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March 2009 Contest Winner
Jan 9, 2009
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I have problems I want to fix and I thought that Tamatalk could help. I am posting because there is no-one to talk to.

I feel sad at most times and my head hurts all the time. When I am sad, I think that adults don't understand children at all. What do you think? :unsure:

talk to your friends your own age. they understand. play your favorite music; some sad songs, then some music that pumps you up. dance, if you like dancing. drink water.

adults don't understand children - just humor them.

good luck <3

Thanks Tama Dutchess, but it odesn't really work well. Did you ever think that you would just want to die? ;)

sucide is a drastic action. Look on the bright side. At least if you are alone, you can get things done quicker. ;)

I do try that, but it doesn't seem to work Any other suggestions? <_< ;)

Get some help.

Suicidal thoughts are serious. I think seeing a therapist or even a trusted adult will help a lot more then a Tamagotchi website.

Also, you've got to understand that adults were once young, too. They want the best for you but they also have to be responsible, as they are setting examples for you.

As for your head hurting, perhaps just take some paracetamol or prescribed medicine from your doctor. A nap can also help.

Edit; I used to get horrendous headaches because I was dehydrated a lot of the time. Drink lots of water.

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^This is great advice.

You need help, more than we can give you. I know a lot of people on TT, and they are all very nice, but we are not professionals.

Talk to adults you trust about your feelings. It helps more than you know.

Do you know any peole who...

Like to cry.

Want to die.

Thinks everyday is the same.

Friends hate you.

People think that you are weird.

Gets bullied always.

Has headaches.

Feels a bit werid but not exactly weird.


Well it's me and my friend Jessica.

1 more thing. Doee seeing the school councilor help? :D

Talk to your parents. If they don't understand you, move on to a teacher once school starts. Most adults can tell when their child is noticeably depressed, and it's a teacher's job to alert parents if they think there is a problem with one of their students.

And the school councilor will definitely help. They're usually supportive and very helpful.

And you sound like how I was in the seventh grade. By eighth grade, it all passed. Start anew, don't let things like that bother you. I know that sounds hard to do, but sometimes it's easier.

I don't want to seem harsh, but the only suggestions you're going to get are talking to someone and drinking water.

Don't wait until you really can't take it. It might feel like you're problems aren't huge so you don't want to bother anyone, but trust me, once you've told someone you can trust, things will get better. You don't have to suffer in silence.

Depression isn't something you should ignore. Wallowing in bad thoughts and waiting for replies from a Tamagotchi website aren't going to help.

And yes, seeing the school councilor will help. They can assess your situation and help you from there.

Friends are the most important thing when you feel this way. Trust me, I've been through your situation time and time again.

Sometimes I feel like I can't be bothered to see my friends when I feel down. But trust me, they will help you through everything. They might not always give you advice to your problems because.. they're not therapists. They will ease the sadness, though. When I'm with my friends it just makes me think of the better things in life. Many times, when I'm with my friend Jessica, I stop and think "Wow, I've got an amazing best friend. How could I ever deserve her?" She makes me happy when I'm sad and makes me calm when I'm mad. :) So just remember that you really do need your friends.

Also, seeing a school councellor most likely will help you. Counsellors understand much better than what your parents or friend ever will. They've seen your situation thousands of times and helped people through them. I'm sure one could help you through yours. You have someone on your side. People who don't understand.. well, don't understand. They don't know how you could ever possibly think that way. Whereas counsellors understand you completely. They aren't against you, they think as you as any normal person and try to help you. You can spill out your feelings to them - it's never healthy keeping them locked inside.

As for the headaches; drink lots of water. If they persist I suggest seeing a doctor. I get very bad headaches so I'm going to see a doctor soon, too. The headaches may have something to do with your eye-sight, though. Strain on your eyes and such. I'd definately play on the safe side and see a doctor.

Sorry for a long post. Just thought I contribute what I could.

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Thanks for all of your advices! :D

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These aren't normal. Need help asap. Nonone would really be able to help. ;)

^ I don't mean to be rude, but things aren't going to get better if you don't try to. If this is affecting you so much, you should do something for yourself and see a doctor and a counsellor. There's not much more anyone can say, it's up to you now.

Thanks. :( I don't know if things will work or not. :huh:

As soooo many people have said before, we can't help you professionally.

Sometimes, I talk to my school chaplain if I feel troubled. It usually helps clear my head, and makes me feel better. I'm not religious person, but prayer and gospel readings can also help me to feel better about myself.

Think of things that make you happy. For instance, I love planes. So if I feel sad, I remember my flight to Singapore, and start to feel better. Follow everyone else's advice as well.

Here. Have a smiley. :( From me.

Everyone here wrote fantastic advice, so follow that and you should be good. Another thing I want to add, is that keeping busy helps. I'm a pretty happy person, but I have bad days where I just feel depressed and like no one understands me, and I end up just sitting around and wallowing in the sadness, which doesn't help at all. I find that I feel much better if I can find something to keep me occupied and it takes my mind off everything that's making me sad. And being with friends always helps, too. :)

I agree with most of the advice here. Suicidal thoughts are serious, and you should see better help instead of asking a tamagotchi forum.

But remember, you have to be strong. This wont just get better overnight. If you really want help and want to get better, believe and yourself and seek help and someone to help you through it. Talk to a friend or someone who knows how you feel, listen to music, dance around, watch a funny movie.. try to get all of your "bad thoughts" out, vent to someone if you need to.

Everyone may feel kinda depressed or upset one time or another in your life. Just remember, it will be okay. You can and will be happy if you try. We can't "suggest" anything else for you to get better. You have to believe in yourself, and see tomorrow as a brighter day.

You keep saying "ok, but anything else?" As if there's an easier way than telling an adult.

That's basically it. Get a therapist, or an adult ,or someone involved if you are suicidal. Get someone involved so if you actually attempt it, they can intervene and save you. And hopefully, that won't become the result.

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