Pwnsome things.


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- TamaChat.

- Gerbils

- Inside jokes

- My best friend Steph :3

- Drawing

- Marshmallows

- Muffins

- Music

- TV

- Camping

- Sleeping

- Staying up late

- Computers

- iPods

- Squashes ;) (Don't ask xD)

- Stuffed animals

- Round, furry things

- Brownies

- Macaroni and cheese

- Simasimatchis and Kiwitchis

- Falling asleep during "Project ALERT!" (This stupid anti-drug thing we have every week at school)



-Figure skating

-Chef Boyardee

-My lunchbag, (Ksenia)

-My bendy lamp

-My bendy straws



-This topic

-Amateur flutists (inside joke o:)

-Inside jokes


-Danny Gokey


-Smelly soaps

-Soft carpets

-My laptop


^ all pwn.
-Car rides

(how could I forget?)


~Youtube Fred =D

~Skinny jeans

~Hot topic

~Bath & body works





-Andy, Angie

-Bradie, Beth

-Chocolate, Carly

-Drawing, death, dreams where I die

-Everybody who hates Twilight, Esther

-Family Guy, 'fightning', Feebee


-Hayden, Hobos, Huntr

-Idiots, internet.

-Jokes, Jaimee

-Ksenia, Kat, Katie, Krystal

-Lame jokes, laughing, love

-Mikey, myself xD, Malinda

-Nobody fighting.

-Oscar, octopuses

-Perfect circles, people who swear.

-Queen, that bandy thingo.

-Rated R films

-Short Stack, Shaun the Sheep, Scary Movies, Simpsons, Spiderman, Spongebob, SUPPERMAN, yes supperman. and Starry xD

-TT, Tyler, True love, Tess


-Violets, violins, vanetzanet... haha, Vivi

-Watermelon, Weiwei

-XD.. hah, xoxo, xxxx


-Zebras, zzz.

Anybody or any word or anything I've forgotten, punish me for, please!

^^I wanna do that D:<

A - Andy Clemmensen, Apples.

B - Bradie Webb, Beth, Barack Obama, Birthdays.

C - Carly, Coffee, Carrots.

D - Desy, Dingos, Darts, Dares.

E - Esther, Emilee, Eggs, Easter, Eskimoes.

F - Feebee, Food, Frogs, Futurama, Family Guy.

G - Grace, Gizza, Goblins.

H - Huntr, Hats.

I - Ice-cream, Igloos.

J - Janna, Jamiee.

AHHHH. I can't be bothered anymore XD




-Jakeipoo Lol


-Other friends.

-The word 'Clementine' Lol at a video of me and cousin discussing the word.





-My cool cousin!

-Others :/

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People with modesty.
[i'm just kidding, Katie. xDD]
I was just kidding too! XD

I'm going to steal Maria / Ksenia's idea, if you don't mind.

A - Apple cider, Ahlex, Alex Gaskgarth, All Time Low, Alesana

B - Books, Britt, Big Gulps from 7-11, Brendon Urie, Becca, Biscuit (my cat)

C - Cats, cooking, carnivals, Citty, Crowy

D - Death, Desy, Diva, DS

E - Eggs for breakfast, Esther, Escape The Fate

F - Fun, falling, frolicking, Feebers, Futurama, family, friends

G - Guitar, Gerard Way

H - Hungry Hungry Hipps game :]


J - Jumping on my trampoline, Janna, Jesus

K - Kittehs =3, Katie, Ksenia, Kennywood

L - Leafeh, Lizzie, Loden, love, lazy days, long nights

M - Music, My Chemical Romance, Miles, Mew, Michelle

N - Nodding off to sleep in geometry class, Nevershoutnever!

O - Oprah

P - Pumpernickle bread, Panic At The Disco, penis, pianos

Q - How the number Q isn't on the telephone. XD

R - Ryan Ross, the Rachel Ray show

S - Sex, Sarah, Sky, Soha

T - Television, TamaTalk, That 70's Show

U - How "Uranus" sounds like, "Your anus." (So immature, xD)

V - Vivienne, vampires

W - Waking up to the sunshine coming through my window, Windows XP

X - How the number X isn't on the telephone. XD

Y - Yakkity-Yak the song (We sang it in elementary school all the time).

Z - Zuzi

Probably forgot some stuff... but oh well.

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