, thats just one guy's opinion

They are always trying to meddle with human bodies to make them "better"

I would go pro choice, technically inside the body, a fetus is just a mass of cells, it cant have feelings, i know im being harsh, but condoms only work 97% of the time. Plus The girl might have a chance to live better sorry but, not having kids certainly has it's pro's. PLUS the worlds over populated as it is, we dont need teenagers have kids, and the birthrate everywhere is higher and kids have lower mortality rates and longer life spans due to Doctors and scientists playing god. I know im being harsh, please dont be offended or have any adverse opinions against me, thats just one guy's opinion
Actually, the child is not just a simple mass of cells, as you state it.

"A newly fertilized egg contains a staggering amount of genetic information, sufficient to control the individuals growth and development for an entire lifetime. A single thread of DNA from a human cell contains information equivalent to a library of one thousand volumes, or six hundred thousand printed pages with five hundred words on a page. The genetic information stored in the new individual at conception is the equivalent of fifty times the amount of information contained in the Encyclopedia Britannica." (From "Prolife Awnsers to Prochoice Arguments" by Randy Alcorn)

So as you can see, even at conception a baby is very complex.

Even before the earliest abortions, the unborn already has every body part she will ever have. At just 18 days after conception, the heart is developing and eyes start to form. By 21 days, the heart is not only beating, but pumping blood throughout the body. By 28 days the child has budding arms and legs. By 30 days the child has manipulated in size 10,000 times. By 42 days the child has a skeleton, a functioning brain, and reflexively responds to stimulus and is capable of feeling pain. All of this is BEFORE the earliest abortions ever take place.

And I don't know about you, but wouldn't you consider a person to be playing God if they get to decide when another innocent human gets to live or die? Don't you see how wrong that is?

Also, the world is NOT overpopulated. Not even close. Did you know that according to Marilyn vos Savant, every single inhabitant of this earth could be placed into one gigantic city within the borders of the state of Texas with a smaller population density than many cities around the world. The rest of the world would be completely empty of people.

Besides, even if we were having a population problem that threatens our standard of living (which we aren't) the solution is not to kill off part of the population.

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There's a lot of information about pro-choice and pro-life out there on the internet - so much of it providing mis-information "tweaked" to suit the beliefs / opinions (of both camps).

The world is over populated.

Over population is not just about how much space there is for humans in the world - it is about sustaining the population with the resources we have. Please, don't take one woman's opinion as the truth ;)

I find it difficult to stop myself replying when I see something that is incorrect or misleading posted in such a serious topic - but I promise I will try harder from now on ;)

So all I will say is that I believe it is my fundamental human right to choose not to abort any child I conceive.

I will agree that the world is overpopulated, but I will also agree that the murder of developing children is not the solution. Definitely not the solution. :/

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