Question about Ages


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Dec 28, 2008
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I'm just wondering if anyone thinks Tamagotchis are only for kids. <_< I am an adult, and I realized that usually only kids play this. Would you play? Do you think I should keep playing? Please post.

I am 21. My fiancée is 19. We both have tamagotchis.The thing is,

Tamagotchis are virtual PETS. You are never too old for a pet!

Also, human beings are INDIVIDUALS. do what makes you happy and screw the world! No one else's opinion should matter.

with tama-love,

B&C Arnold

If you like Tamagotchi, play with them. If you don't like them, don't. If someone questions you, ask them if there's anything wrong with doing something that you enjoy. My sister says everyone just do whatever they want as long as they don't force other people to do stuff that they don't want to do.

I'm sixteen, and I play. I think they are adorable and it keeps me busy when I am bored. In fact, it was my boyfriend that gave me his tamas during the summer so I could play with them. xD

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Do you think it matters? If you like, keep playing. Nothing is for only certain ages, and anyone out of those ages CAN use it. Do what you want, and you know you're cool :D

Age doesn't really matter... If you like to play it, then you should keep playing. :p

I'm just wondering if anyone thinks Tamagotchis are only for kids. :D I am an adult, and I realized that usually only kids play this. Would you play? Do you think I should keep playing? Please post.
When I was 9, and like in 3rd grade or so, I thought I was too old 4 tamas

before like 2006 in i seen tony hawk it said getting a tamagotchi but this was when v3 and v2 where out so i dont think age counts ever :huh: :huh: :D

Thank you everyone who replied! I appreciate it, so now I'm setting up a poll.

*Topic moved to 'What's On Your Mind'*

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