Psychic Moments.


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x.P O K E R F A C E

Well-known member
Feb 24, 2009
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I have, a few times.

I asked Oscar if he liked pancakes when he had just eaten one.

I tend to jinx myself too.

I once said: 'I've never had any pimples'. Next day, three appeared on my face.

Also: 'I never get sick. I have an excellent immune system.' Few days later, I woke up with a flu.

What about you?

I dream the future.


Dream: Chinese Dragon colored red, blue, and green appears.

Reality: Same day, we go to a parade, what do ya know? The same exact scene.

Dream: In Europe, we would see a Japanese couple.

Reality: Same exact couple from the dream, same location. They asked us for directions.

It comes from my mother's side. My aunt can tell if a house is haunted or not, and she does the same thing.

We had to do a speech once, and I was talking about topics for it. The topic was about money, which is what I guessed :]

In dreams, Ill see a small image or piece of something. I can't always remember what I saw, but when it happens I freak out and know that I have seen that scene from somewhere! I read in a book called 'The Supernatural' that it means you've lived this life before. Creepy!

I have like premonitions O_O I'll just be randomly sitting here listening to music and pop, an image will appear in my head and it will usually come true. O_O weird...

I have many phycick moments like i go to sleep at night and dream something and the next day it actually happens i have also bent a spoon before using my mind but only once.

Wierd huh??? :lol:

I hope I don't dream the future 0________o If I do, I'm screwed.

I have dreams about getting raped, then cut up into tiny pieces and put into people's mailboxes...

The other night I was thinking about 911 and was thinking to myself, "everyone probably calls 911 at least once in their life" and that early moring my mom had to call 911 when my brother had some really weird stomach problem.

Freaky. O:

I didn't even wake up though there were like.. three people in our house. o..O

I have A LOT of déjà-vu moments. When something happens, I swear I've seen it somewhere before.

^^ Same with me :I

The other day Jen and I were listening to Jen's iPod, and she has about 100 songs on there. I guessed One Step Closer would come on, and it did :0

And I just guessed what Mortified episode will be on.

I don't remember exacatly but like some situations I just feel I've been here before and I know whos gonna say what and stuff.

I sometimes think things that happen soon after but they are usually common occasions and probably a coincidence.

I also get major deja vu.

im honestly really weird this way.

i scare myself greatly.

& i ginx myself like mad.

I wished upon a star that everyone

has a brilliant night.

my dad got flu & my auntie was in a car crash.

I have A LOT of déjà-vu moments. When something happens, I swear I've seen it somewhere before.
Yeah, my mum says that when I was a baby, my eyes looked really wise and I freaked her out :blink: . She swears I've been here before...! I don't get deja-vu much anymore, but I get it occasionally....

Giraffagotchi :blink:

my dad did just yesterday when I got a cellphone (yay!)

he was singing a country song, then he turns on the radio (it's always on k-frog) and guess what? SAME SONG.

scary D=


Like most of you, I sometimes have like dreams and stuff. In one of my dreams, I seen this scene of this really messed up looking tree - and the next day I went walking around by the school behind my house at the river, and I seen that tree. It freaked me out.

That sort of thing has happed a lot of times, but just small things.

I can, however, just read people and predict things. I sometimes get that "gut feeling" about something, and it almost always happens. Especially with people.

It's very weird. People actually believe me about this sort of thing now because I'm always right, haha.

I read somewhere it's called "clairvoyancy", and it's the ability to see things in a different light. It's very interesting stuff.

I think so. I can't remember right now.

But I get deja vu a lot. Well, only about twice a week.

This is going to sound weird, but I love getting it. I think it's really cool.

I know, right?! Its so awesome, but a bit freaky. Does any1 know any good links for clairvoyancy or anything? =) It scares me, but I wanna check it out!

...Okay, I Google'd 'clairvoyance' and theres a bunch of tests. 1 of them has a bunch of colors. You pick one that you think the computer picked--to me it's just a guessing game where you click random colors. But I KNOW that the deja vu thing happens to me and I'm not making it up!!! =(

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CLICK HERE FOR AN EXPLANATION OF ESP! It lists ESP symptoms and further ones. Which do you have?

I have Precognition and Clairgustance.

Precognition is knowing things before they happen.

Clairgustance is tasting the substance of something without putting it in your mouth.

Like, one time, I was at a restaurant and I went to the restroom and oddly the air smelled good. I knew that the air bottled up in a can would taste like chocolate chip cookies somehow... it may sound silly but I ain't lying!

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