Question About V3 Longevity...


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Dec 28, 2011
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A long, long time ago, when they first came out, I bought a V3 and absolutely loved it to pieces. Unfortunately, it stopped working only several months after I bought it. I tried resetting it, new batteries, everything and anything I could think of, but it simply doesn't work and keeps glitching out. So, I've pretty much given up on ever playing with it again. However, I really did love the V3 and want to get another one off eBay. But, after googling my problem, I found some other people who talked about a 'wave' of the V3s that sucked battery life very quickly.

So, my question is this: which 'shells' or 'patterns' of the V3 are a part of the battery-sucking wave? Which ones aren't? If anyone has a V3, which shell do you have? Does it work right?

Thanks so much in advance, guys! :) I'm really looking forward to getting myself another V3, and I'm hoping to avoid a repeat of my old problem. Thank you!

I haven't heard of the V3's draining batteries really fast, only the first wave of the V1's. Are you sure you read it right? ~_^

If there were to be a batch with a glitch, it would be the first wave of designs. So I'd go with the second, third, or fourth wave if I were you.

Did you drop your old one? Put it in water? Leave it in heat? All of those can affect the working-ness of a Tama. They're pretty durable, but still.

And is that what happened? It was constantly showing the "low battery" sign? Or was it something else?

Yes, I'm pretty sure I read it right. Whoever said it mentioned 'the first waves of V1s and V3s' take more battery power than other Tamas.

I had a chain around my neck for my V3, so I never dropped it, and I don't recall putting it or water or some extremely hot or cold place. But, it was so long ago, I honestly can't remember. ^_^ ;

And no, it didn't show the low battery sign. Parts of the screen would cut off, leaving half a character, scrambled pixels, etc., before just going completely blank. It would also make a long, low, droning beep, until I either removed the battery or reset it.

Thank you for your help! :) Do you know which shell designs are a part of the later waves? I'll try looking it up, but I just want to make sure. ^_^ Thanks again!


Well, first of all, did you ever go into the circuit board? Because that can mess up the pixels. Even if you didn't, if that ever happens, you should tighten all the screws in the back, just to make sure that everything is working A-ok. That same sound happened to me one time, using missvioletchi's V5 Celebrity, it made a sound "between a rocket launching off and a banshee screaming" (from my log ;) ).

Not off the top of my head, but I do know that the one I just ordered from Amazon today is part of the first wave. -_- You can look at the designs here, from the "Tamagotchi news" section of the forums.

Sometimes electronics can just burn out. It's a downfall of the materials we make components from. I bought a Giga pet rancor before new in the package and it would lock up once you reset it. While the chances of something dying in this way is small it does happen.

I have a 2nd hand V3. It sound is super quiet you have to put your ear on the Tama just to hear it and sometimes the pixels get all scrambled in totally random laces like the clock and some items. I don't know if this what your talking about or just due to poor care but the Tama hasn't suffered any long term damage, as far as I know.

I have one from the first wave, one from the second, and one from the third. I haven't experienced any problems with any of them (related to battery life, pixels, etc) but you might try just changing the battery, changing the brand of battery you use? Sometimes lower quality batteries can cause problems. Try tightening everything right up inside. I have a v2 with tons of pixel problems and it seems to do the same thing yours does, but I think it's because I've opened it up and messed with it so many times.

If you got it used, someone could have ripped you off with a actual V3 and took out a contact in the circuit board. I have seen someone that has it happen before. :eek:

Used tamas may have been mistreated by the previous owner. Did the person you bought it from have a good reputation?

It looks like you haven't been using your V3 for a while. Maybe the buttons are a bit loose, that's why the pixels are fading? If so, try using Pikatchi's amazing instructions of how to put the buttons in place properly here, i think tightening the screws is a good idea if this doesn't work.

My v3 has been with me for 5 years. Or 4. Or however long ago it was released. It does seem to suck up batteries, though. I buy cr2032 batteries from a Chinese discount store (hehe) in packs of 6 for about a buck. For all of my other Tamas, they last about 6 months. However, for my v3, I put in a bettery last Monday and the batteries are showing the "no juice" sign right now..... I've never had that before!!!

I have quite a lot of V3 Tamagotchi Connections (5+) and none of them are glitchy or eat batteries. They are all second-hand, too.

Sometimes brand new toys with quality control issues can slip by aswell. Maybe that's what happened with your V3? Perhaps it was just faulty?

Either way, that's too bad that it broke so soon after you purchased it:{

If you do get another one, you most likely will not encounter that same problem.

Also try opening it up and checking for dirt inside. Sometimes dirt can short the connectors.

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