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Hm.. My life kinda rocks when I compare it to other people's lives. I actually don't have any real problems with my life, if that's possible. There's the little stuff, but I filter that out.


I was Supposed to Move On Sunday August 5th. But the Lawyer Faxed my Brother(The one i was going to go live with, Steve, the 32 yr old) the Wrong Papers. He Sent my Bro Custody Papers. My Bro and My mom agreed on soul GaurdianShip. Not Custody (Theres a Difference). So that I could NOT go back to my mom, sure see her on holidays or w/e (psh, like i'd actually want to) but i'd permanently live with my Brother. Well, Since my brother has to Get a Lawyer where he lives (which won't be cheap. its like 7000$ right now, And he can't afford that much money these days, so probably in December) So i'm stuck with my mom for another few months.

And theres an Issue with School. School starts in september (by then i would have thought i'd be going to school where i'd be moving too, but those plans have changed *reads above paragraph*) There is No way i am putting up with the Crap of the school board. The teachers never cared about the students. So if i went to the highschool, i'd be expelled for saying my opinion. So i'm not Going at all. My mom is trying to get me in a Homeschooling program, but she has to figure all that out.

Those are My Problems.

Wow, A~R I feel bad for you *Hugz and Handz a virtual cookiez~*

Nothing really !Tomorrow we are seeing kittens, we are adopting 1 or 2, Trying to figure out where to put teh litterpans, wehre teh two dogs cant get to it but teh 7 week old kittens can, Oy vay. LOL

Wow, A~R I feel bad for you *Hugz and Handz a virtual cookiez~*
Nothing really !Tomorrow we are seeing kittens, we are adopting 1 or 2, Trying to figure out where to put teh litterpans, wehre teh two dogs cant get to it but teh 7 week old kittens can, Oy vay. LOL
Aw, Thanks *munches on Virtual Cookie*

OMG!....Kittens are awesome. I was gonna get one like....a couple months ago. But i thought i was moving, then i'm not. Now i Am (But it'll still be in the Same town, just closer to the Grocery Shop. I live in Some Rusty old Trailer in some Rusty old Trailer Park. xD)

Oh, And i remember another Problem (eh, not really a problem, but it sort of hurts my Feelings).My Brother (the Immature 17 year old, Dale), Was like "Shut up michelle, I know you're A Prostitute." o_O. If it was Legal, I'd Smack him upside the head. Then shoot him.

I'm Embarassed to call him my Brother.

Aww. I feel bad. Beleive me, this will all be straitend out soon.

Problems: I can't sing. And it bothers me. I can't draw. And it bothers me. I have no talent whatsoever. And, yes, you guessed it. That bothers me.

1. My trip to the lake with my friend has been canceled...

2. My trip to the lake with my friend has been canceled because doctors think she's sick with something that might cause heart problems.

3. I just moved into a new house about a week ago. It really does suck, no matter how exciting I thought it was going to be before..

I just realized that I have a super power. I can control peolple's minds to an extent. I was playing pool and about to loose and I made him shoot wrong and he scratched. lol. He didn't even know.

Well, I'm not one to vent out my problems. I strive to look at the positive side of things. But, I'm no optimist.

• Paying the Bills

• School

• Work, I feel like strangling my customers. I quit a week and am now working at a coffee shop [yeah, what an awesome part time job T_T]

Eh, life goes on. I think some people have bigger problems than me, so I try not to whine.

Well we moved out of the city and I'ma dieing of bordem, I wanna kill my naboughr because she is like 4 years yonger than me and won't leave me alone and i don't have enough money for infinty on high (FOB cd) and my ipod keeps freezing.

Aww. I feel bad. Beleive me, this will all be straitend out soon.
Problems: I can't sing. And it bothers me. I can't draw. And it bothers me. I have no talent whatsoever. And, yes, you guessed it. That bothers me.
This is the SECOND topic today that I am saying this in, ME TOO! Wow...

I have nothing to write about.. No creative ideas for a story whatsoever... That's what mostly bothers me.

My arm is cringing... It hurts.. I sprained it about a week and a half ago, and it feels no better than before...

well the only thing wrong in my life is that my friends hate my bf and im on my period and my stomache hurts and im getting fat. ya thats all, not really.

Well, I've done something to a muscle in my stomach- it hurts when I bend. D:

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