Puppy Mills


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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2006
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Right around the corner
If you don't know what a puppy mill is, click here.

In short, it's a poor breeding environment for pure bred dogs with little space and lack of nutrition.

The reason I'm so concerned about this is because a friend of the family went there and bought herself and us a pomeranian puppy. [which by the way, most dogs there cost 400$]. Anyways, the puppy she bought for herself was put in the siberian husky cage [siberian huskies are HUGE]because she was too small to breed. She described the look of the baby pomeranian, and the cries of the other dogs. They're in small cages filled up with 12 dogs, laying in their own feeces and waste. They feed them greese on this food, and that's why most are overweight - bad fats & no exersize.

Also, she bought my pomeranian puppy, Moose, there because of the look on his face. Before bringing him home, a puppy mill worker had to cut some of his fur off because it was full of feeces. Poor baby. We brought him home and he was terrified - this was the first of his life out of his cage and being loved. Though he is okay now, his past is still dreadful and should not happen to any dog.

I know people love purebreds, but buying from these places just provokes them to breed MORE puppies, and so on and so on.

They're illegal in someplaces, and legal in others. In my opinion all should be shut down.


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That sucks x.x

I've never heard of puppy mills, but that sounds miserable.

My friend got a dog from her grandma that was used for breeding. She was mostly kept in a smallish kennel. When my friend got her, that was the first time in 5 years she was able to be let out and roam around freely.

The only problem was they lived in a small apartment, and the dog got out and took a chunk out of a smaller dog. They had to give her back to the grandma.

My dogs came from breeders, but they were independent breeders. All the dogs were running around the house freely.

I remember when we went to go get my pooshit there were poodles, shih tzus and a few other dogs plus the puppies just running around everywhere.

It was most adorable.

My westie which is a pure bred was kept in a big gated pen with his brothers/sisters.

Neither of them have ever been put in a kennel of any kind.

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Grr....you have no clue how much I hate those places. I learnt about them when we got Dasher. We were reading up on places to find dogs. And the Puppies For Dummies (I know...I know...) warned us against puppy mills. I've seen some pictures and they're terrible. I did my research. Yes.

They totally mistreat the doggies in some places. Like...why would anyone want to do that? It just adds to the numerous homeless animals in the world. I feel so bad for them. :[

I think that this is why people should only buy from breeders and get pets from rescue shelters. To get a pure pred dog you don't have to buy from a puppy mill, there are plenty of dog breeders around.

Ugh. x.x Thats so cruel. D: They should all be shut down. Anyways, having a mutt is alot better than buying from one of those places.

Puppy Mill = Hell.

Hate them, hate the people that run them, hate the whole idea of them, actually.

It is so cruel, and horrible, and harsh that I hope everyone who runs them gets the proper dose of Karma coming to them.

puppy mills are discusting, crule, rude, AND CRUDE! i love dogs! (incase u couldnt tell)

Puppy mills are evil. It is senseless that they put dogs through that. Puppy mill= Hell


We don't have them in the UK, I think, at least not where I live. It's horrible, the poor things. I want to go in, buy them all and close them all down, then get a mansion for every dog, to let it run around and have the best quality of life ever.

All who say not to buy from one of those places, that means when they get older, they may be put to sleep. That's why you should buy all the dogs and puppies from them.

holy, that is horrible. My dog came from 100% Gaurenteed safe breeder. It even said in the contract. As far as I know its illegal where I live (Canada BC)

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