Pubic Hair


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Yes,I had hair since I was eight years old >.>

It's pretty annoying,I always shave it <.<

Just like SK said,I'd rather look like a child. Because puberty makes me gag!

At my age, I'd be a bit afraid if I didn't o.o' I've had it since I was 9.I shave it though, with the thoughts, 'I'd rather look like a child than look like I'm trying to smuggle a squirrel in my underpants.'
XD I didn't know hairs' could get that bad!

I be have it for a while now. I think around Kindergarten x.x'' But that was like 2 hairs. Now I am a women. I do keep it in shape.

I have no idea where you are talking about.

All I know is that I have hair on my head and a lil on my arms and legs (embarrasing) and nowhere else. I'm 11.

I have no idea where you are talking about.
All I know is that I have hair on my head and a lil on my arms and legs (embarrasing) and nowhere else. I'm 11.
To make this easy for you: The hair that grows' on your Panty area....uhm.....Your vagina/peehole

I started getting that when I was in 2nd grade o.o' Im in 5th now

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I've had pubic hair since I was about 9/10ish years old. Definitely nothing to be embarassed about ;)

Like I posted before...8th grade, and not much down there. Last year, some actually started to show, and I was actually happy! "Yay puberty! Now maybe I'll get some boobs!" xDD I still don't have much... and I've never had to shave my armpits. Everyone my age is like, "Whoa." o_O "I wish I was you... no period and no shaving pits. Lucky."

I don't know where you are talking about, but I think I have the idea.
No, I do not have hair there yet.
okii, they're talking about...down there..the area between your..umm...LEGS. oki, I SAID IT.

I had it since I was like, 8.
It's all good.
really? Mine is all skin colored, no other...I'm turning 11 on March 26, and as I look now my hair!

I think you know when the doctor touches your *part*, I think they are feeling for hair!

mametchi :(

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Though I do wish I could shave. But my Mum won't let me. >.< Well....until Im 18. Other then that, I remember having 2 hairs, now I have a bush. and it's all the colour black. It is VERY noticable. Thats why I dont wear white undies much. XD


Ehh... I have a little. ^^ But hey, don't be embarrassed about it- it's totally natural when you're growing up. :]

yeah i have some i think i started growing it when i was 9-10 im now 11

its nothing to be embarassed about though

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okii, they're talking about...down there..the area between your..umm...LEGS. oki, I SAID IT.
**Repetitive rudeness.**

Having pubes is actually a good thing because it shows you are maturing. Soon you little girls will get red stuff. I'm not saying any more on that.

Most Importantly

If you want information on it then ask your mums.

**More of the same thing.**-AH

So in the end talk to your parents about it.

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