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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2006
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Okay... well my friend has talked to me a lot and she really wants to be skinny and everyone says she is! She only eats a few bites of salad at lunch and may take a few french fries off others plates but that's it. Then she tells me that she hasn't felt like eating at all and she doesn't know why but in the back of her head she just wants to be skinnier. She will go home and just eat and eat but then she says she feels really really guilty.

Is this a sign of anorexia? She used to think she was totally ugly but not anymore.... I'm worried

Okay, don't go away. I'm gonna think of somethingt to say. Just letting you know help is on the way.

Poetry? No serious help.... everyone knows about it, her mom knows too i just wanted to get TT's opinion. EVERYTHING IS UNDER CONTROL lol

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Alright, here's my advice. I know I'm new, but I think I have some wisdom to give, as I live with obesity. For those not as word savvy, this means I am overweight. Ask her if she has seen a height-weight chart. This chart tells you the weight you should be around for your current height. This helps to show signs of becoming too heavy or too light. If you eat too much, you get fatter. If you eat too little, you get lighter. Is she exercising very little? Too much? Just enough? Get her to check out one of these charts. Most doctors should have access to one. Seeing this, she can check what her weight should be at. Then, ask her if she's comfortable with sacrificing her health for her looks. Because a lot of people that give up health for beauty can die. That's no way to go, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Just tell her that one's looks don't matter, especially not in a relationship. They can reel the guy in, but it's the other qualities that land him. As a guy, I can tell you, I like a girl by personality and smarts. Looks are third place, as they aren't so important. It's one thing to look at a girl and be attracted. It's another to KNOW her and be attracted.

If she's doing this to get guys to notice her, it's the wrong way. You gotta be healthy first and a looker second. If she opts to become healthy and emphasize other qualities, like her personality, how smart she is, and how she acts, she can land any guy. Looks aren't everything if the whole package is lacking.

I think this is not a sign of anorexia, but a sign of another eating disorder called binge-eating disorder. I used to have the exact same problem in middle school. I had to go to a shrink and stuff just to get it straightened out, but I think if you follow Haruhiko's advice, the shrink will probably not be necessary.

I think this is not a sign of anorexia, but a sign of another eating disorder called binge-eating disorder. I used to have the exact same problem in middle school. I had to go to a shrink and stuff just to get it straightened out, but I think if you follow Haruhiko's advice, the shrink will probably not be necessary.
well she eats and eats cus she's hungry... like eat more than one poptart

*nods to above posts*

I had a friend who I thought was having some eating problems. I still don't know if he really did, does or did/does not but I went to the counselor and everything is getting sorted out either way [actualy I'm talking to him right now, lol].

Go to the counselor or nurse- they know these problems/warning signs/treatments that can help her problems. It's kept confidential but if she does happen to find out- don't worry about it! It's tough, but this could save her life. ;]

I pray everything works out for her!

I think this is not a sign of anorexia, but a sign of another eating disorder called binge-eating disorder. I used to have the exact same problem in middle school. I had to go to a shrink and stuff just to get it straightened out, but I think if you follow Haruhiko's advice, the shrink will probably not be necessary.
Oh, believe me, shrinks are GREAT for relieving stress with. Just like a hobby! Like boxing... But that's off topic.

Now, I live with Asberger's Syndrome and Schizophrenia. I was misdiagnosed as a child with ADHD, and the medicines they gave me did only more damage to my mind and behavior. I often come off as unemotional and such. I had to learn, over 22 years, to live with it. That's pretty hard at times.

You might see now why I recommend the following.

1) Regular visits to your doctor when you think something is wrong. Even when you're not sure what's wrong. And if you can't, confide in someone you trust. Help can come from the most unexpected of places.

2) Always watch your health. Some things can be really bad if you don't take care of them right away. I had surgery three times for a cyst three years ago, and I am STILL recovering because I didn't take care of myself. First hand, I can tell you, when something is wrong, see a professional.

3) Nothing is worth your life. Nothing that you can POSSIBLY need or want is worth your health or your life. Absolutely nothing. If you might die to become a looker, it's not much worth it, is it?

There is another problem... it's still stuck inside her mind. She doesn't want to eat and she told me that she the only reason she still eats is because of the hunger pain and that she feels sick if she gets too hungry

Tell her that if she doesn't eat enough she'll die. It's true and maybe a little fear will encourage her to eat something :D

I have told her she could die. Idk it's like something inside her head keeps telling that she shouldn't care about it

she cares more about the way she looks than she cares about her own life? :D She should get her priorities right!

anorexia is a mental disease... I'm scared for her but she's still eating she just doesn't want to and when she doesn't eat because she's sick she's happy because she loses weight

anorexia is a mental disease... I'm scared for her but she's still eating she just doesn't want to and when she doesn't eat because she's sick she's happy because she loses weight
Have you told anyone about this? You should not try to battle mental disorders like anorexia on your own. This girl needs some help and you can't give her all she needs.

Talk to your school nurse/counselor/parents about this because it IS serious.

Her mom knows about it and has gotten her help
Ok, good.

Now you just have to be a friend to her. Give encouraging words and a shoulder to cry on just be there for her.

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