Public Speaking


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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2006
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Lost in the Abyss.
I have been thinking of creating this topic for some time now and have finally got around to doing so.

I have severe public speaking issues. Mentally, I'm not nervous, or at least not that much. But my body has a completely different reaction. My heart speeds up immediately, my voice quivers, and my body shakes uncontrollably. Simple presentations in a class can make me feel sick to my stomach.

Unfortunately, no matter what I tell myself and try, nothing can calm my body down.

This week, for example, I had a health presentation. I had the material down perfectly and I knew that and told myself that. I wasn't nervous and even volunteered to go first. When I got up there though, everything changed. I talked like I was fine, but my body showed otherwise. It shook and shook and I could not make it stop.

I think this all started when I was in elementary school. I was in an advanced program. There was one teacher who did not like me. She criticized and yelled at me for almost everything I did. I was scared to come to her class let alone talk. I am almost positive that is where my public speaking fear started.

From there on, it just started getting worse and worse. Now though, mentally I changed. Mentally, I am not scared to get up in front of the class and talk. How my body reacts though I have no control over.

So, basically, can anyone give me tips on how to help get over this fear. I have tried everything I could possible think of to calm down and I just cannot. Can anyone relate and give me tips from firsthand experience? I am going into high school next year and I don't want to be like this anymore.

Please and thank you for future posts.

I really don't know how to change things physically... because it sounds like you have things mentally figured out.

All I can advise is taking slow, deep breaths, and maybe mentioning in this to your doctor at your next physical? They may be able to give a more aqudate answer. :p

I'm a beast at public speaking. I looooove it. You don't hear that all that often, but I just adore public speaking. xD

Hmm, thanks for the advice. I haven't though of asking my doctor. I should do that next time I see him. The thing is though, most likely he will probably give me medicine to control the adrenaline and body reaction. I really don't want to take meds though. D:

I hate speaking though. I'll speak and I'm a pretty good speaker, but I just hate doing it. My body really hates it. lol

Ah. I hate speaking.

I always seem okay, until it comes my turn. I win essay contests alot, so I have to read them aloud.

I'm usually fine. Then in the middle of my paper I realize everyone is staring at me, and just got braindead. D;

I usually hold onto something or dig my toe into the floor when I read. It's normal. Just relax :)

I'm a horrible public speaker. Every year, the intermediates (gr4-7) of my school are forced to participate in a french speech contest. Whenever I present mine, I always bring the paper that has my speech on it with me. I don't read the sheet, I play with it and fold it and stuff. I don't have eye contact issues though, although I pretty much just look straight. But, I always seem to get a great mark because of the content of the speech. - Maybe this will help you? - Or this?

I just googled 'overcome nervousness' :D

I don't really have a public speaking problem, but I have eye contact issues. Whenever someone's walking the opposite way from me down the sidewalk, I always shift my eyes and look like an idiot. Like, I try to look at them, or at least look ahead of me, but it's like there are these power beams that are pushing my eyes away 0:

And I also hate people staring at me. Like, going up to get an award, I feel like punching them in the face if they stare at me, because I hate it when I'm the center of attention, I like some attention.. but not when everyone's looking at me. Urgh. For some reason, it's not like that for public speaking though. When I give a speech I guess I feel more like peope are appreciating what I have to say and not me.

Another tip I find is listening to music before helps, like right before.. if that's possible :]

... Anywayyys, I hope the links I posted to you help. And just remember, it's normal to feel nervous! And everyone else is too.

Public speaking. I love it. You can stand at the front of an audience, make all the points you want, and nobody can tell you to shut up. xD

I think the main reason I'm good with it is because I take acting and singing, so I've got vocal projection and stage presence. I also have a lot of things to say. I think Katie got it right when she said you should ask a doctor about why your body is spazzing at you against your will. It's pretty important that you change that, because body language is so so so important.

I am a amazing public speaker. I've been doing it since like, forever.

Now I do debating it's a really good thing to be good at. Strong speakers gain points.

I have really good voice projection and presence.

I am cool under pressure like when I forget my lines.

You just gotta believe in yourself and breathe. Hyperventilating is not a good option.

Body spazzing is a bit weird.

I love getting up in front of people and speaking. I don't even need a mic because I have such a strong voice.

I am one of the school's best public speakers, especially for impromptus, and I'm on the debating team.

I'm my school's public speaking wonder-girl.

I love public speaking. I really do.

There aren't any public speaking groups in my school, though I love acting as well, and we regularly have drama classes and stuff, which is cool.

To help you out.... wellllll, just focus on someone in the audience who is your friend, and someone who you know will always be with you. That helps me. If I keep staring at people whom I don't know or who seem unfriendly, it really puts me off. So yeah.

I am one of the school's best public speakers, especially for impromptus, and I'm on the debating team.
I'm my school's public speaking wonder-girl.
Ohmy! A debate team person!

I love impromptu! What speaker are you?

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