Puma's V4.5 log!


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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2007
Reaction score
i just got another Tama i wanted to get a V4.5 before they stopped selling so here i'm gonna give you his stats

Name: Galax

gender: Male

Generation: 1

Training: 1

he's just a kid right now! and he's pooing like a mad man


Oh Yeah! Galax is a Teenager he looks like a diamond! 2 years old He's waiting to be an adult!!



[Galax] Ok.. i wanna eat... NOW!

[Puma] jeeze calm down, you weigh 56 pounds lay off the junk food!

[Galax] Sigh... ugh i really want a donut...

[puma] when you poop and lose weight i'll give you a donut!

i've told him about my other ones... which are gone :D he says he wants to name his son Kyoya (if he gets a son)



[Galax] Kyoya is a Awesome name!

[Puma] i was gonna name you Taru.

[Galax] uhh... weird name.

[Puma] HEY! that was one of my old Tamas!

[Galax] Oh

YES!!! Galax is an adult now he turned into a celebtchi! he's cute and he's brushing his teeth now!!




[Puma] how ya doin?

[Galax] Brushin' My Teeth!

[Puma] your all grown up :p

[Galax] I know soon the Matchmaker will come :D

[Puma] yeah, i hope so!

He's Still Three Years old, he bought a Chest and saw what he was going to look like as an old man, he was creeped out!




[Puma] How Are Ya Doin?

[Galax] Good, good, i saw myself as an old man!

[Puma] Eww!

[Galax] I know! all those wrinkles i couldn't hardly stand it!

[Puma] Yeah....

He's Five!! :furawatchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: Hooray! and he's pooped ALOT today i think he's nervous of the matchmaker coming!





[Galax] WooHoo! Five years old!

[puma] Yeah, its hard to see you grow up...

[Galax] Awwww

[Puma] i can't wait for you to have kids!!

[Galax] i'm nervous....

[Puma] i would be to XD

So Much Has Happened! Galax got Married to a Ura Memetchi! :D she had a girl Galax has already left tho D: he named her Katti! she's already a Child but i don't know what she is! ;) :p because she went to bed before i got to her i'll find out tomorrow!


Chat (Katti's voice is translated)

[Puma] welcome to the world little one!

[Katti] i Want Food!

[Puma] no more food you've pooped too much

[Katti] *Cries*

[Puma] Alright! Alright! calm down i'm only giving you an orange

[Katti] Yay! *Eats*

Heya, sorry i haven't posted in a while but i've paused her i plan to unpause her the 15th so see you then :)





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