Purean's Perilous Sleep


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Nov 20, 2004
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Somewhere out there in the world
Chapter 1: A King’s Search

Purean sleeps while Darkiyolus takes over the night sky. The gods and goddesses watch

in horror at what is happening but cannot do anything about it. Crytholous was their

mother. She is in shock at what she has raised from little babies to this! They all lived in

harmony once in Kreon City. Crytholous was by Chariot River washing her belongings

and bathing herself. Arsitheus, king of Kreon City, was taking his morning strolls down

Chariot River. Crytholous was now done bathing herself and is up drying herself. Then,

Crytholous heard someone humming the royal Kreon City song and knew in and instant it

was the king. Crytholous then said to herself, “Oh, no! It is the royal king of Kreon City!”

She then put on her cloak as quickly as she could but King Arsitheus already has his eyes

on her. She quickly, out of embarrassment, ran home. King Arsitheus was calling her

from behind but she will not turn back. She had forgotten her most precious item, the

Golden Sage of Light. It is said that if the owner forgets the Golden Sage of Light,

darkness will reign soon The Golden Sage of Light is the one that lights up the night sky

and lights the daytime sky, too. King Arsitheus then spotted the sparkling Golden Sage of

Light. He then picked up the Golden Sage of Light and said to himself, “Could it be?!

Could this be the long lost Golden Sage of Light that was taken from darkness powers a

long time ago?” He took the Golden Sage of Light with him to the Temple of Kreon to

ask the priest there is this could be the Golden Sage of Light. King Arsitheus did do this

and went to the temple. The priest there, Kalarius, was in shock at what King Arsitheus

showed him. Kalarius then said, “Could it be, King Arsitheus?! That staff you are holding

is the Golden Sage of Light! Did you find it?” King Arsitheus replied, “I found it from a

lady that was taking a bath. She ran before I could speak to her.” Kalarius said quickly to

King Arsitheus, “You must return it quickly to its owner. Darkness will fall again if it is

not returned quickly!” King Arsitheus said, “But I do not know where…” Kalarius

interrupted King Arsitheus and said, “You must find who she is and where she lives

quickly or impending doom will fall upon all of the world.” To this, King Arsitheus then

set foot out to find the mysterious lady.

Chapter 2 : The Meeting of the King

Crytholous just arrived at her home. Crytholous’ baby, Purean, ran towards her

and gave her a big hug. “Hi, dear child”, said Crytholous soothingly. Purean, just a baby,

said, “goo-goo, gaga” and was giggling. Crytholous then went into the house and set

Purean to bed to sleep. Then, she went to bed herself and fell asleep. Meanwhile, King

Arsitheus was going around asking people who the mysterious woman was and where

she lives. He found out that her name is Crytholous. He went into the woods where

Chariot River is and called out for a wood nymph to help him. After several calling, a

beautiful wood nymph, Aphrina, showed herself to him. “Did you see a woman here?

Just in the morning today”, asked King Arsitheus. Aphrina replied and answered, “Yes, I

did see a woman here this morning. She was bathing herself in Chariot River.” “Do you

know where she ran to when she saw me?” asked King Arsitheus. Aphrina said, “I think I

saw her run into the city to Kalarium Road. That road should lead you to her.” King

Arsitheus said his thank you and Aphrina went back into the woods. King Arsitheus then

went down the road he was told to go. At the house, Crytholous was moving around in

her sleep. Crytholous was dreaming of this strange white tiger sleeping. She did not know

what this meant. Then, she saw a black panther up in the night sky in a castle roaring.

Crytholous then woke up and heard a knock on her door. She went to the door to open it

and to her surprise, it was King Arsitheus. Crytholous then, out of embarrassment, tried

to close the door but King Arsitheus did not let her. “Dear King Arsitheus, what do you

want from me? I have embarrassed myself and do not deserve to be in your presence”,

said Crytholous. “Nonsense, you should not be embarrassed. I forgive you, it is just that,

is this yours?” said King Arsitheus. Crytholous was surprised at seeing the Golden Sage

of Light. Crytholous said, “Where did you get that, dear king? That is my Golden Sage of

Light.” “I got it at Chariot Rive when you ran and left”, said King Arsitheus. “I am so

foolish. I can’t believe I forgot the most important Golden Sage of Light”, said

Crytholous. King Arsitheus handed her the Golden Sage of Light. Crytholous was very

grateful and took the Golden Sage of Light. She then invited King Arsitheus in and King

Arsitheus accepted going in. They went in and had a little conversation. Purean then

woke up and went to his mom. “What a magnificent boy you have there!” said King

Arsitheus. King Arsitheus invited Crytholous and her son to his castle and she accepted.

They all said there god byes and King Arsitheus left to go to his castle. Crytholous then

set Purean to sleep and then set herself to go to sleep, too.

Chapter 3: A Twin is Afoot

The next morning, Purean and Crytholous went to the king’s castle. Crytholous was in

awe at seeing the castle. King Arsitheus led Purean and Crytholous to the dining room to

have breakfast. She refused to eat because she already had breakfast before she left. King

Arsitheus and Crytholous were having a conversation about his wife that was lost from

him a long time ago. They had twins but one twin went to the mother and the other stayed

with the father, King Arsitheus. While they were talking, Purean went to explore around

the castle. He found a door slightly opened, so her went in. He saw someone sitting on

the floor playing. Purean went towards to the person. He was also a little kid like Purean.

The little kid then turned around and saw Purean. To Purean’s surprise, that kid was

exactly like Purean, it was his twin!

Chapter 4: The Discovery

Purean and the mysterious kid looked at each other, just realizing that they look exactly

alike. Out of nowhere, the mysterious kid punches Purean and Purean then cried.

Crytholous and King Arsitheus heard the cry and went into the room to see what

happened. They see two boys in the room. Crytholous ran towards the mysterious kid,

thinking he is Purean, and said, “What did you do to that kid, Purean?” King Arsitheus

helps the real Purean up and Crytholous was in shock. “You are not Purean, but you look

like him!” said Crytholous. She put the boy down and ran towards the real Purean. King

Arsitheus then went to the boy and said, “What did you do, Darkiyolous? Why did you

punch Purean?” Crytholous is still surprised and said, “Why do they both look alike, my

Purean and your Darkiyolous?” “It is because they are twins and you are my wife.” Said

King Arsitheus. Crytholous then fainted from hearing this.

Chapter 5: Realizing Fate

King Arsitheus carried Crytholous to the bed for her to rest and regain her senses.

Crytholous then woke up and one word came out of her mouth, “How?” King Arsitheus

replied, “You were taken away from me by Zeus. He took you and Purean away from me

and Darkiyolous. The gods and goddesses were afraid of the clash between Purean and

Darkiyolous. They took you away, my wife, and erased all the memories you had of me

and of Darkiyolous. Now, you know the truth and may live with me in my castle once

again. Who cares what the gods say.” This was a lot of info stacked on Crytholous at the

same time. “I have to think about this alone. Can you take Purean and Darkiyolous out?”

said Crytholous. King Arsitheus said ok and left her to think. Crytholous now alone was

thinking to herself, “Should I stay here and live here? I will be leaving my house and

going to a new strange place. Why do my son look like his son. Is it true what he said it

is? I think I will stay here then, for my son to know his twin brother and for I to be with

my husband.” Crytholous then came out to Arsitheus, who was playing with the kids, and

said, “I will stay here with you then, King Arsitheus.” King Arsitheus then said, “Good, I

love you Crytholous. Crytholous, don’t call me King Arsitheus anymore for you are my

wife. Just call me Arsitheus.” Crytholous said ok and they all laughed.

Chapter 6: The Clash between Brothers after 20 Years

Purean and Darkiyolous are now both 23 years old. Now that Purean is old enough,

Crytholous has passed the Golden Sage of Light down to Purean. Purean and Darkiyolous

were always fighting. Darkiyolous was jealous that Purean was the one that always got

the most positive attention. He sometimes wishes bad things to happen to Purean. One

day, he finally got his wish granted byJaneera, a wish granting goddess. Janeera turned

Purean into a pure white tiger. Purean was cursed forever in this form. Crytholous was

very sad and she wanted to hug him but cannot for she was too afraid. Purean, the purest

of all humans, went to the wood nymph, Kalarius, to find an herb that will make him

sleep forever. He was ashamed of the tiger form and wished to not hurt anyone from his

tiger instincts. Kalarius gave Purean the Ashandy Roots. The Ashandy Root makes

everyone who eats it drop to the ground and fall asleep in an instant forever. Purean then

took the root with him to Collosoe Cave and ate the root. He fell to the floor and slept

forvever. Zeus was not amused from this, brother wishing bad on brother. Zeus was mad

at Darkiyolous for wishing this on the purest of all, Purean. Zeus then threw a thunderbolt

towards Darkiyolous but King Arsitheus jumped in front of the thunderbolt, killing

himself to save Darkiyolous. King Arsitheus’ soul went straight to the underworld. Zeus

now is even angrier and then cursed Darkiyolous and changed him to become a black

panther. Crytholous was now shock and is depressed. Her son, Purean, is turned into a

tiger, her husband is killed, and Darkiyolous is cursed to be a panther and how bad he has

become. Crytholous is shocked at what she had raised. “My two boys are against each

other and this is their fate.” said Crytholous. Crytholous out of distress, killed herself.

Chapter 7: Waking Up

Now with the purest of all asleep forever and no one holding the Golden Sage of Light,

darkness has reigned again. Darkiyolous, the most evil and darkest of all, is now the rules

of the earth. There is not light anywhere on earth. There is not a daytime anymore and no

stars or the moon to light up the night sky. Everyone was dying one by one due to all of

this horror. Monsters and demons are roaming the earth once again. The gods and

goddesses watch over in horror at what is happening but cannot do anything about it.

They knew that darkness can only be defeated by light, the purest of all. Zeus set out to

find Purean, the purest of all. Zeus found him in a cave but remembered that Purean ate

the Ashandy Root. Zeus, all mighty and all powerful, knew how to wake Purean up. Zeus

went and found the Golden Sage of Light. He then fused the Golden Sage of Light into

Purean himself. In an instant, Purean woke up and was glowing with gold. Zeus told him

what to do to defeat Darkiyolous. Purean went to his battle with his twin brother.

Chapter 8: Dark against Light

Purean went to the dark castle to confront his twin brother. Zeus has put a spell on Purean

so when Purean goes to the castle, no one can hurt him until he gets there. Purean is now

face to face with Darkiyolous. Purean, still a tiger, jumped up and bit Darkiyolous on the

shoulder. Darkiyolous was hurt but not defeated. He took his paw and smacked Purean’s

head straight down to the ground. Purean leaped up and with the help of Zeus, pierced

Darkiyolous’ heart with his claws. Darkiyolous was really hurt this time and lost some of

his dark powers. He escaped into Collosoe Cave and stayed there to hide. Now, sunshine

has come up and light is now on earth. Every night, Darkiyolous will reagain his powers

but Purean is there to defeat the darkness. Purean would jump from star to star, lighting

them up, while Darkiyolous jumps from star to star behind Purean to darken the already

shining stars. They always do this when it is night, so that is why the stars are lit and also

fade at night. When Darkiyolous starts to lose his dark powers, it is daytime. Darkiyolous

would go to Collosoe Cave to regain his dark powers for night. Purean lights the daytime

sky fully with light until night time when Darkiyolous regains his powers again. This is

how we get night and day and stars being lit and fading.


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