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May 22, 2007
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So-- 2 days ago.. the 28th- I woke up in the morning to my mom whispering "Alvin -- You want some coffee? I'm going right now"

As soon as I heard coffee- I sprang up and brushed my teeth and ran out the hotel door.

So we walked downstairs into the hotel lobby and there was free coffee. My dad needed tylenol so we asked the hotel manager if there was a Target store nearby. 'Yes'

We finished our coffee amd headed down the block for target.

So near the entrance I started thinking about 4.5s and asked my mom if I could go to the toys section.. I was speed walking and by the time i reached the tamagotchi section I ran out of breath and my heart was pounding - real fast.

So I pulled almost EVERY tamagotchi off its shelf -- half out of 20 were 4.5s. I was real happy.

Well that was just the story of how I got my tamagotchi.. now the question is..

I didn't get that tree looking thing to hold my tamagotchi.. and the mousepad? Am I supposed to have that? Will it be released in america.. and.. if it is-- can it be baught w/o the v4.5?

My understanding is that the V4.5 will be sold both by itself, and bundled with the PC accessories. It seems the PC accessory pack may also be available without a V4.5.

Nice story and congrats!

What city was that? I am thinking West half of the country? But we want to know where these things are being sold. :eek:

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