Project Eternitama ~~~Comments OK


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That is one tremendously-grumpy Tamagotchi. :lol:
@KuchipatchiPod maybe someday we can have a tama fishing trip, omg can you imagine even a Tamagotchi themed cruise? That would be so fun!
@OldSchoolVPQ right?! One of my favorites!

As for today, I dropped my car off for a bunch of repainting and the spoiler so it's just me and my tama at home chillin. This week's vlog was supposed to be me trying to find out her favorite and least foods and I did so on day 1... Rather anti-climactic, so hopefully she has multiple faves, otherwise this week's YT video will be SUPER short. :biggrin:
Also I showed my grandma Oldie and said she was an old lady tamagotchi and her somewhat horrified reaction was "is that what they think old people look like?!"
I was just like, 'but I think she's cute! Look at her lil sassy face! 🥺'
omg can you imagine even a Tamagotchi themed cruise? That would be so fun!
A buffet featuring foods based on all versions but the portions are so tiny that you only get two or three bites, on-board games that sometimes come down to randomness or make little sense, and intense debate as to whether the toilet-doors should use the standard flushing icon or the Angelgotchi's "butt-with-wings" one. Sounds like a riot! :lol:

Also I showed my grandma Oldie and said she was an old lady tamagotchi and her somewhat horrified reaction was "is that what they think old people look like?!"
That is truly brilliant. :biggrin:
PLEASE DON'T SPOIL MY YT CHANNEL'S COMMENTS! It's about a week behind realtime there, and if you're here you're legit getting a sneak peek to my vlog. ヘ(。□°)ヘ
So oldie died. It was weird, it hadn't been even two hours since I'd last topped her stats off, she was fine literally 45 minutes before, so she must have just decided to die on the drive home from work. That doesn't bode well for the ability to get these to be 100, and I was told they don't get much needier as they age.
I thought about scrapping the whole project as you know how YouTube can be. It's embarrassing to fail publicly.

Instead, I figured I could give my viewers something interesting to see. I debugged my V3 to zip the age back up to 28(I'll un-debugg it when it reaches there, we're already up to 6 with over 3.5k points saved up, most of that time has been the bump game).

I'll show off the animations and hopefully I can trick the V3 into letting me enter the secret codes on this after I un-debugg it. But for now, it's gonna hang out like this as I pick away at her age to catch back up.
Looks like you'll be doing something equally cool with it. Welcome back zombie Oldie!
Zombie + Oldie = Zoldie! :biggrin:
But yeah, if I can't manage to get her to 100 this time around, I'll determine it as a bust-meaning you'd either need to be hyper dilligent about checking on them(every break and before/after work, so every 2 hours) and it's not REASONABLE to try and keep an oldie tama around as your exclusive vpet(if that's your thing), OR it's impossible and a small slew of people be photoshoppin/lyin. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If that's the case, I may never know for sure, so I'm REALLY hoping to get Zoldie to 100 with relative ease!

Either way, I'm trying to make pink lemonade from that lemon tree. ;))