Problem With Friend. . .


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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2006
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Okay, I have two friends. Let's call them C and T. C and T are my best friends. We hang out together, we understand eachother, etc. But lately, they have been grating on my nerves. C and T are emo (as am I, apparently .__.) and they are taking this way too far. If C gets in trouble or her boyfriend of 1 month dumps her, she goes on a cutting frenzy and talks about suicids. Same with T, but she doesn't cut anymore and constantly talks about how she hates her life and will kill herself at any time. I know I may be overdramatic but this has been going on for a while, and I don't want to ignore it and have them be pushing up daisies at ages 13 and 14.

Any advice?

why not talk to them? tell them you're concerned about them and their choices and that they shouldn't be thinking that way. if that doesn't work ask for help from a trusted adult or something, kids shouldn't be thinking of suicide.

If there's something that excites them or makes them happy, do it. If someone's happy, they might be less suicidal. And especially, be there for them and do all you can to make them happy after they go through a breakup.

why not talk to them? tell them you're concerned about them and their choices and that they shouldn't be thinking that way. if that doesn't work ask for help from a trusted adult or something, kids shouldn't be thinking of suicide.
^^Just what I was thinking. Talk with them. You mentioned that they understood you and you understood them. Since they do, then maybe they'll take your words to heart. I, personally, can't imagine losing any of my friends. If you feel the same way, just go, "C and T, I want to talk to you." Then tell them. They understand, and maybe something will happen.

Talking to them has 2 possible outcomes:

1) They accept what you are saying and tone the suicidal talk down a bit

2) They get annoyed at you and say stuff like it's their life and so and the situation gets worse.

Just wanted to point that out before you take action. I'm not really very expirienced in that type of situation, so I can't really help you that much.

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