Problems, With School and Friends


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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2008
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I'm not sure if, you're allowed to ask for advice here. I'm a ~lurker~, I'll delete it if you want or it could be a post to talk about similar troubling situations?

Well I'm pretty much a truant, I've been out of school for afew months and when I went it was like once a week. I think they might be trying to reassign me, but I don't know what school would take a kid with a record like mine. I REALLY want to get back on track, I'm atleast 3 grade levels behind. I just want to graduate, I have goals but some personal problems are, getting in the way of what I need to do. I've never had "Friends", I don't have anyone to talk with or hang around with. I stay home pretty much everyday, I'm lacking some serious social skills. The kid's at the school I went to, I didn't really wanna befriend them. We had nothing in common and alot of them had drug and alcohol issue's which isn't going to make things better for me.

K, that was super long. I'm asking for advice on how to make friends outside of school, since I've screwed myself up with the whole school thing. Anyway I could try and get myself back on track and achieve my goals?

I'm going out of my mind worried and lonely everyday :/

Wow! I can't imagine taking that many days off school and no one saying anything about it!

Any way a school somewhere in your area will take you on. Granted it will be tough but you the right to an education.

I'm sure there are kids in you area. Try talking to them, say hello, ask if you could join in with whatever they may be doing. It's not easy especially if you're not used to talking to other people. What qualities do you have? These define which people you get along with best it also tells you who you won't like and issues you may have with other social crowds.

Friends are an odd thing. I'm not sure how to make them myself. They more found me. I'm not really one for friend who enjoys doing the things they do. They see that.

Just be you I don't worry so much it'll only make things harder.

just go say hi to random ppl

if they're nice enough they'll say hi back

thats how i made lots of my friends

lol just a random hi is all it takes

and dont b afraid

cuz it will kill the moment and u have to act like

its just some normal pearson and ur about to have a normal conversation

lol just start a convo from scratch

its pretty esy for me to do :D

If you want it that bad then do what everyone else does and not play truant! You need to discipline yourself. I'm sorry for putting it bluntly but just try. Make an effort, make some friends. :(

I'm sorry to hear that. I can't even think of staying out of school for that long. I guess at least try to make friends. That's all you can do. I can't think of anything else. I'm so sorry... <_<

[SIZE=14pt]Tell me if I am wrong: (Not trying to be rude, you sound like a somewhat smart person).. This is hard to say, but please don't get on my case... Were you kicked out of school? Or held back? If so, I am sorry. If I am wrong, please forgive me..[/SIZE]


Try to do your best.

If you don't finish homework, put your self in "Catch Up Club" (Thats what my school calls it.) because you want to, not because your teacher wants you to. Say "Mrs/Ms/Mr.______ can I do my homework during free time? I think it will help"

I always did that. And try to be friends with your teachers, not saying they'll give you a A+ on every test, but then school will be easier if your friends with a teacher.

Hit the books when you can.


Do you like sports?

If so, good. Join a sport, you can have more friends. Join it if its in school or township. =)

If sports just isn't your cup of tea, try something else.... Like a book club or the newspaper club, Yearbook club.. If you have those programs.


[Try to]Expand your vocabulary...We can't use words like "stuff". Thats boring, "I went shopping with my grandma and we got stuff." Whatt stuff? Clothes,Food, what?

"I went shopping with my grandma, we got flour,eggs and milk for a delious cake his weekend."Then you can start a convo....About cake. =) With "stuff" you can hardly relate to anything.(Oops, did I rant?? D: )

yikes. well what i would do to make friends is first make one friend and they will start introducing you to all their friends. first impressions aren't that hard either. when i get introduced to new people i try to make them laugh. if you show you are shy thats when people usually aren't keen on you but if you show confidence they will like you. try being a natural happy and fun person. it always works for me so it should do the same for you :angry: (hope this helps lol)

I can relate to your situation. I haven't missed school too often (even though I wish I could because it stresses me out!!) but I do lack many social skills and have only 1 good friend, and she lives in a different city. I spend so much time locked up inside of my house because I feel awkward when I go out. Whenever I try to talk to people and make friends, they think I'm an idiot or an insane freak. You're definetely not alone because I am lonely and worried too. I'm scared that my future will be horrible.

;) Man, that sucks. How old are you? 18? So are you trying to graduate high school?

There are lots of ways to get your high school diploma even if you are missing lots of credits. First talk with a school guidance counselor for specific information on your schooling area. From there you should be presented with a number of different options for accelerated courses or regular classes to take from adults schools, vocational schools, high schools, or local colleges. There is still hope. It's just a lot of work.

If there are any community colleges in your area you can also try for a GED but I think that a high school diploma is better.

The most important thing though is to not get overwhelmed with the task at hand, sure it looks big and intimidating but it is conquerable. You just gotta take it one step at a time. Don't pay attention to the losers, don't pay attention to the kids that look at you funny because you're a senior in a freshman class or anything, just focus on what you have to do for yourself. You can make friends when you're done with everything. Okay?

I had school troubles too when I was in high school. Mostly for family things but I worked hard, took some night school classes and graduated as student of the year. Just keep going. You can do it. If you need support or someone to talk to feel free to PM me, or post here. I'll be routing for you! :)


I can relate to your situation. I haven't missed school too often (even though I wish I could because it stresses me out!!) but I do lack many social skills and have only 1 good friend, and she lives in a different city. I spend so much time locked up inside of my house because I feel awkward when I go out. Whenever I try to talk to people and make friends, they think I'm an idiot or an insane freak. You're definetely not alone because I am lonely and worried too. I'm scared that my future will be horrible.
Don't freak out if you have no friends. It doesn't speak badly of you at all. It just means that you don't like to hang around a bunch of people who aren't really friends. Be true to yourself. Do what you like to do and chase your dreams and you will find some of the truest friends in the world. believe that you can make your future great and fight to see it every day. Eventually you'll see something good come out of it. :) It's tough now, but you can get through it, and when you do things will be better.

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O.K well if your a christian you could try to join some kind of youth group and try to make friends there. *just start by saying hi and try to talk to them about just random stuff*

You could ask your parents if you could join some kind of club or activity with other people your age in it and then mjust be your self *at least one person will like you atleast a bit*

Or u could just say Hi to random people

:D Man, that sucks. How old are you? 18? So are you trying to graduate high school?
There are lots of ways to get your high school diploma even if you are missing lots of credits. First talk with a school guidance counselor for specific information on your schooling area. From there you should be presented with a number of different options for accelerated courses or regular classes to take from adults schools, vocational schools, high schools, or local colleges. There is still hope. It's just a lot of work.

If there are any community colleges in your area you can also try for a GED but I think that a high school diploma is better.

The most important thing though is to not get overwhelmed with the task at hand, sure it looks big and intimidating but it is conquerable. You just gotta take it one step at a time. Don't pay attention to the losers, don't pay attention to the kids that look at you funny because you're a senior in a freshman class or anything, just focus on what you have to do for yourself. You can make friends when you're done with everything. Okay?

I had school troubles too when I was in high school. Mostly for family things but I worked hard, took some night school classes and graduated as student of the year. Just keep going. You can do it. If you need support or someone to talk to feel free to PM me, or post here. I'll be routing for you! :)


I can relate to your situation. I haven't missed school too often (even though I wish I could because it stresses me out!!) but I do lack many social skills and have only 1 good friend, and she lives in a different city. I spend so much time locked up inside of my house because I feel awkward when I go out. Whenever I try to talk to people and make friends, they think I'm an idiot or an insane freak. You're definetely not alone because I am lonely and worried too. I'm scared that my future will be horrible.
Don't freak out if you have no friends. It doesn't speak badly of you at all. It just means that you don't like to hang around a bunch of people who aren't really friends. Be true to yourself. Do what you like to do and chase your dreams and you will find some of the truest friends in the world. believe that you can make your future great and fight to see it every day. Eventually you'll see something good come out of it. :) It's tough now, but you can get through it, and when you do things will be better.
That's really good advice!

First, like darkredphantomx said, you need to talk to the school guidance counselor. They'll be able to sort out what you need to finish. It is definitely worth finishing!

As for the friends part, what are you interested in? Do you play an instrument or want to learn yoga? If making friends at school is difficult for you, try joining another group or activity that involves other people. It doesn't have to be a sport or team related but even volunteering for say, Habitat for Humanity or your local homeless shelter, could introduce you to some amazing people. Plus, you're making some one's life just that much better in the process!

If you join something you're interested in, that interest will connect you to others. :)

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